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White Paper: Description of the Parameters Used With the Exchange 2007 Tool


Eric Rosenberg, Software Development Engineer in Test, Microsoft Exchange Server

March 2007


This article contains detailed descriptions of each of the parameters for in Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007.

Applies To

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


Exchange 2007 Setup introduces a range of new functionality and capabilities by means of several new parameters available through the command-line tool.

To help improve the installation experience, the following is a list of all the parameters available in Exchange 2007 Setup along with an explanation of what the parameter does, its exact usage and values, remarks for additional information, and many examples.


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The following tables contain information about each of the parameters.

Table 1   Mode parameter

Mode parameter Description


The mode parameter directs the Setup mode. The default mode is install.

Use the mode parameter to install, upgrade, uninstall, or recover server roles.

Use Setup /mode:install to install a new Exchange 2007 server or add new server roles on an already installed Exchange 2007 server.

Use Setup /mode:upgrade to upgrade and existing server that is running the release to manufacturing (RTM) version of Exchange 2007 to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

Use Setup /mode:uninstall (without specifying any server roles) to completely remove the Exchange server from the Active Directory® directory service and the local computer. Use the /roles parameter with Setup /mode:uninstall to remove specific server roles from an already installed Exchange 2007 server.

Use Setup /mode:RecoverServer to read Exchange configuration information from Active Directory for a server that you need to recover. The Exchange files and services are then installed on the new server on which you run Setup /mode:RecoverServer, and the roles and settings that were stored in Active Directory are then applied to that server. Do not specify what roles to restore, because Setup will detect the Exchange Server object in Active Directory (assuming Active Directory is not corrupted) and install the corresponding files and configuration automatically. After the server is recovered, the administrator can then restore databases and any additional configuration. For more information about recovering a server, see Understanding Setup /M:RecoverServer.

To recover a clustered server node, use Setup /mode:RecoverServer, and then use /RecoverCMS to restore the clustered mailbox server. For more information, see the /RecoverCMS information later in this document.


Required if installing, upgrading, or uninstalling roles, or recovering a server.





install   Runs Setup in install mode.

upgrade   Runs Setup in upgrade mode.

uninstall   Runs Setup in uninstall mode.

RecoverServer   Runs Setup in recovery mode.

Default value: install


If /mode is not specified, Setup will run in install mode.

Installing any server role automatically installs the management tools.

If you run in upgrade mode, Setup upgrades all the server roles that are installed on the server.

To uninstall a clustered server hosting the clustered mailbox server, see the /RemoveCms information.

To run RecoverServer mode, there can be no Exchange bits on the server and the Exchange Server object must exist in Active Directory. The recovered server must have the same name as the Exchange Server object in Active Directory.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /TargetDir:C:\Exchange2007

Installs the Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools into the C:\Exchange2007 directory.

C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /m:install /r:C /SourceDir:d:\amd64

Adds the Client Access server role to the existing Exchange server using D:\AMD64 as the source directory for the Exchange bits. /mode:upgrade

Upgrades Exchange 2007 RTM to Exchange 2007 SP1. /mode:uninstall /role:Hub

Removes the Hub Transport server role from the server. /mode:uninstall

Completely removes Exchange from the server and removes this server's configuration from Active Directory.

Table 2   Roles parameter

Roles parameter Description


Use the roles parameter to specify which server roles to install or uninstall.


Required if installing or uninstalling server roles.



/role: <ServerRole>,<ServerRole>

/r: <ServerRole>,<ServerRole>


HubTransport, HT, H

ClientAccess, CA, C

Mailbox, MB, M

UnifiedMessaging, UM, U

EdgeTransport, ET, E

ManagementTools, MT, T

Default value: none


The roles parameter must be used in conjunction with the /mode parameter. If the /mode parameter is not specified, Setup will default to install mode.

The management tools are automatically installed when any server role is installed. There is no need to specify ManagementTools when installing other server roles. The only time ManagementTools needs to be specified is when setting up an administrator-only computer. ManagementTools is also the only role that can be installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows® XP.

Examples /mode:install /role:EdgeTransport

Installs the Edge Transport server role and the management tools. /r:M,C,U

Installs Mailbox, Client Access, and Unified Messaging server roles and the management tools. /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /TargetDir:C:\Exchange2007

Installs Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools into the C:\Exchange2007 directory.

C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /m:install /r:C /SourceDir:d:\amd64

Adds the Client Access server role to the existing Exchange server using D:\AMD64 as the source directory for the Exchange bits. /mode:uninstall /role:Hub

Removes just the Hub Transport server role from the server.

Table 3   OrganizationName parameter

OrganizationName parameter Description


The OrganizationName parameter specifies the name of the Exchange organization to create.

Use this parameter when preparing the Active Directory forest for the first installation of Exchange. If an Exchange organization already exists in the forest, this parameter is not required. If this parameter is specified when an Exchange organization already exists in the forest, Setup will stop and provide an error message saying an organization already exists.


Required if creating a new Exchange organization.





<OrgName>   Any valid organization name.

Default value: First Organization (user interface mode only)


The Exchange organization name can only contain the following characters:

  • A through Z

  • a through z

  • 0 through 9

  • Space (not leading or trailing)

  • Hyphen or dash

  • 64 characters maximum

  • Cannot be blank


Use quotation marks (") if the organization name contains a space.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /OrganizationName:MyOrg

Creates an Exchange organization called MyOrg in Active Directory and installs Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools. /PrepareAD /on:"My Org"

Prepares Active Directory for Exchange including creating an Exchange organization called My Org.

Table 4   TargetDir parameter

TargetDir parameter Description


The TargetDir parameter specifies the location to install the Exchange files.




