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ApplicationManifest.CreateFromString(String) method

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation


The CreateFromString method creates an instance of an ApplicationManifest object from a specified string containing the application manifest.

public static ApplicationManifest CreateFromString(
String applicationManifest


  • applicationManifest
    Specifies the application manifest XML document as a Unicode string.

Return Values

This method returns a new ApplicationManifest object.


This static method simply reads the supplied XML string and creates an ApplicationManifest object containing the XML content. To compile the application manifest and its associated MSPL script, the Compile method must be called on the newly created ApplicationManifest object.


Redistributable: Requires Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.
Namespace: Microsoft.Rtc.Sip
Assembly: ServerAgent (in ServerAgent.dll)

See Also

ApplicationManifest.Compile, ApplicationManifest.CreateFromFile, ApplicationManifest

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