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SPWorkflowAssociationCollection members

Represents the workflow associations on a SharePoint 2010 list.

The SPWorkflowAssociationCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method SPWorkflowAssociationCollection Initializes a new instance of the SPWorkflowAssociationCollection class.



  Name Description
Public property Count Gets the total number of workflow associations in the collection. (Overrides SPBaseCollection.Count.)
Public property Item[Guid] Gets the workflow association with the specified GUID.
Public property Item[Int32] Gets the workflow association at the specified index.
Public property ParentList Gets the list in which the workflow association collection resides.
Public property ParentSite Gets the site collection on which the workflow association collection resides.
Public property ParentWeb Gets the site on which the workflow association collection resides.
Public property SoapXml Gets a string that represents the workflow association collection in XML format.



  Name Description
Public method Add Adds the specified workflow association to the collection.
Protected method AddCore Adds the specified workflow association to the collection.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAssociationByBaseID Returns the workflow association based on the workflow template ID.
Public method GetAssociationByName Returns the workflow association based on its name.
Protected method GetAssociationCore Gets the workflow associations with specified GUID from the collection.
Public methodStatic member GetAssociationForListItemById Returns the specified workflow association for a given list item.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Remove(Guid) Removes a workflow association with the specified ID from the collection.
Public method Remove(SPWorkflowAssociation) Removes a workflow association from the collection.
Protected method SetUtilityLists Specifies the task list and history list for the specified SPWorkflowAssociation.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Update Updates the specified workflow association in the collection.
Public method UpdateAssociationsToLatestVersion Updates all workflow associations to the latest version of the workflows.
Protected method UpdateCore Updates the specified workflow association in the collection.


See also


SPWorkflowAssociationCollection class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow namespace