/TargetDir:<installation dir>

/t:<installation dir>


<installation dir>   Any valid installation path.

Default value: %programfiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server


The installation directory must be on a fixed hard drive. It cannot be a ROM drive, RAM disk, network drive, removable disk, or unknown drive type.

Exchange cannot be installed to the root directory (C:\).

You cannot change the installation directory if Exchange is already installed on the server (for example, adding a new server role).

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /TargetDir:C:\Exchange2007

Installs Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools into the C:\Exchange2007 directory.

Table 5   SourceDir parameter

SourceDir parameter Description


The SourceDir parameter specifies the path to the Exchange source media.

Use this parameter to tell Setup where to get the Exchange bits when adding a new server role to an existing Exchange server.


Required if adding a new server role and Setup is not already running from the source directory.





<PathToExchangeBinaries>   Any valid path to the Exchange source directory.

Default value: current directory where Setup is being run from


If no SourceDir parameter is specified when adding a new server role, Setup will stop and provide an error message saying "the ExchangeServer.msi does not exist in the specified directory <current directory>."


C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /m:install /r:C /SourceDir:d:\Exchange2007

Adds the Client Access server role to the existing Exchange server using D:\Exchange2007 as the source directory for the Exchange bits.

Table 6   UpdatesDir parameter

UpdatesDir parameter Description


The UpdatesDir parameter directs Setup where to get the updates to apply during installation.

The Updates directory is a special directory where Setup looks for any Exchange updates and automatically applies those updates before installing the server, so that when Setup completes, the server is fully updated.

Use this parameter to specify a directory that is different from the default Updates directory that is at the root of the Exchange source directory. By using this parameter, Setup will ignore the updates that are in the default Updates directory and only apply the ones in the specified directory.







<PathToCustomUpdatesDir>   Any valid path to the Exchange updates.

Default value: Updates directory in the root of the Exchange source


Can only specify one directory to get updates from.

Examples /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /UpdatesDir:C:\Exchange2007\Patches

Updates the ExchangeServer.msi with updates from the specified directory, and then installs the Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools.

Table 7   DomainController parameter

DomainController parameter Description


The DomainController parameter directs Setup which domain controller to use to read from and write to Active Directory.

Setup has logic to choose a suitable domain controller for querying and making Active Directory changes. Use this parameter in conjunction with other Setup parameters to force Setup to use a specific domain controller. This parameter is useful if you have multiple domain controllers in the domain and want Setup to use a specific domain controller for whatever reason. If the domain controller specified is not suitable for Setup to use, Setup will stop and provide an error message about why the domain controller is not suitable.




/DomainController:< NameOfDC >



<NameOfDC>   The NetBIOS name or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller to use.

Default value: none


Must specify a domain controller in the same Active Directory site as the server that is running Setup.

In some instances, Setup will require Active Directory actions be done on the schema master domain controller. These instances include running /PrepareSchema, /PrepareAD, or installing the first Exchange server without first preparing the forest. Basically, Setup will require the schema master domain controller anytime Setup needs to do initial global configuration. If a domain controller other than the schema master is specified at these times, Setup will stop and provide an error message saying it needs the schema master domain controller.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /DomainController:MyDC01

Uses the domain controller MyDC01 to query and make changes to Active Directory while installing the Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools. /PrepareDomain /

Uses the specified domain controller to query Active Directory and make any needed Active Directory changes.

Table 8   PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions parameter

PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions parameter Description


The PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions parameter directs Setup to prepare the permissions in forests that have legacy Exchange servers in them for the introduction of Exchange 2007.

Use this parameter prior to importing the Exchange 2007 schema to prevent the Recipient Update Service of Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server from failing. After the Exchange 2007 schema is imported, the legacy Recipient Update Service will stop working correctly if these permissions are not set. To learn more about what /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions does, see Preparing Legacy Exchange Permissions.

Use /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions to prepare all the domains in the forest at once.

Use Setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions:<DomainFQDN> to remotely prepare the legacy Exchange permissions of a specific domain.




/PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions, /pl

/PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions,:<DomainFQDN>, /pl:<DomainFQDN>


<DomainFQDN>   Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain to prepare.

Default value: none


The <DomainFQDN>provided must be in FQDN format. Otherwise, Setup will stop and provide an error message that the domain cannot be found.

/pl can be run from any server running Microsoft Windows Server® 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) (64-bit or 32-bit) in the forest. It does not have to run from the root domain.

Domains for which you run Setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions must be reachable from the server where /pl is run, otherwise Setup will fail. Setup will prepare the permissions in all the domains it can reach, and then stop and provide an error message saying it cannot reach some domains. If there are domains that do not require the permissions, Setup will not attempt to reach them.

Examples /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions

Sets permissions for the legacy Exchange servers in every domain in the forest that requires it. /

Sets permissions for the legacy Exchange servers in just the child domain SigChild2dom.

Table 9   PrepareSchema parameter

PrepareSchema parameter Description


The PrepareSchema parameter directs Setup to import the Exchange 2007 Active Directory schema.

Use this parameter to import the new Exchange schema and allow it to replicate throughout the forest before introducing Exchange 2007 servers into the organization.




/PrepareSchema, /ps



Default value: not applicable


This parameter must be run in the same Active Directory site and domain as the schema master domain controller.

/PrepareSchema can be run from a 64-bit or 32-bit server running Windows Server 2003 SP1.

The schema files are divided into 100 .ldf files for better progress.

/PrepareSchema will automatically run the /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions task prior to importing the new schema.

If using the /DC parameter in conjunction with /ps, the schema master domain controller must be specified.

Before you upgrade the first server in your Exchange organization from Exchange 2007 RTM to Exchange 2007 SP1, you must import the new schema for Exchange 2007 SP1.

