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Shape Members

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The Shape type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActionSettings Returns an ActionSettings object that contains information about what action occurs when the user clicks or moves the mouse over the specified shape or text range during a slide show. Read-only.
Public property Adjustments Returns an Adjustments object that contains adjustment values for all the adjustments in the specified shape. Applies to any Shape object that represents an AutoShape, WordArt, or a connector. Read-only.
Public property AlternativeText Returns or sets the alternative text associated with a shape in a Web presentation. Read/write.
Public property AnimationSettings Returns an AnimationSettings object that represents all the special effects you can apply to the animation of the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.
Public property AutoShapeType Returns or sets the shape type for the specified Shape object, which must represent an AutoShape other than a line, freeform drawing, or connector. Read/write.
Public property BackgroundStyle Sets or returns the background style of the specified object. Read/write.
Public property BlackWhiteMode Returns or sets a value that indicates how the specified shape appears when the presentation is viewed in black-and-white mode. Read/write.
Public property Callout Returns a CalloutFormat object that contains callout formatting properties for the specified shape. Applies to Shape or ShapeRange objects that represent line callouts. Read-only.
Public property CanvasItems
Public property Chart
Public property Child MsoTrue if the shape is a child shape or if all shapes in a shape range are child shapes of the same parent. Read-only.
Public property ConnectionSiteCount Returns the number of connection sites on the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property Connector Determines whether the specified shape is a connector. Read-only.
Public property ConnectorFormat Returns a ConnectorFormat object that contains connector formatting properties. Applies to Shape or ShapeRange objects that represent connectors. Read-only.
Public property Creator Returns a Long that represents the four-character creator code for the application in which the specified object was created. For example, if the object was created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint, this property returns the hexadecimal number 50575054. Read-only.
Public property CustomerData Returns a [CustomerData#SameCHM] object. Read-only.
Public property Diagram
Public property DiagramNode
Public property Fill Returns a ChartFillFormat object that contains fill formatting properties for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property Glow Returns the glow format for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property GroupItems Returns a GroupShapes object that represents the individual shapes in the specified group. Use the Item method of the GroupShapes object to return a single shape from the group. Read-only.
Public property HasChart Returns whether the shape represented by the specified object contains a chart. Read-only.
Public property HasDiagram
Public property HasDiagramNode
Public property HasTable Returns whether the specified shape is a table. Read-only.
Public property HasTextFrame Returns whether the specified shape has a text frame. Read-only.
Public property Height Returns or sets the height of the specified object, in points. Read/write.
Public property HorizontalFlip Returns whether the specified shape is flipped around the horizontal axis. Read-only.
Public property Id Returns a Long that identifies the shape or range of shapes. Read-only.
Public property Left Returns or sets a Single that represents the distance in points from the left edge of the shape's bounding box to the left edge of the slide. Read/write.
Public property Line Returns a LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for the specified shape. (For a line, the LineFormat object represents the line itself; for a shape with a border, the LineFormat object represents the border.) Read-only.
Public property LinkFormat Returns a LinkFormat object that contains the properties that are unique to linked OLE objects. Read-only.
Public property LockAspectRatio Determines whether the specified shape retains its original proportions when you resize it. Read/write.
Public property MediaType Returns the OLE media type. Read-only.
Public property Name When a shape is created, Microsoft PowerPoint automatically assigns it a name in the form ShapeType Number, where ShapeType identifies the type of shape or AutoShape, and Number is an integer that's unique within the collection of shapes on the slide. For example, the automatically generated names of the shapes on a slide could be Placeholder 1, Oval 2, and Rectangle 3. To avoid conflict with automatically assigned names, don't use the form ShapeType Number for user-defined names, where ShapeType is a value that is used for automatically generated names, and Number is any positive integer. A shape range must contain exactly one shape. Read/write.
Public property Nodes Returns a ShapeNodes collection that represents the geometric description of the specified shape. Applies to Shape objects that represent freeform drawings.
Public property OLEFormat Returns an OLEFormat object that contains OLE formatting properties for the specified shape. Applies to Shape or ShapeRange objects that represent OLE objects. Read-only.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property ParentGroup Returns a Shape object that represents the common parent shape of a child shape or a range of child shapes.
Public property PictureFormat Returns a PictureFormat object that contains picture formatting properties for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property PlaceholderFormat Returns a PlaceholderFormat object that contains the properties that are unique to placeholders. Read-only.
Public property Reflection Returns the reflection format for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property Rotation Returns or sets the number of degrees the specified shape is rotated around the z-axis. Read/write.
Public property RTF
Public property Script Returns a Script object that represents a block of script code on a Microsoft Office PowerPoint slide. Read-only.
Public property Shadow Returns a ShadowFormat object that contains shadow formatting properties for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property ShapeStyle Sets or returns the shape style index for the specified object. Read/write.
Public property SoftEdge Returns the soft edge format for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property SoundFormat
Public property Table Returns a DataTable object that represents a table in a shape or in a shape range. Read-only.
Public property Tags Returns a Tags object that represents the tags for the specified object. Read-only.
Public property TextEffect Returns a TextEffectFormat object that contains text-effect formatting properties for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property TextFrame Returns a TextFrame object that contains the alignment and anchoring properties for the specified shape or master text style.
Public property TextFrame2 Returns the TextFrame2 object associated with the specified CanvasShapes object that contains the alignment and anchoring properties for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property ThreeD Returns a ThreeDFormat object that contains 3-D – effect formatting properties for the specified shape. Read-only.
Public property Top Returns or sets a Single that represents the distance from the top edge of the shape's bounding box to the top edge of the document. Read/write.
Public property Type Represents the type of shape or shapes in a range of shapes. Read-only.
Public property VerticalFlip Determines whether the specified shape is flipped around the vertical axis. Read-only.
Public property Vertices Returns the coordinates of the specified freeform drawing's vertices (and control points for Bézier curves) as a series of coordinate pairs. Read-only.
Public property Visible Returns or sets the visibility of the specified object or the formatting applied to the specified object. Read/write.
Public property Width Returns or sets the width of the specified object, in points. Read/write.
Public property ZOrderPosition Returns the position of the specified shape in the z-order. Read-only.



