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EasSyncFailedTransientException members

The EasSyncFailedTransientException type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method EasSyncFailedTransientException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Public method EasSyncFailedTransientException(String, String, String)
Public method EasSyncFailedTransientException(String, String, String, Exception)



  Name Description
Public property ErrorCode The ErrorCode property gets or sets the error code for this LocalizedException object. (Inherited from LocalizedException.)
Public property FolderId
Public property FormatProvider The FormatProvider property gets or sets the FormatProvider that this LocalizedException object uses to format its error message. (Inherited from LocalizedException.)
Public property HttpStatus
Public property LocalizedString The LocalizedString property gets a localized version of this TransientException object's message. (Inherited from TransientException.)
Public property Message The Message property gets the non-localized error message for this LocalizedException object. (Inherited from LocalizedException.)
Public property StringFormatParameters (Inherited from LocalizedException.)
Public property StringId (Inherited from LocalizedException.)
Public property SyncStatus



  Name Description
Public method GetObjectData (Overrides MailboxReplicationTransientExceptionGetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext).)


See also


EasSyncFailedTransientException class

Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService namespace