Examples /PrepareSchema

Imports the Exchange 2007 Active Directory schema.

Table 10   PrepareAD parameter

PrepareAD parameter Description


The PrepareAD parameter directs Setup to prepare the forest for the introduction of Exchange 2007.

Use this parameter to do the global configuration for Exchange 2007 and allow it to replicate throughout the forest prior to installing the first Exchange 2007 server. Global configuration includes running the PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions task (if needed), importing the schema (if needed), creating the Exchange universal security groups (USG), creating the Exchange configuration in Active Directory, and setting permissions. /PrepareAD will also run the PrepareDomain task for the local domain. The PrepareAD parameter combines all of the preparatory tasks, plus it performs the Active Directory configuration.








Default value: not applicable


This parameter must be run in the same Active Directory site and domain as the schema master domain controller.

/PrepareAD can be run from a 64-bit or 32-bit server running Windows Server 2003 SP1.

/PrepareAD will automatically run the /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions and /PrepareSchema tasks if it detects those operations are needed.

Before you upgrade the first server in your Exchange organization from Exchange 2007 RTM to Exchange 2007 SP1, you must prepare Active Directory.

Examples /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:MyOrg

Prepares Active Directory for Exchange including creating an Exchange Organization called MyOrg.

Table 11   PrepareDomain parameter

PrepareDomain parameter Description


The PrepareDomain parameter directs Setup to prepare the domain for the introduction of Exchange 2007.

Use this parameter prior to installing Exchange 2007 servers into a domain to set the domain-specific permissions and configuration.

Every domain that will have Exchange servers or Exchange recipients in it must be prepared.

Use Setup /PrepareDomain:<DomainFQDN> to remotely prepare a specific domain.




/PrepareDomain, /pd

/PrepareDomain:<DomainFQDN>, /pd:<DomainFQDN>


<DomainFQDN>   The FQDN of the domain to prepare.

Default value: none


The <DomainFQDN> provided must be in FQDN format, otherwise Setup will stop and provide an error message that the domain cannot be found.

For domains that are in an Active Directory site other than the root domain, /PrepareDomain might fail with the following message:

PrepareDomain for domain <YourDomain> has partially completed. Because of the Active Directory site configuration, you must wait at least 15 minutes for replication to occur, and run PrepareDomain for <YourDomain> again.

If you see this message, wait for or force Active Directory replication between this domain and the root domain, and then run /PrepareDomain again.

/pd can be run from any server running Windows Server 2003 SP1 (64-bit or 32-bit) in the forest. It does not have to run from the root domain.

/PrepareAD must have been run and allowed to replicate across the forest before /PrepareDomain can be run.

Before you upgrade the first server in a domain from Exchange 2007 RTM to Exchange 2007 SP1, you must prepare the domain.

Examples /PrepareDomain

Prepares the local domain for Exchange 2007. /

Prepares the specified domain for Exchange 2007.

Table 12   PrepareAllDomains parameter

PrepareAllDomains parameter Description


The PrepareAllDomains parameter directs Setup to prepare all domains in the forest for the introduction of Exchange 2007.

Use this parameter prior to installing Exchange 2007 servers into a domain to set the domain-specific permissions and configuration across all domains in the forest.

Every domain that will have Exchange servers or Exchange recipients in it must be prepared.

Every domain must be reachable from the server running this parameter, otherwise Setup will fail.




/PrepareAllDomains, /pad



Default value: not applicable


For domains that are in an Active Directory site other than the root domain, /PrepareAllDomains might fail. If you see the following message, wait for or force Active Directory replication between this domain and the root domain, and then run /PrepareAllDomains again:

PrepareDomain for domain <YourDomain> has partially completed. Because of the Active Directory site configuration, you must wait at least 15 minutes for replication to occur, and run PrepareDomain for <YourDomain> again.

/pad can be run from any server running Windows Server 2003 SP1(64-bit or 32-bit) in the forest. It does not have to run from the root domain.

/PrepareAD must have been run and allowed to replicate across the forest before /PrepareAllDomains can be run.

Before you upgrade the first server in a domain from Exchange 2007 RTM to Exchange 2007 SP1, you must prepare the domain.

Examples /PrepareAllDomains

Prepares all domains in the forest for Exchange 2007.

Table 13   AnswerFile parameter

AnswerFile parameter Description


The AnswerFile parameter directs Setup where to find the AnswerFile.

The AnswerFile is a text file that contains advanced (and some non-advanced) parameters and their values. This file can then be put on a share and used to install multiple servers using the same advanced parameters. Use this parameter in conjunction with installing server roles.





/af:< PathToAnswerFile>


<PathToAnswerFile>   Any valid path to the AnswerFile.

Default value: none


The following is the list of parameters that the AnswerFile may contain:























Drop the slash mark (/) when passing parameters in the AnswerFile. For example use AdamSslPort instead of /AdamSslPort.

For parameters that do not get passed a value, specify the parameter name.

Setup will fail if there are parameters in the AnswerFile that you cannot use in an answer file or that are not relevant to the current installation.


The following is a sample AnswerFile saved as C:\ExConfig.txt.





UpdatesDir=C:\Patches_E12 /mode:install /role:Mailbox /AnswerFile:c:\ExConfig.txt

Installs a clustered mailbox server and creates the clustered mailbox server using the settings in Answerfile.txt.

Table 14   DoNotStartTransport parameter

DoNotStartTransport parameter Description


The DoNotStartTransport parameter directs Setup to not start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service after Setup is complete.

By default, the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is automatically started by Setup after the Hub Transport or Edge Transport server role is installed.

