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Other Problem Areas in RTF

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.


Style sheets can be handled as destinations; however, styles have default values, just as every other control does. RTF readers should be sure to handle a missing style control as the default style value (that is, 0).

Property Changes

Some RTF readers use various bits of RTF syntax to mark property changes. In particular, they assume that property changes will occur only after a group start, which is not correct. Because there is a variety of ways to represent identical property changes in RTF, RTF readers should look at the changes in the properties and not at any particular way of representing a property change. In particular, properties can be changed explicitly with a control word or implicitly at the end of a group. For example, these three sequences of RTF have exactly the same semantics, and should be translated identically:

{\b bold \i Bold Italic \i0 Bold again}
{\b bold {\i Bold Italic }Bold again}
{\b bold \i Bold Italic \plain\b Bold again}


All versions of Microsoft Word for Windows and version 6.0 and later of Microsoft Word for the Macintosh have fields. If you're writing an RTF reader and expect to do anything with fields, keep the following notes in mind:

  • Field instructions may have arbitrary amounts of character formatting and arbitrarily nested groups. While the groups will be properly nested within the field instructions, you may be inside an arbitrary number of groups by the time you know which field you are working with. If you then expect to be able to skip to the end of the field instructions, you'll have to know how many groups have started so that you can skip to the end properly.
  • Some fields, the INCLUDE field in particular, can have section breaks in the field results. If this occurs, then the text after the end of the field does not have the same section properties as the text at the start of the field; the section properties must not be restored when the field results contain section breaks.


Tables are probably the trickiest part of RTF to read and write correctly. Because of the way Microsoft word processors implement tables, and the table-driven approach of many Microsoft RTF readers, it is very easy to write tables in RTF that will crash Microsoft word processors when you try to read the RTF. Here are some guidelines to reduce problems with tables in RTF:

  • Place the entire table definition before any paragraph properties, including \pard.
  • Make sure the number of cells in the RTF matches the number of cell definitions.
  • Some controls must be the same in all paragraphs in a row. In particular, all paragraphs in a row must have the same positioning controls, and all paragraphs in a row must have \intbl specified.
  • Do not use the \sbys control inside a table. \sbys is a holdover from Word for MS-DOS and early versions of Word for the Macintosh. Word for Windows and current versions of Word for the Macintosh translate \sbys as a table. Because Word for Windows and Word for the Macintosh do not support nested tables, these products will probably crash if you specify \sbys in a table.
  • Cell definitions starting before the left margin of the paper begins (that is, the parameter plus the left margin is negative) are always in error. Appendix A-1: Listings


// RTF parser declarations

int ecRtfParse(FILE *fp);
int ecPushRtfState(void);
int ecPopRtfState(void);
int ecParseRtfKeyword(FILE *fp);
int ecParseChar(int c);
int ecTranslateKeyword(char *szKeyword, int param, bool fParam);
int ecPrintChar(int ch);
int ecEndGroupAction(RDS rds);
int ecApplyPropChange(IPROP iprop, int val);
int ecChangeDest(IDEST idest);
int ecParseSpecialKeyword(IPFN ipfn);
int ecParseSpecialProperty(IPROP iprop, int val);
int ecParseHexByte(void);

// RTF variable declarations

extern int cGroup;
extern RDS rds;
extern RIS ris;

extern CHP chp;
extern PAP pap;
extern SEP sep;
extern DOP dop;

extern SAVE *psave;
extern long cbBin;
extern long lParam;
extern bool fSkipDestIfUnk;
extern FILE *fpIn;

// RTF parser error codes

#define ecOK 0                      // Everything's fine!
#define ecStackUnderflow    1       // Unmatched '}'
#define ecStackOverflow     2       // Too many '{' -- memory exhausted
#define ecUnmatchedBrace    3       // RTF ended during an open group.
#define ecInvalidHex        4       // invalid hex character found in data
#define ecBadTable          5       // RTF table (sym or prop) invalid
#define ecAssertion         6       // Assertion failure
#define ecEndOfFile         7       // End of file reached while reading RTF


typedef char bool;
#define fTrue 1
#define fFalse 0

typedef struct char_prop
    char fBold;
    char fUnderline;
    char fItalic;
} CHP;                  // CHaracter Properties

