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BulletFormat Members

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Represents bullet formatting.

The BulletFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.
Public property Character
Public property Font Returns a ChartFont object that represents character formatting. Read-only.
Public property Number Returns the bullet number of a paragraph when the Type property of the BulletFormat object is set to ppBulletNumbered. Read-only.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property RelativeSize Determines whether to set the motion position relative to the position of the shape. Read/write.
Public property StartValue Returns or sets the beginning value of a bulleted list when the Type property of the BulletFormat object is set to ppBulletNumbered. Read/write.
Public property Style Returns or sets the bullet style. Read/write.
Public property Type Represents the type of bullet. Read/write.
Public property UseTextColor Determines whether the specified bullets are set to the color of the first text character in the paragraph. Read/write.
Public property UseTextFont Determines whether the specified bullets are set to the font of the first text character in the paragraph. Read/write.
Public property Visible



  Name Description
Public method Picture Returns a BulletFormat object that represents bullet formatting for the specified paragraph format. Read-only.


See Also


BulletFormat Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint Namespace