Use the /DoNotStartTransport parameter to specify that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service will not start when Setup completes. We recommend using this parameter in conjunction with the /RecoverServer parameter when recovering a Hub Transport or Edge Transports server because the queue database from the failed server might need to be placed in the correct location before transport is started.

If additional configuration is needed before the Edge Transport or Hub Transport server accepts e-mail messages, for example, configuring anti-spam agents, use this parameter.


Advanced Optional





Default value: not applicable


The DoNotStartTransport parameter only applies to the Edge Transport and Hub Transport server roles.

Examples /mode:install /role:EdgeTranport /DoNotStartTransport

Installs the Edge Transport server role and the management tools and does not start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service. /r:Hub /DoNotStartTransport

Installs the Hub Transport server role and the management tools, and does not start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service.

Table 15   EnableLegacyOutlook parameter

EnableLegacyOutlook parameter Description


The EnableLegacyOutlook parameter specifies that older versions of Microsoft Outlook® clients can connect to the Exchange 2007 server.

Use this parameter to specify that you have client computers that are running Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or earlier. Using this parameter will cause Exchange 2007 Setup to create a public folder database on the Mailbox server. If you do not use this parameter, Exchange 2007 will not create a public folder database on the Mailbox server. Older versions of Outlook require public folders to exist in the organization. Otherwise, the clients will not connect to the Exchange server.

This parameter only works in conjunction with installing the first Mailbox server role in an organization.

When installing the first Exchange 2007 Mailbox server into an existing Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003 organization, Setup automatically creates public folders so the /EnableLegacyOutlook parameter does not need to be specified. This is true only for the first Exchange 2007 Mailbox server. Subsequent Exchange 2007 Mailbox servers do not have public folders by default.


Advanced Optional





Default value: not applicable


The EnableLegacyOutlook parameter can only be used when installing the first Mailbox server role.

The EnableLegacyOutlook parameter does not need to be specified when installing the first Mailbox server into an existing Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server organization because Setup automatically detects the legacy organization and creates a public folder database.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /TargetDir:C:\Exchange2007 /EnableLegacyOutlook

Installs Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools into the C:\Exchange2007 directory and creates a public folder database on the Mailbox server.

Table 16   LegacyRoutingServer parameter

LegacyRoutingServer parameter Description


The LegacyRoutingServer parameter directs Setup which legacy Exchange server to create a routing group connector with.

Use this parameter to specify the Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server bridgehead server that will host the routing group connector for coexistence between Exchange 2007 and either Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000. Setup automatically creates and configures a routing group connector on the local server and a routing group connector on the specified server.

This parameter can only be used in conjunction with installing the first Exchange 2007 Hub Transport server in an organization.


Advanced Optional




<NameOfLegacyServer>   NetBIOS name or FQDN of the server.

Default value: none


The server specified should be the Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 server that will act as the bridgehead server to Exchange 2007.

Can only be used when installing the first Hub Transport server role into an organization that contains legacy Exchange servers.

After completion, two routing group connectors are created and configured: one on each server that connects with the other.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /TargetDir:C:\Exchange2007 /

Installs Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools into the C:\Exchange2007 directory. Also, it creates a routing group connector from the Hub Transport server to the specified legacy server and a routing group connector from the legacy server to the Hub Transport server.

Table 17   EnableErrorReporting parameter

EnableErrorReporting parameter Description


The EnableErrorReporting parameter directs Setup to enable error reporting for the server.

Use this parameter to enable the Exchange server to automatically report critical errors to Microsoft. Microsoft uses this information to diagnose problems and improve its products.

By default, error reporting is not enabled.

This parameter must be used in conjunction with installing a server role.


Advanced Optional





Default value: not applicable


Sets the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange DisableErrorReporting = 1 to enable error reporting through Microsoft Windows Error Reporting.

This will allow Windows Error Reporting to send a mini-dump file of the in-process stack, some registry settings, and possibly one or two log files to Microsoft. To view the privacy statement and more detailed information about error reporting, see the Error Reporting page in the Setup Wizard.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox,HubTransport /EnableErrorReporting

Installs Mailbox and Hub Transport server roles and the management tools into the C:\Exchange2007 directory and enables error reporting.

Table 18   NoSelfSignedCertificates parameter

NoSelfSignedCertificates parameter Description


The NoSelfSignedCertificates parameter directs Setup not to create a self-signed certificate if no valid certificates are found.

Use this parameter if you do not want Setup to create self-signed certificates in the case where no other valid certificate is found for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) sessions.

This parameter can only be run in conjunction with installing the Client Access or Unified Messaging server roles.


Advanced Optional





Default value: not applicable


Without an SSL certificate, communication between clients and Client Access servers or Unified Messaging servers will be unencrypted.

Examples /mode:install /role:ClientAccess /NoSelfSignedCertificates

Installs the Client Access server role and the management tools and does not create a self-signed certificate.

Table 19   AdamLdapPort parameter

AdamLdapPort parameter Description


The AdamLdapPort parameter directs Setup what Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) port to set for the Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) instance.

There are two ports used by the ADAM instance when the Edge Transport server role is installed, the LDAP port and the SSL port. You can set one or both during Setup. Use this parameter during installation to set the port ADAM uses for LDAP.

This parameter can only be used in conjunction with installing the Edge Transport server role.


Advanced Optional




<PortNumber>   Any valid unused port number.

Default value: 50389


By default, the LDAP port for ADAM is 50389.

The port information is stored in the registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\v8.0\EdgeTransportRole\AdamSettings\MsExchangeAdam\LdapPort REG_DWORD

Can be used with /AdamSslPort to set the SSL port at the same time.

Examples /mode:install /role:EdgeTransport /AdamLdapPort:50390

Installs the Edge Transport server role and management tools and configures the ADAM instance to use port 50390 for LDAP. /r:Et /AdamLdapPort:50390 /AdamSslPort:50640

Installs the Edge Transport server role and management tools and configures the ADAM instance to use port 50390 for LDAP and port 50640 for SSL.

