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SocialRatingManager.SetRating method (Uri, Int32, String, FeedbackData)

Creates a rating with the specified value, on a scale of 0-5, for the specified URL.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Server.SocialData
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles (in Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.dll)


Public Function SetRating ( _
    url As Uri, _
    rating As Integer, _
    title As String, _
    analysisData As FeedbackData _
) As DateTime
Dim instance As SocialRatingManager
Dim url As Uri
Dim rating As Integer
Dim title As String
Dim analysisData As FeedbackData
Dim returnValue As DateTime

returnValue = instance.SetRating(url, _
    rating, title, analysisData)
public DateTime SetRating(
    Uri url,
    int rating,
    string title,
    FeedbackData analysisData


Return value

Type: System.DateTime
Returns the DateTime representing the time when the rating was set.

See also


SocialRatingManager class

SocialRatingManager members

SetRating overload

Microsoft.Office.Server.SocialData namespace