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Define the default join type for a relationship between two tables

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  1. If you haven't already done so, switch to the Database window. You can press F11 to switch to the Database window from any other window.

  2. Click Relationships aa170906(v=office.10).md on the toolbar to open the Relationships window.

  3. Double-click the middle section of a join line between two tables to open the Relationships dialog box.

  4. Click the Join Type button, and then click the desired join type.

    Option 1 defines an inner join. This is the default.

    Option 2 defines a left outer join.

    Option 3 defines a right outer join.

Note   The Join Type button won't be enabled if the tables are linked tables. If the tables are in Microsoft Access format, you can open the database in which they are stored to set the join type.

Defining the join type for a relationship in the Relationships window doesn't affect the relationship itself; it sets the kind of join that will be used by default when creating queries based on the related tables. You can always override the default join type later when defining a query.

Note   You can also define the default join type by using the keyboard. Learn more about join types.