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SPWorkflowTaskProperties properties

The SPWorkflowTaskProperties type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AssignedTo Gets or sets the user name of the person to whom the workflow task is assigned.
Public property Description Gets or sets the description of the workflow task.
Public property DueDate Gets or sets the date and time when the workflow task is due.
Public property EmailBody Gets or sets the custom email message body.
Public property ExtendedProperties Gets a hash table that represents the collection of extended task properties as name/value pairs.
Public property HasCustomEmailBody Gets or sets whether the task has custom email body text. True if the task has custom email body text.
Public property OnBehalfEmail Gets or sets the destination email address to which information about the task and the workflow item are sent as an email message.
Public property OnBehalfReason Gets or sets a string that represents the reason for sending the email message.
Public property PercentComplete Gets or sets the percentage of the task that is complete.
Public property SendEmailNotification Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to send email notifications.
Public property StartDate Get or sets the date and time when the task starts.
Public property TaskItemId Gets or sets the ID of the workflow task.
Public property TaskType Gets or sets the ID of the workflow task type in the workflow instance.
Public property Title Gets or sets the title of the workflow task.


See also


SPWorkflowTaskProperties class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow namespace