ManagedProperty members

Represents a managed property in the SharePoint Server search metadata property schema.

The ManagedProperty type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AliasesOverridden Gets or sets whether the aliases of this managed property replace or come in addition to the aliases of the overridden managed property.
Public property Context Gets or sets the context group this managed property should be ranked in.
Public property DecimalPlaces Gets or sets the number of floating point decimal places of this managed property that is kept in the index.
Public property DefaultForQueryIndependentRank Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property DeleteDisallowed Gets a Boolean value indicating whether a managed property can be deleted.
Public property Description Gets or sets a text description for a managed property.
Public property EnabledForQueryIndependentRank Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property EnabledForScoping Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a managed property can be used in search scopes.
Public property EntityExtractorBitMap Gets or sets which entities should be enabled for extraction from this managed property.
Public property EqualityMatchOnly Gets or sets whether this managed property is matched only on equality.
Public property ExtraProperties Gets or sets a description of extra properties associated with this managed property.
Public property FullTextIndex Gets or sets the name of the full-text index catalog this managed property is indexed in.
Public property FullTextQueriable Obsolete. Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a managed property is stored in the full-text index.
Public property HasMultipleValues Gets a Boolean value indicating whether a managed property contains multiple values.
Public property ID Gets the unique ID of a managed property in the search schema.
Public property IncludeInAlertSignature Gets or set whether this managed property should be included in alert signature.
Public property IncludeInMd5 Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property IndexOptions Gets or sets the index options for this managed property.
Public property IndexOptionsNoPositions Gets or sets whether this managed property should not be indexed in the position index.
Public property IndexOptionsNoPrefix Gets or sets whether this managed property should not be indexed in the prefix index.
Public property IsBacked Gets whether this managed property is persisted in the database or not.
Public property IsInDocProps Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property IsInFixedColumnOptimizedResults Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property IsReadOnly Gets whether this managed property is read-only or not.
Public property LengthNormalization Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property ManagedType Gets the data type of a managed property.
Public property MappingDisallowed Gets a Boolean value indicating a whether a crawled property can be mapped to the managed property.
Public property MappingsOverridden Gets or sets whether the mappings of this managed property replace or come in addition to the mappings of the overridden managed property.
Public property MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreForRetrieval Gets or sets the maximum number of characters persisted for this fixed-length string property.
Public property MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex Gets or sets the maximum number of characters persisted in the string value column of the property store.
Public property MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreNonIndex Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property MaxNumberOfValues Gets or sets the maximum number of values that can be stored in this managed property.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of a managed property.
Public property NameNormalized Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the managed property is name normalized (converted to the full name).
Public property NicknameExpansion Gets or sets whether this managed property is compared to the 'Nickname' mappings at query time.
Public property NoWordBreaker Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether values for this managed property go through a word breaker.
Public property OverrideValueOfHasMultipleValues Gets or set whether this managed property should be allowed to have multiple values even though there is only a single (or no) mappings to this managed property.
Public property PID Gets the property ID (PID) of a managed property in the search schema.
Public property PutInPropertyBlob Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property Queryable Gets or sets whether this managed property can be queried with a scoped query.
Public property QueryIndependentRankCustomizationDisallowed Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property QueryPropertyBlob Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property Refinable Gets or sets whether this managed property has refiners enabled.
Public property RefinerConfiguration Gets or sets the refiner configuration of this managed property.
Public property RemoveDuplicates Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the managed property receives multiple values if there are duplicates.
Public property RespectPriority Gets whether this managed property will only be mapped from the single crawled property with the lowest mapping order, or from all mapped crawled properties.
Public property ResultFallback Gets or sets the name of the result fallback managed property of this managed property.
Public property Retrievable Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a managed property value is retrievable.
Public property RetrievableForResultsOnly Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property SafeForAnonymous Gets or set whether this managed property should be returned for queries executed by anonymous users.
Public property Searchable Gets or sets whether this managed property should end up in the full text index.
Public property Sortable Gets or sets whether this managed property can be sorted.
Public property SortableType Gets or sets the type of sort info created for this managed property.
Public property SplitStringCharacters Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property SplitStringOnSpace Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property SystemDefined Returns whether this managed property is system defined (OOTB).
Public property TokenNormalization Gets or sets whether the characters in this managed property are to be normalized.
Public property UpdateGroup Gets or sets the name of the update group of this managed property.
Public property URLNormalization Gets or sets whether the URLs in this managed property are to be normalized.
Public property UseAAMMapping Gets whether this managed property is a Sharepoint URL that needs to be alternate access mapped.
Public property UsePronunciationString Gets or sets whether this managed property needs a pronunciation string.
Public property UserFlags Obsolete. This property is deprecated and should not be used.
Public property Weight Obsolete. Gets or sets the weight setting for a managed property.



  Name Description
Public method AddAlias Adds an alias to this managed property.
Public method ContainsAlias Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the managed property contains the specified alias.
Public method Delete Deletes the managed property from the search schema.
Public method DeleteAlias Deletes the specified alias for the managed property.
Public method DeleteAllMappings Deletes all mappings for a managed property.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAliases Gets a string array that contains the aliases for a managed property.
Public method GetDocumentsFound Obsolete. Gets the number of documents found with the managed property.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetMappedCrawledProperties Gets the collection of CrawledProperty objects mapped to a managed property.
Public method GetMappings Gets the collection of Mapping objects for a managed property.
Public method GetSamples Obsolete. Returns a collection of sample values for the managed property.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member IsSystemPid Returns whether a managed property id is system defined (OOTB).
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method SetMappings Sets the collection of Mapping objects for a managed property.
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the ManagedProperty object. (Overrides Object.ToString().)
Public method Update Updates the Shared Service Provider's search schema with changes made to the managed property.


See also


ManagedProperty class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration namespace