Table 20   AdamSslPort parameter

AdamSslPort parameter Description


The AdamSslPort parameter directs Setup what SSL port to set for the ADAM instance.

There are two ports used by the ADAM instance when the Edge Transport server role is installed, the LDAP port and the SSL port. You can set one or both during Setup. Use this parameter during installation to set the port ADAM uses for SSL.

This parameter can only be used in conjunction with installing the Edge Transport server role.


Advanced Optional




<PortNumber>   Any valid unused port number.

Default value: 50636


By default, the SSL port for ADAM is 50636.

The port information is stored in the registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\v8.0\EdgeTransportRole\AdamSettings\MsExchangeAdam\SslPort REG_DWORD

Can be used with /AdamLdapPort to set the LDAP port at the same time.

Examples /mode:install /role:EdgeTransport /AdamSslPort:50640

Installs the Edge Transport server role and management tools and configures the ADAM instance to use port 50640 for SSL. /r:Et /AdamLdapPort:50390 /AdamSslPort:50640

Installs the Edge Transport server role and management tools and configures the ADAM instance to use port 50390 for LDAP and port 50640 for SSL.

Table 21   NewProvisionedServer parameter

NewProvisionedServer parameter Description


The NewProvisionedServer parameter directs Setup to create a placeholder Exchange Server object in Active Directory.

Use this parameter to delegate the installation of Exchange servers to Exchange Server Administrators instead of having to use Exchange Organization Administrators to install Exchange servers. By creating the Exchange Server object in Active Directory in advance, an Exchange Organization Administrator can delegate an Exchange Server Administrator for that server. The Exchange Server Administrator can then install Exchange onto the server.

Use Setup /NewProvisionedServer:<ServerName> to provision a remote server. An Exchange Server object in Active Directory with that server name will be created.

If no server name is passed, Setup will provision an Exchange Server object in Active Directory for the local server.

Use this parameter in conjunction with the /ServerAdmin:<AccountName> parameter to provision a server and specify an Exchange Server Administrator account at the same time.




/NewProvisionedServer, /nprs   Provisions an Exchange Server object for the local server.

/NewProvisionedServer:<ServerName, /nprs:<ServerName>   Provisions an Exchange Server object for the specified server.


None   Provisions an Exchange Server object for the local server.

<ServerName>   NetBIOS name or FQDN of the server to provision.

Default value: none


The Exchange organization must already exist and at least one Exchange server must already be installed prior to creating new provisioned servers.

Only Exchange Organization Administrators can run /NewProvisionedServer.

Running Setup /NewProvisionedServer will not leave any Exchange files or configuration on the local server.

Provisioned servers will show up as provisioned servers in the Exchange Management Console and returned by the Get-ExchangeServer cmdlet.

The computer account specified in <ServerName> must exist in Active Directory prior to running /NewProvisionedServer. The physical server does not need to exist, just its account in Active Directory.

When using a delegated Exchange Server Administrator, the first instance of any particular server role must be installed using an Exchange Organization Administrator. Subsequent installs of the same server role into the organization can be done using a delegated Exchange Server Administrator.

Examples /NewProvisionedServer

Creates an Exchange Server object for the local computer in Active Directory. /nprs:ExMsg03

Creates an Exchange Server object, ExMsg03, in Active Directory. /NewProvisionedServer:ExMsg03 /ServerAdmin:contoso\Lori

Creates an Exchange Server object, ExMsg03, in Active Directory and makes contoso\Lori an Exchange Server Administrator for that server.

Table 22   RemoveProvisionedServer parameter

RemoveProvisionedServer parameter Description


The RemoveProvisionedServer parameter tells Setup to remove the placeholder Exchange Server object from Active Directory.

Use this parameter to remove unwanted provisioned servers from Active Directory.

Use Setup /RemoveProvisionedServer:<ServerName> to remotely remove the specified provisioned server. If no server name is passed, Setup attempts to remove a provisioned server with the same name as the local computer.




/RemoveProvisionedServer, /rprs   Removes the provisioned Exchange Server object for the local server.

/RemoveProvisionedServer:<ServerName>, /rprs:<ServerName>   Removes the provisioned Exchange Server object for the specified server.


<ServerName>   NetBIOS name or FQDN of the provisioned server to remove.

Default value: none


Only Exchange Organization Administrators can run /RemoveProvisionedServer.

Only provisioned servers can be removed using /RemoveProvisionedServer. If an Exchange server with configured server roles is specified in Setup /RemoveProvisionedServer:<ServerName>, Setup will complete successfully but will not do anything, and the Exchange Server object will not be removed.

Examples /RemoveProvisionedServer

Removes the provisioned Exchange Server object for the local computer from Active Directory. /nprs:ExMsg03

Removes the provisioned Exchange Server object, ExMsg03, from Active Directory.

Table 23   ServerAdmin parameter

ServerAdmin parameter Description


The ServerAdmin parameter directs Setup which account to make an Exchange Server Administrator when running /NewProvisionedServer.

Use this parameter when provisioning a new server to delegate an Exchange Server Administrator at the same time.

This parameter can only be used in conjunction with /NewProvisionedServer.


Advanced Optional





<AccountName>   Use the format: Domain\AccountName.

Default value: none


The ServerAdmin parameter can be either a user or group account name.

The account specified shows up as an Exchange Server Administrator for the server in the Exchange Management Console and returned by the Get-ExchangeAdministrator cmdlet.

The ServerAdmin parameter cannot be used to delegate a new Exchange Server Administrator for an existing configured Exchange server.

