.gif) |
AddDocumentToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to add a document to the current document library. |
.gif) |
AddLibraryToolBarButton |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
AddLinkToSiteToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to add a link into the links list of the current site for a specified web page. |
.gif) |
AddListToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to add a list to the current page. |
.gif) |
AlertsSecurityCheck |
.gif) |
AskMeAboutWebPart |
Represents a WebPart that shows a list of keywords about which the profile owner can answer questions. |
.gif) |
AudiencePicker |
Enables a user to pick one or more audiences graphically. |
.gif) |
AverageRatingField |
Represents a field that contains the average rating. |
.gif) |
AverageRatingFieldControl |
Represents an AverageRatingField object. |
.gif) |
BreadcrumbPathElement |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
BrowseSites |
.gif) |
BusinessDataDetailsWebPartMobileAdapter |
Provides an adapter that is used to customize the rendering for the BusinessDataDetailsWebPart control on a mobile page. |
.gif) |
BusinessDataItemBuilderMobileAdapter |
Adapts the rendering of a BusinessDataItemBuilder control for a mobile page. |
.gif) |
CategoryAlertToolBarButton |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CategoryDetail |
Renders category detail in a Web Part. |
.gif) |
CategoryPicker |
Enables a user to pick one or more areas graphically. |
.gif) |
CategoryProperty |
Displays a property of the current category on a webpage. |
.gif) |
CatSettingsToolBarButton |
Represents a ServerRelativeToolBarButton that displays on a webpage if the current user has ManageWeb permissions. |
.gif) |
CollaborationServerMetaTag |
.gif) |
ColleagueActivityTrackerWebPart |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
ColleagueConfirmation |
Renders a confirmation message when you add people as colleagues. |
.gif) |
ColleaguesWebPart |
Renders a list of all colleagues a user has shared with other users, and provides an entry point for the profile owner to manage the list of colleagues. |
.gif) |
ConsolidatedNewsFeedWebPart |
Renders a control that is used to display and track the consolidated activity feeds. |
.gif) |
ContactCardDetailsLink |
Provides a link control that is used to show or hide additional user profile details on “My Site”. |
.gif) |
CreateProfileDialog |
Represents a page that is used to create profile pages for the selected external content types in a Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application. |
.gif) |
CreateProfileRedirector |
Represents an intermediate Page that is used to create profile pages for external content types in a Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application when the profile pages will be hosted in a farm different from the one hosting the BDC service application. |
.gif) |
CreateSiteToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to create a new website. |
.gif) |
CreateSubCatToolBarButton |
Represents a ServerRelativeToolBarButton that displays on a web page if the current user has the ManageSubwebs permission. |
.gif) |
CreateSubOrganizationButton |
Renders a SPLinkButton that navigates the user to create a suborganization profile. |
.gif) |
CustomCSSResourceElement |
Renders a control that is used to reference the cascading style sheets (CSS) file “controls.css”. |
.gif) |
DataReaderAdapter |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
DataResultBase |
Defines all the general rendering properties and methods for data results. The DataResultBase class is the base class for the QueryResultBase class, which is the base class for the SearchResults Web Part in the search results page. |
.gif) |
DataSourceReplacer |
Represents a WebControl that is used to replace the data source for a data-bound control on the page. |
.gif) |
DeleteCategoryToolBarButton |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
DomainListTreeView |
Represents a TreeView control that displays the domains in a hierarchical tree view. |
.gif) |
EditCategoryToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to switch the page mode between view mode and edit mode. |
.gif) |
EditModeSettingsLink |
Defines the edit mode settings link in the upper-right corner of the page. |
.gif) |
EditProfileButton |
Renders a link to redirect the user to the edit profile page. |
.gif) |
EditViewToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button in the drop-down list that is used to edit the current view. |
.gif) |
ExchangeServiceBinding |
Connects the component parts of the Outlook Web Access Web Part to matching elements in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 by using Exchange 2007 Web services. |
.gif) |
ExternalHtmlResourceElement |
Represents a Control used to reference an external resource. |
.gif) |
FormItemHorizontalLine |
Renders a horizontal line in FormItemTable. |
.gif) |
FormItemRow |
Renders text in a FormItemTable. |
.gif) |
FormItemTable |
Represents a table used to display the FormItemRow and FormItemHorizontalLine objects. |
.gif) |
HtmlMenu |
A template that defines a menu. |
.gif) |
