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ContentSharingModality members

Creates and manages a collection of shareable content items.

The ContentSharingModality type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method ContentSharingModality



  Name Description
Public property ActiveContent Returns the active content. NULL is valid.
Public property ActivePresenter Returns the active presenter. NULL is valid.
Protected property AdviseMap (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public property ContentCollection Returns the collection of content.
Public property Conversation Gets the associated conversation object. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public property Endpoint Gets the collaboration endpoint that is used by the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public property Participant Gets the associated participant object. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public property Properties Gets a collection of modality properties. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public property ScriptObject (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Public property State Gets the modality state. (Inherited from Modality.)



  Name Description
Public method Accept Accept an offer for the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Protected method AttachEvent(Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method AttachEvent(Object, Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method BeginConnect Activates a conversation modality by connecting the modality to its associated local and remote endpoints. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginConsultativeTransfer Transfers a connected modality to an existing conversation. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginCreateContent Creates a content object of the given type with the given title
Public method BeginCreateContentFromFile Creates a content object of the given type with the given title and file name.
Public method BeginDisconnect Disconnects from the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginForward(Contact, AsyncCallback, Object) Forwards an active conversation (in ringing state) to a specified remote contact endpoint. You cannot forward conversations between the local contacts endpoints. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginForward(ContactEndpoint, AsyncCallback, Object) Forwards an active conversation to a specified remote contact endpoint. You cannot forward conversations between the local contacts endpoints. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginHold Places the modality on hold. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginRetrieve Retrives a held modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginSetProperty Sets a property associated with this modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginTransfer(Contact, TransferOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Transfers an active conversation to a specified remote contact. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method BeginTransfer(ContactEndpoint, TransferOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Transfer an active conversation to a specified remote contact endpoint. You cannot transfer a conversation to another local contact endpoint. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method CanInvoke Returns a flag indicating whether a specific action is available. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method CanSetProperty Test whether the property can be set to the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method CreateArray (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method CreateArrayFromEnum (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method CreateEventDispatcher (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method CreateObjectParameter (Inherited from UCWBase.)
Public method CreateParameters (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method DetachEvent (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method EndConnect Connects to the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndConsultativeTransfer Transfers a connected modality to an existing conversation. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndCreateContent Creates a content object of the given type with the given title
Public method EndCreateContentFromFile Creates a content object of the given type with the given title and file name.
Public method EndDisconnect Disconnects from the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndForward Forwards a connecting incoming modality to a different location. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndHold Places the modality on hold. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndRetrieve Retrives a held modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndSetProperty Sets a property associated with this modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method EndTransfer Transfers a connected modality to a different location. (Inherited from Modality.)
Protected method EnsureEventAdd(IEnumerable<MulticastDelegate>, Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method EnsureEventAdd(MulticastDelegate, Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method EnsureEventAdd(IEnumerable<MulticastDelegate>, Object, Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method EnsureEventRemove(IEnumerable<MulticastDelegate>, Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method EnsureEventRemove(MulticastDelegate, Guid) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method Equals(Object) (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method Equals(ScriptObject) (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Public method Equals(ScriptWrapper) (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from UCWBase.)
Public method GetEnumerator (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method GetInteropEnumerator (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method GetProperty (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Protected method GetPropertyBoolean (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Public method GetPropertyEx (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method GetPropertyInt32 (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Protected method GetPropertyScript (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Protected method GetPropertyString (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Public method GetScriptEnumerator (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Invoke (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Public method InvokeEx (Inherited from ComObject.)
Protected method InvokeMethod (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method PersistAddRef (Inherited from UCWBase.)
Public method PersistRemoveRef (Inherited from UCWBase.)
Public method Reject Reject an offer for the modality. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public method SetPersistence (Inherited from UCWBase.)
Protected method SetProperty (Inherited from ScriptWrapper.)
Public method SetPropertyEx (Inherited from ComObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public event ActionAvailabilityChanged Raised when an action availability changes. (Inherited from Modality.)
Public event ActiveContentChanged Raised when the active content is changed
Public event ActivePresenterChanged Raised when the active presenter is changed
Public event ContentAdded Raised when any conversation participant has added a ShareableContent object to the conversation.
Public event ContentRemoved Raised when an existing ShareableContent has been removed from the content collection of the ContentSharingModality.
Public event ModalityStateChanged Raised when modality state changes (Inherited from Modality.)


See also


ContentSharingModality class

Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation.Sharing namespace