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Topic Last Modified: 2012-03-27

Creates an object reference to the default certificate used by Microsoft Lync Server 2010. This object reference can then be used to configure a static route to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) as its transport protocol.



Detailed Description

When you send a SIP message to someone, that message might need to traverse multiple subnets and networks before it is delivered; the path traveled by the message is often referred to as a route. In networking, there are two types of routes: dynamic and static. With dynamic routing, servers use algorithms to determine the next location (the next hop) where a message should be forwarded. With static routing, message paths are predetermined by system administrators. When a message is received by a server, the server checks the message address and then forwards the message to the next hop server that has been preconfigured by an administrator. If configured correctly, static routes help ensure timely, and accurate, delivery of messages, and with minimal overheard placed on servers. The downside to static routes is that messages are not dynamically rerouted in the event of a network failure.

Lync Server 2010 enables you to set up static routes for proxy servers. If you elect to use TLS (the recommended transport) you must also specify the certificate to be used for authentication purposes. You can either obtain a certificate specifically for use on your static route, or you can configure TLS to use your default Lync Server certificate . If you decide to use the default certificate, you can create an object reference to that certificate by running New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert. In turn, that certificate object reference can be used by the New-CsSipProxyTLS cmdlet to configure TLS as the transport protocol.

Note that the New-CsSipProxcyUseDefaultCert cmdlet is not required if you use New-CsStaticRoute to create your static route.

Who can run this cmdlet: By default, members of the following groups are authorized to run the New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert cmdlet locally: RTCUniversalServerAdmins. To return a list of all the role-based access control (RBAC) roles this cmdlet has been assigned to (including any custom RBAC roles you have created yourself), run the following command from the Windows PowerShell prompt:

Get-CsAdminRole | Where-Object {$_.Cmdlets –match "New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert"}


Parameter Required Type Description



Switch Parameter

Reports detailed activity to the screen as the cmdlet runs.

Input Types

None. New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert does not accept pipelined input.

Return Types

New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert creates new instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.SipProxy.UseDefaultCert object.


-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

$cert = New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert

$tls = New-CsSipProxyTLS -Certificate $cert -Fqdn

$transport = New-CsSipProxyTransport -TransportChoice $tls -Port 7500

The commands shown in Example 1 create a new SIP proxy transport object that uses TLS as its transport. Because TLS requires a certificate (to be used for authentication purposes), the first command in the example uses New-CsSipProxyUseDefaultCert to configure a new SipProxy.UseDefaultCert object. This object, stored in a variable named $cert, instructs Lync Server to use the default certificate for the TLS transport. After the UseDefaultCert object has been created, New-CsSipProxyTLS can be called to create a new SipProxy.TLS object, one that uses the default certificate and points to as the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the next hop server.

As soon as the TLS object exists, that object (and the TLS protocol) can be added to a Transport object, an object created by calling New-CsSipProxyTransport.

See Also

Other Resources