HtmlMenuButton |
Displays a drop-down button used to display an HtmlMenu. |
.gif) |
HtmlMenuItem |
A template that defines an item that is contained in a menu. |
.gif) |
HtmlMenuItemCollection |
A template that defines the menu items for a specific menu. |
.gif) |
IdentityControl |
Represents a control that displays information about the owner of the current Page, or if that information is not available, the owner of the SPWeb. |
.gif) |
InputFormStringTypeValidator |
Represents a validator used to validate strings that are based on rules specific to a StringType. |
.gif) |
InterestExpertiseTrackerWebPart |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
InterestTrackerWebPart |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
LeftNavigationSection |
Renders a Control that is used to create the left navigation section of the page. |
.gif) |
ListResultsBase |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
ListViewChooser |
Renders a Control that is used to choose a view for displaying a list. |
.gif) |
ListViewChooserItem |
Renders a Control that represents an item in the ListViewChooser. |
.gif) |
LiteralStringLoc |
Renders a control that is used to create a localized literal string within a client HTML block. |
.gif) |
LocalTimeControl |
A control that displays the local time of the owner of the current “My Site” page. |
.gif) |
MainBottomPageSection |
Renders a Control that is used to create the lower section of the page. |
.gif) |
ManageContentToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to navigate the user to the page that manages the site content. |
.gif) |
ManageLinksControl |
Provides a control that is used to manage the profile links for the user profile service application. |
.gif) |
ManageSecurityToolBarButton |
Renders a button that is used to navigate to the specified management page. |
.gif) |
ManageSitesToolBarButton |
Renders a button that is used to navigate to the specified management page. |
.gif) |
MiddlePageSectionLink |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
ModifyListSettingsToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to navigate the current user to the specified management page. |
.gif) |
MossWebPartMobileAdapterBase |
Provides the common functionality needed by all adapters that make Web Parts accessible from mobile devices. |
.gif) |
MyActivityTrackerWebPart |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
MyGlobalNavigationFixup |
Provides the control that is used to fix the top navigation on a “My Site” page. |
.gif) |
MyGridView |
Represents a grid view that looks and behaves like a SharePoint Foundation list view. |
.gif) |
MySiteCssRegistration |
Provides a control that is used to register a cascading style sheets (CSS) file for a “My Site” page. |
.gif) |
MySitePublicWebPartPage |
Represents the public “My Site” page of the user. |
.gif) |
NewsFeedWebPartBase |
Represents the abstract base class for activity feed Web Parts. |
.gif) |
OrganizationGenericInfo |
Renders the information about the OrganizationProfile that is associated with the current Page. |
.gif) |
OrganizationList |
Renders an array of OrganizationProfile objects. |
.gif) |
OrganizationPublicWebPartPage |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
OWACalendarPart |
Represents the calendar part of the Outlook Web Access Web Part. |
.gif) |
OWAInboxPart |
Represents the set of controls that compose the Inbox in the Outlook Web Access Web Part. |
.gif) |
PageLevelError |
Represents a Control that supports the display of error messages to the page. |
.gif) |
PageSections |
Represents a control that contains page section controls. |
.gif) |
PageTitle |
Displays the page title and breadcrumbs on a webpage. |
.gif) |
PeopleMosaicPage |
Represents a Page that displays the user profiles of the people who tagged a certain page with a certain tag. |
.gif) |
PeopleRendererWebPartBase |
Represents the abstract base class for the Web Parts that render lists of people. |
.gif) |
PeopleRendererWebPartBase.Person |
Represents a person to be displayed by the PeopleRendererWebPartBase control. |
.gif) |
PersonalSpaceFederation |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
PersonalSpaceNavigationResponse |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
PersonalSpaceProperties |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
PopUpDialogTitle |
Renders a control that is used to display the title for a popup dialog. |
.gif) |
PortalQuickStartGuide |
.gif) |
ProfileBrowser |
Renders a WebPart that displays each user in the organizational hierarchy in an interactive view. |
.gif) |
ProfileDetailsControl |
Renders UserProfile information. |
.gif) |
ProfileDetailsViewer |
Conditionally renders profile details based on the values of Collapsed and ShowSections. |
.gif) |
ProfilePagesControl |
Renders profile controls to the SPRibbon for Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service pages. |
.gif) |
ProfilePropertyCheckValue |
Displays the value of the specified property if the value is set. If the value is not set, this control hides the label. |
.gif) |
ProfilePropertyDisplayName |
Displays the display name of the specified profile property. |