Examples /NewProvisionedServer:ExMsg03 /ServerAdmin:contoso\ExMsg03Admins

Creates an Exchange Server object, ExMsg03, in Active Directory and grants the group contoso\ExMsg03Admins Exchange Server Administrator rights for that server.

Table 24   ForeignForestFQDN parameter

ForeignForestFQDN parameter Description


The ForeignForestFQDN parameter directs Setup to create the three administrative Exchange universal security groups (USG) in the specified forest.

Use this parameter as one of the steps to set up cross-forest Exchange administration between two or more Active Directory forests. This will allow accounts from one forest to administer an Exchange organization in another forest using their own account credentials. For more information about how to set up cross-forest administration, see How to Configure Cross-Forest Administration.

This parameter must be used in conjunction with the /PrepareAD parameter and must be run from a server in the forest that contains the Exchange 2007 organization.


Required if setting up cross-forest administration.


/ForeignForestFQDN:<FQDNofForeignForest1>,<FQDNofForeignForest2>, and so on


<FQDNofForeignForest>   The fully qualified domain name of the forests that host the accounts that are going to get permissions to the Exchange organization.

Default value: none


There are many steps to do before and after running /ForeignForestFQDN. Be sure to read Exchange Help about setting up cross-forest Exchange administration prior to running this parameter.

This parameter creates the Microsoft Exchange Security Groups organizational unit (OU) in the root domain of the specified forest and creates the Exchange Organization Administrators, Exchange Public Folder Administrators (in Exchange 2007 SP1 only), Exchange Recipient Administrators, and Exchange View-Only Administrators USGs in the new OU. Then it nests these USGs, gives the Exchange Organization Administrators group Full Control permission on each of the new groups and the new organizational unit, and configures access control entries (ACE) so that the new groups in the specified forest have rights to the Exchange configuration in the forest in which you run the command. Setup will not create the Exchange servers or the ExchangeLegacyInterop USGs in the specified forest.

If the Microsoft Exchange Security Groups OU and the four Exchange administrative USGs already exist in the specified forest, Setup verifies that they exist and have the correct permissions set, and then configures ACEs so that these existing groups in the specified forest have rights to the Exchange configuration in the forest in which you run the command.

Note that even with cross-forest administration set up, it is not supported to run Setup in install, uninstall, or RecoverServer mode using an Exchange administrator account from a foreign forest.

Examples /PrepareAD /

Creates the Microsoft Exchange Security Groups OU and the three Exchange administration USGs in the root domain of the forest where domain resides, and will configure ACEs so that the new groups in the forest have rights to the Exchange configuration in the forest in which you run the command.

Table 25   NewCms parameter

NewCms parameter Description


The NewCms parameter creates the new clustered mailbox server.

Use this parameter on a cluster node to create the new mailbox server. This is the parameter that creates the Exchange Server object for the clustered mailbox server in Active Directory. The node on which you run this command will be the active cluster node. You can run this command in conjunction with the /mode:install parameter to install the Mailbox server role on a new server. You can also run this command without the /mode:install parameter on an existing passive Mailbox server to make it the active node.

The clustered mailbox server name and IP address must also be supplied when creating the new clustered mailbox server.


Required for creating the clustered mailbox server.





Default value: not applicable


The /CmsName:<UniqueName> and /CmsIpAddress:<UniqueIPAddress> parameters must also be supplied when running /NewCms.

The NewCms parameter can only be run on a clustered server.

Only the Mailbox server role can be clustered. No other server role can be installed on a clustered server.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmsIpAddress:

Installs the Mailbox server role and management tools and creates a new clustered mailbox server called Clu03 in Active Directory, making this server the active node.

C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /NewCms /cn:Clu03 /cip:

Creates a new clustered mailbox server called Clu03 on an already installed passive Mailbox server role.

Table 26   CmsName parameter

CmsName parameter Description


The CmsName parameter specifies the name of the clustered mailbox server.

When creating a new clustered mailbox server, the name must be new and unique. This is not the name of the Windows Server 2003 cluster.

When removing or recovering a clustered mailbox server, this is the name of the clustered mailbox server to remove or recover.


The CmsName parameter is required for creating, removing, or recovering the clustered mailbox server.



/ cn:<NameOfCMS>


<NameOfCMS>   Any valid unique Exchange server name.

Default value: none


/CmsName:<UniqueName> must be run in conjunction with /NewCms, /RemoveCms, or /RecoverCMS.

The CmsName parameter can only be run on a clustered server.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmIpIAddress:

Installs the Mailbox server role and management tools and creates a new clustered mailbox server called Clu03 in Active Directory, making this server the active node.

C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /NewCms /cn:Clu03 /cip:

Creates a new clustered mailbox server called Clu03 on an already installed passive Mailbox server role.

Table 27   CmsIpAddress parameter

CmsIpAddress parameter Description


The CmsIpAddress parameter specifies the IP address of the clustered mailbox server.

Use this parameter to specify the static IP address for the new clustered mailbox server. This is not the IP address of the Windows Server 2003 cluster.

When recovering a clustered mailbox server, use this parameter to specify the IP address of the clustered mailbox server. The IP address can be the same address as before recovering the clustered mailbox server, or it can be a new static IP address.


If you are running a Windows Server 2003 cluster, the CmsIpAddress parameter is required for creating or recovering a clustered Mailbox server.

If you are running a Windows Server 2008 cluster, the CmsIpAddress parameter is optional. You can use either the CmsIpv4Addresses or the CmsIpv4Networks parameter instead.





<IPAddress>   This value is any valid IP V4 address.

Default value: none


Use the /CmsIpAddress:<UniqueIPAddress> parameter must be run in conjunction with the /NewCms and /RecoverCMS parameters.