typedef enum {justL, justR, justC, justF } JUST;
typedef struct para_prop
    int xaLeft;                 // left indent in twips
    int xaRight;                // right indent in twips
    int xaFirst;                // first line indent in twips
    JUST just;                  // justification
} PAP;                  // PAragraph Properties

typedef enum {sbkNon, sbkCol, sbkEvn, sbkOdd, sbkPg} SBK;
typedef enum {pgDec, pgURom, pgLRom, pgULtr, pgLLtr} PGN;
typedef struct sect_prop
    int cCols;                  // number of columns
    SBK sbk;                    // section break type
    int xaPgn;                  // x position of page number in twips
    int yaPgn;                  // y position of page number in twips
    PGN pgnFormat;              // how the page number is formatted
} SEP;                  // SEction Properties

typedef struct doc_prop
    int xaPage;                 // page width in twips
    int yaPage;                 // page height in twips
    int xaLeft;                 // left margin in twips
    int yaTop;                  // top margin in twips
    int xaRight;                // right margin in twips
    int yaBottom;               // bottom margin in twips
    int pgnStart;               // starting page number in twips
    char fFacingp;              // facing pages enabled?
    char fLandscape;            // landscape or portrait??
} DOP;                  // DOcument Properties

typedef enum { rdsNorm, rdsSkip } RDS;              // Rtf Destination State
typedef enum { risNorm, risBin, risHex } RIS;       // Rtf Internal State

typedef struct save             // property save structure
    struct save *pNext;         // next save
    CHP chp;
    PAP pap;
    SEP sep;
    DOP dop;
    RDS rds;
    RIS ris;

// What types of properties are there?
typedef enum {ipropBold, ipropItalic, ipropUnderline, ipropLeftInd,
              ipropRightInd, ipropFirstInd, ipropCols, ipropPgnX,
              ipropPgnY, ipropXaPage, ipropYaPage, ipropXaLeft,
              ipropXaRight, ipropYaTop, ipropYaBottom, ipropPgnStart,
              ipropSbk, ipropPgnFormat, ipropFacingp, ipropLandscape,
              ipropJust, ipropPard, ipropPlain, ipropSectd,
              ipropMax } IPROP;

typedef enum {actnSpec, actnByte, actnWord} ACTN;
typedef enum {propChp, propPap, propSep, propDop} PROPTYPE;

typedef struct propmod
    ACTN actn;              // size of value
    PROPTYPE prop;          // structure containing value
    int  offset;            // offset of value from base of structure

typedef enum {ipfnBin, ipfnHex, ipfnSkipDest } IPFN;
typedef enum {idestPict, idestSkip } IDEST;
typedef enum {kwdChar, kwdDest, kwdProp, kwdSpec} KWD;

typedef struct symbol
    char *szKeyword;        // RTF keyword
    int  dflt;              // default value to use
    bool fPassDflt;         // true to use default value from this table
    KWD  kwd;               // base action to take
    int  idx;               // index into property table if kwd == kwdProp
                            // index into destination table if kwd == kwdDest
                            // character to print if kwd == kwdChar
} SYM;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rtftype.h"
#include "rtfdecl.h"

int cGroup;
bool fSkipDestIfUnk;
long cbBin;
long lParam;

RDS rds;
RIS ris;

CHP chp;
PAP pap;
SEP sep;
DOP dop;

SAVE *psave;
FILE *fpIn;

// %%Function: main
// Main loop. Initialize and parse RTF.
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *fp;
    int ec;

    fp = fpIn = fopen("test.rtf", "r");
    if (!fp)
        printf ("Can't open test file!\n");
        return 1;
    if ((ec = ecRtfParse(fp)) != ecOK)
        printf("error %d parsing rtf\n", ec);
        printf("Parsed RTF file OK\n");
    return 0;

// %%Function: ecRtfParse
// Step 1:
// Isolate RTF keywords and send them to ecParseRtfKeyword;
// Push and pop state at the start and end of RTF groups;
// Send text to ecParseChar for further processing.