.gif) |
ProfilePropertyImage |
Displays the image associated with the user's specified profile property. |
.gif) |
ProfilePropertyLoader |
Loads the specified user's profile and profile data based on the query string on the current page. |
.gif) |
ProfilePropertyValue |
Displays the value of the specified profile property. |
.gif) |
ProfileProvisioner |
Creates profile pages for Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service entities. |
.gif) |
ProfileProvisionException |
The exception that is thrown by methods invoked when a profile page is provisioned. |
.gif) |
ProfileProvisionHostSiteException |
The exception that is thrown when an error related to the profile page hosting site occurs. |
.gif) |
ProfilesEditor |
Renders a picker control that allows the user to enter or look up a profile. |
.gif) |
ProfilesPickerDialog |
Identifies the columns to be displayed in the ProfilesEditor control for the results generated by a ProfilesQueryControl control. |
.gif) |
ProfilesQueryControl |
Provides the data retrieval query services for the ProfilesPickerDialog. Supports searching against users, organizations, and membership groups depending on the ProfileSearchFlags setting. |
.gif) |
ProxyControlBlock |
.gif) |
PublishedNewsFeedWebPart |
Renders a control that is used to display and track published activity feeds. |
.gif) |
QueryResultBase |
The QueryResultBase class implements the base class for Web Parts that handle search query results. |
.gif) |
QuickLaunchHeader |
Renders a control that is used to display the header of the Quick Launch bar. |
.gif) |
RatingCountField |
Represents a field that contains the rating count. |
.gif) |
RatingCountFieldControl |
Renders the RatingCountField on a page (not a list view page). |
.gif) |
RedirectToSummary |
.gif) |
RelatedTagsWebPart |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
ReportLibraryItemEventReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
ReversibleWebControlsTableCell |
.gif) |
RightBodySection |
Renders a Control that is used to create the right body section of the page. |
.gif) |
RSSAggregatorWebPartMobileAdapter |
Represents an adapter that is used to customize the rendering for the RSSAggregatorWebPart control on a mobile page. |
.gif) |
ScriptStringLoc |
Renders a control that is used to render a localized string throughout a client JavaScript block. |
.gif) |
SearchBox |
This class or member is deprecated. When you upgrade or write new applications that use this class or member, use the new class or member instead. For Enterprise Search in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, use the SearchBoxEx instead. Implements the search box Web Part on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 search page. |
.gif) |
SearchBoxEx |
Implements the search box Web Part on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 search page. |
.gif) |
SearchResults |
Implements the search results Web Part on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 search page. |
.gif) |
ServerRelativeToolBarButton |
Renders a button that is used to make the base URL server relative by prefixing the base URL with the site URL. |
.gif) |
SetHostUrlDialog |
Represents a page that is used to configure the URL where the external content type profile page will be hosted for the current Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application. |
.gif) |
SharingCenterWebPart |
Represents a control that is used to display links to open or edit shared documents, pictures, and blog posts. |
.gif) |
ShowMessageToNonScriptableClients |
.gif) |
SiteRegCatPicker |
Enables the user to pick a category for a site. |
.gif) |
SitesDirectoryAlertToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to alert the sites directory. |
.gif) |
SocialCommentControl |
Represents controls and client-side script for viewing and modifying social comments associated with the current page or identified URI. |
.gif) |
SocialCommentWebPart |
Web Part that enables users to leave short, publicly viewable notes about the current page. |
.gif) |
SocialDataBookmarklet |
Provides a pop-up webpage for creating social tags and notes about the current page, including pages external to the SPsite. |
.gif) |
SocialDataBookmarkletControl |
Displays a link that can be saved to Favorites that can be used to display the SocialDataFrame, allowing tags and notes to be added to the current page. |
.gif) |
SocialDataFrame |
Provides a pop-up page that displays controls that allow the user to view and apply social tags or notes for the current item. |
.gif) |
SocialDataFrameHeaderControl |
This object, member, or enumeration is deprecated and is not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
SocialDataFrameManager |
Renders a SocialTagsControl and SocialCommentControl class used to view and apply social tags or notes. |
.gif) |
SocialDataUserControl |
Provides a UserControl that lets users access the social data and add a quick tag to the current item. |
.gif) |
SocialNavigationControl |
Adds two menu options to the current user’s personal action menu that let the user navigate to the "My Site" or "My Profile" pages. |
.gif) |
SocialNotificationBase |