  Name Description
Public method Apply Applies to the specified shape formatting that's been copied by using the PickUp method.
Public method CanvasCropBottom
Public method CanvasCropLeft
Public method CanvasCropRight
Public method CanvasCropTop
Public method Copy Copies the specified object to the Clipboard.
Public method Cut Deletes the specified object and places it on the Clipboard.
Public method Delete Deletes the specified Shape object.
Public method Duplicate Creates a duplicate of the specified Shape object, adds the new shape to the Shapes collection, and then returns a new ShapeRange object. The duplicated objects are placed at the end of the Shapes collection.
Public method Export
Public method Flip Flips the specified shape around its horizontal or vertical axis.
Public method IncrementLeft Moves the specified shape horizontally by the specified number of points.
Public method IncrementRotation Changes the rotation of the specified shape around the z-axis by the specified number of degrees. Use the Rotation property to set the absolute rotation of the shape.
Public method IncrementTop Moves the specified shape vertically by the specified number of points.
Public method PickUp Copies the formatting of the specified shape. Use the Apply method to apply the copied formatting to another shape.
Public method RerouteConnections Reroutes connectors so that they take the shortest possible path between the shapes they connect. To do this, the RerouteConnections method may detach the ends of a connector and reattach them to different connecting sites on the connected shapes.
Public method ScaleHeight Scales the height of the shape by a specified factor.
Public method ScaleWidth Scales the width of the shape by a specified factor. For pictures and OLE objects, you can indicate whether you want to scale the shape relative to the original size or relative to the current size. Shapes other than pictures and OLE objects are always scaled relative to their current width.
Public method Select Selects the specified object.
Public method SetShapesDefaultProperties Applies the formatting for the specified shape to the default shape. Shapes created after this method has been used will have this formatting applied to them by default.
Public method Ungroup Ungroups any grouped shapes in the specified shape or range of shapes. Disassembles pictures and OLE objects within the specified shape or range of shapes. Returns the ungrouped shapes as a single ShapeRange object.
Public method ZOrder Moves the specified shape in front of or behind other shapes in the collection (that is, changes the shape's position in the z-order).


See Also


Shape Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint Namespace