ecRtfParse(FILE *fp)
    int ch;
    int ec;
    int cNibble = 2;
    int b = 0;
    while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
        if (cGroup < 0)
            return ecStackUnderflow;
        if (ris == risBin)                      // if we're parsing binary data, handle it directly
            if ((ec = ecParseChar(ch)) != ecOK)
                return ec;
            switch (ch)
            case '{':
                if ((ec = ecPushRtfState()) != ecOK)
                    return ec;
            case '}':
                if ((ec = ecPopRtfState()) != ecOK)
                    return ec;
            case '\\':
                if ((ec = ecParseRtfKeyword(fp)) != ecOK)
                    return ec;
            case 0x0d:
            case 0x0a:          // cr and lf are noise characters...
                if (ris == risNorm)
                    if ((ec = ecParseChar(ch)) != ecOK)
                        return ec;
                {               // parsing hex data
                    if (ris != risHex)
                        return ecAssertion;
                    b = b << 4;
                    if (isdigit(ch))
                        b += (char) ch - '0';
                        if (islower(ch))
                            if (ch < 'a' || ch > 'f')
                                return ecInvalidHex;
                            b += (char) ch - 'a';
                            if (ch < 'A' || ch > 'F')
                                return ecInvalidHex;
                            b += (char) ch - 'A';
                    if (!cNibble)
                        if ((ec = ecParseChar(b)) != ecOK)
                            return ec;
                        cNibble = 2;
                        b = 0;
ris = risNorm;
                }                   // end else (ris != risNorm)
            }       // switch
        }           // else (ris != risBin)
    }               // while
    if (cGroup < 0)
        return ecStackUnderflow;
    if (cGroup > 0)
        return ecUnmatchedBrace;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecPushRtfState
// Save relevant info on a linked list of SAVE structures.

    SAVE *psaveNew = malloc(sizeof(SAVE));
    if (!psaveNew)
        return ecStackOverflow;

    psaveNew -> pNext = psave;
    psaveNew -> chp = chp;
    psaveNew -> pap = pap;
    psaveNew -> sep = sep;
    psaveNew -> dop = dop;
    psaveNew -> rds = rds;
    psaveNew -> ris = ris;
    ris = risNorm;
    psave = psaveNew;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecPopRtfState
// If we're ending a destination (that is, the destination is changing),
// call ecEndGroupAction.
// Always restore relevant info from the top of the SAVE list.

    SAVE *psaveOld;
    int ec;

    if (!psave)
        return ecStackUnderflow;

    if (rds != psave->rds)
        if ((ec = ecEndGroupAction(rds)) != ecOK)
            return ec;
    chp = psave->chp;
    pap = psave->pap;
    sep = psave->sep;
    dop = psave->dop;
    rds = psave->rds;
    ris = psave->ris;

    psaveOld = psave;
    psave = psave->pNext;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecParseRtfKeyword
// Step 2:
// get a control word (and its associated value) and
// call ecTranslateKeyword to dispatch the control.

ecParseRtfKeyword(FILE *fp)
    int ch;
    char fParam = fFalse;
    char fNeg = fFalse;
    int param = 0;
    char *pch;
    char szKeyword[30];
    char szParameter[20];

    szKeyword[0] = '\0';
    szParameter[0] = '\0';
    if ((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF)
        return ecEndOfFile;
    if (!isalpha(ch))           // a control symbol; no delimiter.
        szKeyword[0] = (char) ch;
        szKeyword[1] = '\0';
        return ecTranslateKeyword(szKeyword, 0, fParam);
    for (pch = szKeyword; isalpha(ch); ch = getc(fp))
        *pch++ = (char) ch;
    *pch = '\0';
    if (ch == '-')
        fNeg  = fTrue;
        if ((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF)
            return ecEndOfFile;
    if (isdigit(ch))
        fParam = fTrue;         // a digit after the control means we have a parameter
        for (pch = szParameter; isdigit(ch); ch = getc(fp))
            *pch++ = (char) ch;
        *pch = '\0';
        param = atoi(szParameter);
        if (fNeg)
            param = -param;
        lParam = atol(szParameter);
        if (fNeg)
            param = -param;
    if (ch != ' ')
        ungetc(ch, fp);
    return ecTranslateKeyword(szKeyword, param, fParam);

// %%Function: ecParseChar
// Route the character to the appropriate destination stream.