The IP address supplied must be in the same subnet as the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 clustered server.

The IP address supplied should be a static IP address.

This parameter does not support IP V6.

You cannot use this parameter with any of the following parameters: CmsPiv4Addresses, CmsIpv4Networks, or CmsIpv6Networks.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmsIPAddress:

Installs the Mailbox server role and management tools and creates a new clustered Mailbox server called Clu03 in Active Directory, making this server the active node.

C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /NewCms /cn:Clu03 /cip:

Creates a new clustered mailbox server called Clu03 on an already installed passive Mailbox server role.

Table 28   CmsIPv4Addresses parameter

CmsIpv4Addresses parameter Description


The CmsIpv4Addresses parameter specifies either one or two static IPv4 addresses for the clustered Mailbox server. In Windows Server 2008, a cluster can have dependencies on up to two IP address resources.


If you are running a Windows Server 2003 cluster, this parameter is not available. You must use the CmsIpAddress parameter instead.

If you are running a Windows Server 2008 cluster, this parameter is optional. You can use either the CmsIpAddress or the CmsIpv4Networks parameter instead.


/CmsIpv4Addresses:<IPv4 addresses>


<IPv4 addresses>   This value is a comma-separated list of one or two valid IP V4 addresses.

Default value: none


Use the /CmsIpv4Addresses:<IPv4 addresses> parameter in conjunction with the /NewCms parameter.

You can use this parameter to configure Exchange on multiple subnets. In that case, each static IPv4 address should correspond to a different subnet.

The IP address supplied should be a static IP address.

This parameter does not support IP V6.

You cannot use this parameter with the /CmsIpAddress parameter.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmsIPv4Addresses:,

Installs the Mailbox server role and management tools and creates a new clustered Mailbox server called Clu03 in Active Directory, making this server the active node.

C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /NewCms /cn:Clu03 /CmsIPv4Addresses:,

Creates a new clustered Mailbox server called Clu03 on an already installed passive Mailbox server role.

Table 29   CmsIPv4Networks parameter

CmsIpv4Networks parameter Description


Use the /CmsIPv4Networks parameter to specify that you want to use a dynamically assigned (DHCP) IPv4 address for the network that you specify.


If you are running a Windows Server 2003 cluster, this parameter is not available. You must use the /CmsIpAddress parameter instead.

If you are running a Windows Server 2008 cluster, this parameter is optional. You can use either the /CmsIpAddress or the /CmsIpv4Addresses parameter instead.


/CmsIpv4Networks:<network name>


<network name>   This value is the name of a cluster network. To view the name of cluster network, either use Cluster Administrator, or run cluster.exe network from a Command Prompt window.

Default value: none


Use the /CmsIpv4Addresses:<IPv4 addresses> parameter in conjunction with the /NewCms parameter.

You cannot use this parameter with the /CmsIpAddress parameter.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmsIPv4Networks:PublicNetwork01

Installs the Mailbox server role and management tools and creates a new clustered Mailbox server called Clu03 in Active Directory, making this server the active node.

Table 30   CmsIPv6Networks parameter

CmsIpv6Networks parameter Description


Use the /CmsIPv6Networks parameter to specify that you want to use a dynamically assigned (DHCP) IPv6 address for the network that you specify.


If you are running a Windows Server 2003 cluster, this parameter is not available. You must use the /CmsIpAddress parameter instead.

If you are running a Windows Server 2008 cluster, this parameter is optional.


/CmsIpv6Networks:<network name>


<network name>   This value is the name of a cluster network. To view the available networks that span multiple networks, use, run cluster.exe network from a Command Prompt window.

Default value: none


Use the /CmsIpv6Networks:<network name> parameter in conjunction with the /NewCms parameter.

You cannot use this parameter with the /CmsIpAddress parameter.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmIPv6Networks:PublicNetwork01

Installs the Mailbox server role and management tools and creates a new clustered Mailbox server called Clu03 in Active Directory, making this server the active node.

Table 31   RemoveCms parameter

RemoveCms parameter Description


The RemoveCms parameter directs Setup to remove the clustered mailbox server.

Use this parameter to remove the clustered mailbox server from the hosting node. It will remove the Exchange server object that represents the clustered mailbox server from Active Directory. It will not uninstall the Mailbox server role from the node, unless it is run in conjunction with the /mode:uninstall parameter. If /RemoveCms is run in conjunction with /mode:uninstall, it will remove the clustered mailbox server, and then completely uninstall Exchange from the server.

Removing the active clustered mailbox server from the hosting node will turn the node into a passive node.

You cannot remove a clustered mailbox server remotely. This parameter must be run on the node that is hosting the clustered mailbox server.


The RemoveCms parameter is required for removing the clustered mailbox server.





Default value: not applicable


The /RemoveCms parameter requires the /CmsName parameter even though it has to be run on the node that is hosting the clustered mailbox server. This is because the node could be hosting more than one clustered mailbox server (one active and one or more inactive clustered mailbox servers).


C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /RemoveCms /cn:Clu03

Removes the clustered mailbox server Clu03 from Active Directory. /mode:uninstall /RemoveCms /CmsName:Clu03

Removes the clustered mailbox server Clu03 from Active Directory, and then completely uninstalls Exchange from the server.

Table 32   RecoverCms parameter

RecoverCMS parameter Description


The RecoverCms parameter directs Setup to recover the clustered mailbox server.

Use this parameter after reinstalling the Mailbox server role on the clustered server node. It will reuse the clustered mailbox server configuration in Active Directory to make this node the host of the clustered mailbox server.


The RecoverCms parameter is required for recovering the clustered mailbox server.





Default value: not applicable


The /CmsName:<UniqueName> and /CmsIpAddress:<UniqueIPAddress> parameters must also be supplied when running the /RecoverCms parameter.

