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SharePoint User Profiles JavaScript Reference (sp.userprofiles.js)

Interact with feeds, follow people and content, and access user profiles from custom apps for SharePoint and SharePoint solutions by using the JavaScript object model in SharePoint 2013.

Applies to: apps for SharePoint | Office 365 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Server 2013

The SharePoint User Profiles JavaScript object model is defined in the SP.UserProfiles.js library, located in the path %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\.

In this section


In the SharePoint User Profiles JavaScript Reference, the following items are removed because they're intended for internal-use only:

  • SP.Microfeed namespace. Use the API in the SP.Social namespace to access feed-related functionality.

  • SocialPostDefinitionData object, SocialPostDefinitionDataItem object, and SocialPostDefinitionDataItemType enumeration in the SP.Social namespace

  • Followed API and the ProfileImageStore object in the SP.UserProfiles namespace. Use the API in the SP.Social namespace to access following-related functionality.

  • Internal constructors

  • initPropertiesFromJson methods, writeToXml methods, childItemType properties, and typeId properties

  • <Object>PropertyNames objects and <Object>ObjectPropertyNames objects


Social object library for JavaScript

Social client class library (CSOM)

Social feed REST API reference for SharePoint 2013

Following people and content REST API reference for SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 Social server class library

See also

Other resources

Social and collaboration features in SharePoint 2013

How to: Create and delete posts and retrieve the social feed by using the JavaScript object model in SharePoint 2013

How to: Follow people by using the JavaScript object model in SharePoint 2013

Configure social computing features in SharePoint Server 2013