ecParseChar(int ch)
    if (ris == risBin && --cbBin <= 0)
        ris = risNorm;
    switch (rds)
    case rdsSkip:
        // Toss this character.
        return ecOK;
    case rdsNorm:
        // Output a character. Properties are valid at this point.
        return ecPrintChar(ch);
    // handle other destinations....
        return ecOK;
// %%Function: ecPrintChar
// Send a character to the output file.

ecPrintChar(int ch)
    // unfortunately, we don't do a whole lot here as far as layout goes...
    return ecOK;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rtftype.h"
#include "rtfdecl.h"

// RTF parser tables

// Property descriptions
PROP rgprop [ipropMax] = {
    actnByte,   propChp,    offsetof(CHP, fBold),       // ipropBold
    actnByte,   propChp,    offsetof(CHP, fItalic),     // ipropItalic
    actnByte,   propChp,    offsetof(CHP, fUnderline),  // ipropUnderline
    actnWord,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, xaLeft),      // ipropLeftInd
    actnWord,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, xaRight),     // ipropRightInd
    actnWord,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, xaFirst),     // ipropFirstInd
    actnWord,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, cCols),       // ipropCols
    actnWord,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, xaPgn),       // ipropPgnX
    actnWord,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, yaPgn),       // ipropPgnY
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, xaPage),      // ipropXaPage
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, yaPage),      // ipropYaPage
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, xaLeft),      // ipropXaLeft
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, xaRight),     // ipropXaRight
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, yaTop),       // ipropYaTop
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, yaBottom),    // ipropYaBottom
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, pgnStart),    // ipropPgnStart
    actnByte,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, sbk),         // ipropSbk
    actnByte,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, pgnFormat),   // ipropPgnFormat
    actnByte,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, fFacingp),    // ipropFacingp
    actnByte,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, fLandscape),  // ipropLandscape
    actnByte,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, just),        // ipropJust
    actnSpec,   propPap,    0,                          // ipropPard
    actnSpec,   propChp,    0,                          // ipropPlain
    actnSpec,   propSep,    0,                          // ipropSectd

// Keyword descriptions
SYM rgsymRtf[] = {
//  keyword     dflt    fPassDflt   kwd         idx
    "b",        1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropBold,
    "u",        1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropUnderline,
    "i",        1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropItalic,
    "li",       0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropLeftInd,
    "ri",       0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropRightInd,
    "fi",       0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropFirstInd,
    "cols",     1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropCols,
    "sbknone",  sbkNon, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkcol",   sbkCol, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkeven",  sbkEvn, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkodd",   sbkOdd, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkpage",  sbkPg,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "pgnx",     0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropPgnX,
    "pgny",     0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropPgnY,
    "pgndec",   pgDec,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnucrm",  pgURom, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnlcrm",  pgLRom, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnucltr", pgULtr, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnlcltr", pgLLtr, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "qc",       justC,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "ql",       justL,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "qr",       justR,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "qj",       justF,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "paperw",   12240,  fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropXaPage,
    "paperh",   15480,  fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropYaPage,
    "margl",    1800,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropXaLeft,
    "margr",    1800,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropXaRight,
    "margt",    1440,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropYaTop,
    "margb",    1440,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropYaBottom,
    "pgnstart", 1,      fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnStart,
    "facingp",  1,      fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropFacingp,
    "landscape",1,      fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropLandscape,
    "par",      0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x0a,
    "\0x0a",    0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x0a,
    "\0x0d",    0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x0a,
    "tab",      0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x09,
    "ldblquote",0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '"',
    "rdblquote",0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '"',
    "bin",      0,      fFalse,     kwdSpec,    ipfnBin,
    "*",        0,      fFalse,     kwdSpec,    ipfnSkipDest,
    "'",        0,      fFalse,     kwdSpec,    ipfnHex,
    "author",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "buptim",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "colortbl", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "comment",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "creatim",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "doccomm",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "fonttbl",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footer",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footerf",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footerl",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footerr",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footnote", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "ftncn",    0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "ftnsep",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "ftnsepc",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "header",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "headerf",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "headerl",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "headerr",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "info",     0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "keywords", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "operator", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "pict",     0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "printim",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "private1", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "revtim",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "rxe",      0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "stylesheet",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "subject",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "tc",       0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "title",    0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "txe",      0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "xe",       0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "{",        0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '{',
    "}",        0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '}',
    "\\",       0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '\\'
int isymMax = sizeof(rgsymRtf) / sizeof(SYM);