Represents the abstract base class for the social notification controls. |
.gif) |
SocialNotificationControl |
Renders two image links that are used to tag the current Page and open the SocialDataFrame.aspx page, allowing the user to manage the social tags and notes that are associated with the current Page. |
.gif) |
SocialNotificationMiniControl |
Renders two image links that are used to tag the current page and open the SocialDataFrame.aspx page to let the user manage the social tags and notes that are associated with the current page. |
.gif) |
SocialRecentItemControl |
Renders recent social tags and notes associated with the current Page. |
.gif) |
SocialTabControl |
Renders a tab control used to switch between displaying the SocialTagsControl and the SocialCommentControl on the SocialDataFrame.aspx page. |
.gif) |
SocialTagsControl |
Renders controls and client-side script for viewing and modifying social tags associated with the current page. |
.gif) |
StatusNotesControl |
Renders a control that is used to display information about a user's current status. |
.gif) |
STSQueryParts |
Provides a query Web Part for Spotlite sites, newly created sites, and all sites created by the current user. |
.gif) |
SubmitLinkOnSTSUploadDocPage |
Provides a link for the user with which to upload documents. |
.gif) |
SubmitLinkToolBarButton |
Renders a toolbar button that is used to navigate to the specified management page. |
.gif) |
Tab |
Renders a control that displays a tab on the page. |
.gif) |
TabClickEventArgs |
Provides data for the TabClick event. |
.gif) |
TabStrip |
Control that is used to render a row of Tab controls. |
.gif) |
TagCloudBaseWebPart |
Represents an abstract base class for tag cloud Web Parts. |
.gif) |
TagCloudItem |
Represents an item in the tag cloud. |
.gif) |
TagCloudWebPart |
Renders the most popular subjects being tagged inside an organization. |
.gif) |
TagCloudWebPartToolPart |
Defines a custom tool part that displays a customized user interface (UI) for defining the properties of the TagCloudWebPart inside the tool pane. |
.gif) |
TaggedPeopleListWebPart |
Represents a Web Part that is used to view people who are associated with the term passed in the query string of the current page. |
.gif) |
TaggedUrlListWebPart |
Displays the URLs for items tagged with the term based on the query string of the current page. |
.gif) |
TagInformationWebPart |
Provides the WebPart that is used to show information about the tag. |
.gif) |
TagProfileTitleControl |
Represents the control that is used to display the tag profile title. |
.gif) |
TagProfileWebPartPage |
Provides a specialized WebPartPage used to host social tagging Web Parts, such as TaggedUrlListWebPart, TaggedPeopleListWebPart, and other Web Parts. |
.gif) |
TenantCreateProfileDialog |
Represents a page that is used to create profile pages for the selected external content types in a Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application for the tenant hosted in the current SharePoint 2010 farm. |
.gif) |
TenantSetHostUrlDialog |
Represents a page that is used to configure the URL where the external content type profile pages will be hosted for the current Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application for the tenant. |
.gif) |
TextEditor |
Defines the text editor for the user. |
.gif) |
ThoughtItemList |
Represents a control that is used to display and manage social collaboration items on “My Site”. |
.gif) |
ThoughtMonthSelector |
Represents a control that is used to select the month to filter the social collaboration items displayed in the ThoughtItemList control. |
.gif) |
ThoughtTagList |
Represents a control that is used to select a specific tag for filtering the social collaboration items displayed in the ThoughtItemList control. |
.gif) |
ThoughtTagSort |
Represents a control that is used to sort the tags displayed in the ThoughtTagList control, either by alphabetical order or by size. |
.gif) |
ThoughtViewerControl |
Represents a parent container for social collaboration controls. |
.gif) |
ThoughtViewSelector |
Represents a control that is used to select a view to filter the social collaboration items displayed in the ThoughtItemList control to the following social collaboration items: All Tags, Notes, Private, or Public. |
.gif) |
TOCPart |
Renders a control that is used to display a table of contents Web Part. |
.gif) |
TopPageSection |
Renders a Control that is used to create the upper section of the page. |
.gif) |
UserProfileServiceAudienceStatisticsWebPart |
Represents a Web Part that renders the audience statistics for the User Profile Service Application. |
.gif) |
UserProfileServiceImportStatisticsWebPart |
Renders the user profile import statistics for the User Profile Service Application. |
.gif) |
UserProfileServiceStatisticsWebPartBase |
Provides a base class for the WebPart objects that render statistics for the User Profile Service Application. |
.gif) |
UserProfileServiceUserStatisticsWebPart |
Renders the user statistics for the User Profile Service Application. |
.gif) |
WebPartPage |
Represents a Web Parts page. |
.gif) |
WebProperty |
Renders a property of the current website. |