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SoapServerException.MakeSoapException method

Creates a SOAP exception event.

Overload list

  Name Description
Protected methodStatic member MakeSoapException(String) Creates a SOAP exception event and passes in the error description.
Protected methodStatic member MakeSoapException(String, Int32) Creates a SOAP exception event and passes in the error description and the error code.
Public methodStatic member MakeSoapException(String, XmlQualifiedName) Creates a SOAP exception event and passes in the SOAP fault code and an XML qualified name.
Protected methodStatic member MakeSoapException(String, Int32, Exception) Creates a SOAP exception event and passes in the error description, error code, and the related exception that caused the current exception.


See also


SoapServerException class

SoapServerException members

Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer namespace