// %%Function: ecApplyPropChange
// Set the property identified by _iprop_ to the value _val_.

ecApplyPropChange(IPROP iprop, int val)
    char *pb;

    if (rds == rdsSkip)                 // If we're skipping text,
        return ecOK;                    // don't do anything.

    switch (rgprop[iprop].prop)
    case propDop:
        pb = (char *)&dop;
    case propSep:
        pb = (char *)&sep;
    case propPap:
        pb = (char *)&pap;
    case propChp:
        pb = (char *)&chp;
        if (rgprop[iprop].actn != actnSpec)
            return ecBadTable;
    switch (rgprop[iprop].actn)
    case actnByte:
        pb[rgprop[iprop].offset] = (unsigned char) val;
    case actnWord:
        (*(int *) (pb+rgprop[iprop].offset)) = val;
    case actnSpec:
        return ecParseSpecialProperty(iprop, val);
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecParseSpecialProperty
// Set a property that requires code to evaluate.

ecParseSpecialProperty(IPROP iprop, int val)
    switch (iprop)
    case ipropPard:
        memset(&pap, 0, sizeof(pap));
        return ecOK;
    case ipropPlain:
        memset(&chp, 0, sizeof(chp));
        return ecOK;
    case ipropSectd:
        memset(&sep, 0, sizeof(sep));
        return ecOK;
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecBadTable;

// %%Function: ecTranslateKeyword.
// Step 3.
// Search rgsymRtf for szKeyword and evaluate it appropriately.
// Inputs:
// szKeyword:   The RTF control to evaluate.
// param:       The parameter of the RTF control.
// fParam:      fTrue if the control had a parameter; (that is, if param is valid)
//              fFalse if it did not.

ecTranslateKeyword(char *szKeyword, int param, bool fParam)
    int isym;

    // search for szKeyword in rgsymRtf

    for (isym = 0; isym < isymMax; isym++)
        if (strcmp(szKeyword, rgsymRtf[isym].szKeyword) == 0)
    if (isym == isymMax)            // control word not found
        if (fSkipDestIfUnk)         // if this is a new destination
            rds = rdsSkip;          // skip the destination
                                    // else just discard it
        fSkipDestIfUnk = fFalse;
        return ecOK;

    // found it!  use kwd and idx to determine what to do with it.

    fSkipDestIfUnk = fFalse;
    switch (rgsymRtf[isym].kwd)
    case kwdProp:
        if (rgsymRtf[isym].fPassDflt || !fParam)
            param = rgsymRtf[isym].dflt;
        return ecApplyPropChange(rgsymRtf[isym].idx, param);
    case kwdChar:
        return ecParseChar(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
    case kwdDest:
        return ecChangeDest(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
    case kwdSpec:
        return ecParseSpecialKeyword(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecBadTable;

// %%Function: ecChangeDest
// Change to the destination specified by idest.
// There's usually more to do here than this...

ecChangeDest(IDEST idest)
    if (rds == rdsSkip)             // if we're skipping text,
        return ecOK;                // don't do anything

    switch (idest)
        rds = rdsSkip;              // when in doubt, skip it...
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecEndGroupAction
// The destination specified by rds is coming to a close.
// If there's any cleanup that needs to be done, do it now.

ecEndGroupAction(RDS rds)
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecParseSpecialKeyword
// Evaluate an RTF control that needs special processing.

ecParseSpecialKeyword(IPFN ipfn)
    if (rds == rdsSkip && ipfn != ipfnBin)  // if we're skipping, and it's not
        return ecOK;                        // the \bin keyword, ignore it.
    switch (ipfn)
    case ipfnBin:
        ris = risBin;
        cbBin = lParam;
    case ipfnSkipDest:
        fSkipDestIfUnk = fTrue;
    case ipfnHex:
 ris = risHex;
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecOK;


rtfreadr.exe: rtfactn.obj rtfreadr.obj
    link rtfreadr.obj rtfactn.obj <nul

rtfactn.obj: rtfactn.c rtfdecl.h rtftype.h

rtfreadr.obj: rtfreadr.c rtfdecl.h rtftype.h