The IP address supplied does not need to be the same IP address as before the server was recovered.


C:\Exchange2007\bin\ /RecoverCms /CmsName:Clu03 /cip:

Recovers the already configured clustered mailbox server named Clu03 onto the local server so that it is hosting the clustered mailbox server.

Table 33   CmsSharedStorage parameter

CmsSharedStorage parameter Description


Use the CmsSharedStorage parameter when creating a new clustered mailbox server to specify that the clustered mailbox server uses shared storage. By default, the clustered mailbox server will not use shared storage. Shared storage means the storage group and database data are stored as a single copy on a single shared disk. The shared disk must have a physical disk resource in the Windows Server 2003 cluster.


Optional. The CmsSharedStorage parameter is required to create a single copy cluster.


/CmsSharedStorage, /css



Default value: not applicable


The /CmsDataPath parameter must be specified when using the /CmsSharedStorage parameter.

Because /CmsSharedStorage can only be used when creating a new clustered mailbox server, /NewCms, /CmsName:<UniqueName>, /CmsIpAddress:<UniqueIPAddress>, and /CmsDataPath must all be supplied.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmIPIAddress: /CmsSharedStorage /CmsDataPath:K:\Exchange\Mailbox

Installs a clustered mailbox server with the clustered mailbox server using a shared storage disk.

Table 34   CmsDataPath parameter

CmsDataPath parameter Description


The CmsDataPath parameter specifies the default location for the storage group and database files for a shared storage clustered mailbox server. The path must exist at install time, and it must be a physical disk that is a Windows Server 2003 cluster resource.

Use this parameter in conjunction with the /CmsSharedStorage parameter.


Optional. The CmsDataPath parameter is required if creating a single copy cluster.





<DataPath>   Any valid local absolute path.

Default value: none


The /CmsDataPath parameter must be used in conjunction with the /CmsSharedStorage parameter when creating a new clustered mailbox server.

Examples /mode:install /role:Mailbox /NewCms /CmsName:Clu03 /CmsIpAddress: /CmsSharedStorage /CmsDataPath:K:\Exchange\Mailbox

Installs a clustered mailbox server with the clustered mailbox server using a shared storage disk.

Table 35   AddUmLanguagePack parameter

AddUmLanguagePack parameter Description


The AddUmLanguagePack parameter installs the specified Unified Messaging (UM) language pack.

Use this parameter to add additional languages for Unified Messaging so callers and Microsoft Outlook Voice Access users can interact with the Unified Messaging system in multiple languages. After installation, the UM languages can be managed through the Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell on the UM server.


The AddUmLanguagePack parameter is required if installing new UM language packs


/AddUmLanguagePack:<UmLanguagePackName1>,<UmLanguagePackName2>, and so on


<UmLanguagePackName>   Name of the language pack (.msi) without the preceding text umlang-. For example, the German language pack is named umlang-de-DE.msi, but to install it, specify de-DE instead of umlang-de-DE.

Default value: none


The Unified Messaging server role must be installed on the local server to add a UM language pack.

By default, the en-US language pack is installed with the UM server role. The language pack that matches the language of the Exchange server is also installed.

You cannot use the .msi files from the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 installation files to install UM language packs. You must use Setup to install additional UM language packs.

You may need to supply the /SourceDir parameter to specify the location for the UM language pack .msi file. Setup will look for UM language packs in the default location: %ExchangeSourceDir%\ServerRoles\UnifiedMessaging.

The following is the list of available language packs:

US English - en-US

German - de-DE

French - fr-FR

Japanese - ja-JP

UK English - en-GB

Korean - ko-KR

(Iberian) Spanish - es-ES

Mandarin (China) - zh-CN

Mandarin (Taiwan) - zh-TW

Dutch - nl-NL

Italian - it-IT

Brazilian Portuguese - pt-BR

Swedish -sv-SE

Australian English - en-AU

Canadian French - fr-CA

Latin American Spanish - es-US

Examples /AddUmLanguagePack:ko-KR

Installs the Korean UM language pack from the %ExchangeSoureDir%\ServerRoles\UnifiedMessaging directory.

%YourExchangeInstallationDir%\bin\ /AddUmLanguagePack:de-DE /SourceDir:c:\Exchange\Downloads

Installs the German UM language pack from C:\Exchange\Downloads\Setup\ServerRoles\UnifiedMessaging\Umlang-de-DE.msi.

Table 36   RemoveUmLanguagePack parameter

RemoveUmLanguagePack parameter Description


The RemoveUmLanguagePack parameter removes the specified Unified Messaging (UM) language pack from the local server.

Use this parameter to remove UM language packs.


The RemoveUmLanguagePack parameter is required if uninstalling UM language packs.


/RemoveUmLanguagePack:<UmLanguagePackName1>,<UmLanguagePackName2>, and so on


<UmLanguagePackName>   Name of the language pack (.msi) without the preceding text umlang-. For example, the German language pack is named umlang-de-DE.msi, but to uninstall it, specify de-DE instead of umlang-de-DE.

Default value: none


Language packs must be uninstalled using this parameter. Do not use the .msi file to uninstall language packs.

The en-US language pack cannot be removed; it is required for the Unified Messaging server role regardless of what language of Exchange is installed.


%YourExchangeInstallationDir%\bin\ /RemoveUmLanguagePack:fr-CA

Uninstalls the French Canadian UM language pack from the Unified Messaging server.


The ability to run Setup from a command prompt provides a powerful tool for customizing complex installations and scripting multiple installations. You can also get help information about Setup by typing one of the following in a command prompt window:

  • /help

  • /?

For more information about deploying Exchange 2007 server roles, see Deploying Server Roles.