
Applies to: Office 2007 | Outlook 2010 | SharePoint Server 2010

Removes the person identified by the userID parameter as a friend on the social network.

HRESULT _stdcall UnFollowPerson([in] BSTR userID);


  • userID
    [in] A string that contains a social network user ID for a person.


The userID parameter must be a valid user ID for the person on the social network.

If the provider has set doNotFollowPerson as true in the XML for capabilities, the provider must return the OSC_E_NOT_FOUND error in the case that the user ID passed in does not match a user on the network. If the provider has set doNotFollowPerson as false in capabilities, the provider should return the OSC_E_FAIL error. For information about error codes, see Outlook Social Connector Provider Error Codes.

See Also


ISocialSession : IUnknown