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Microsoft.EssentialBusinessServer.Console.ObjectModel Namespace


Class Description
AsyncUiTask Represents a task that starts the user interface of a process and does not block the use of the Administration Console. The task is started from the task pane of the Administration Console.
AsyncUiTask Represents a task that starts the user interface of a process and does not block the use of the Administration Console. The task is associated with a business object that is selected in the list pane of the Administration Console. The task is started from the task pane of the Administration Console.
ConsoleException Represents errors that occur while running the Administration Console.
DataUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the DataUpdated event.
DetailColumn Represents a column in the details pane of the Administration Console.
DetailColumnCollection Represents a collection of DetailColumn objects that are displayed in the details pane of the Administration Console.
DetailGroup Represents a group of data in the details pane of the Administration Console.
DetailItem Represents an item in the details pane of the Administration Console.
ErrorInfo Provides information about an error that has occurred.
ErrorManager Used as a repository for reporting and dismissing errors.
HelpTopicInfo Represents a specific help topic within a help file.
ListColumn Represents a column in the list pane of the Administration Console.
ListColumnCollection Represents a collection of ListColumn objects that are displayed in the list pane of the Administration Console.
ListGroup Represents a group of business objects in the list pane of the Administration Console.
ListGrouping Represents a grouping of ListGroup objects in the list pane of the Administration Console.
ListGroupingCollection Represents a collection of ListGrouping objects that are used to group objects in the list pane of the Administration Console.
ListProvider Provides a list of objects in the list pane of the page in the Administration Console.
Page Represents a page that is accessed through a tab in the Administration Console.
PageContent Provides the content that is displayed in a Page that is associated with a tab in the Administration Console.
PollingInterval Represents the polling intervals that are used by the PollingListProvider.
PollingListProvider Represents a ListProvider that polls for data at regular intervals.
ProcessTask Represents a task that can be started from the task pane of the Administration Console. The task is not associated to items listed in the list pane of the Administration Console.
ProcessTask Represents a task that is associated to an item that is selected in the list pane of the Administration Console. The task is started from the task pane of the Administration Console.
ProcessTaskStartInfo Provides information to the Administration Console about how to start a task process.
SecurityAdapter Monitors and reports the security-related state of an implementation-defined system or component.
SecurityStatusException Indicates that an error occurred while retrieving the SecurityStatus for a SecurityAdapter object. When this exception is thrown, the status is unknown.
SecurityTaskCollection Represents a collection of Task objects that are associated to a SecurityAdapter. The tasks in the collection are displayed in the task pane of the Administration Console.
SelectionTask Represents a task that depends on the selection of a business object within the Administration Console.
SyncUiTask Represents a task that starts the user interface of a process and blocks the use of the Administration Console until the task is complete.
SyncUiTask Represents a task that starts the user interface of a process and blocks the use of the Administration Console until the task is complete. The task is associated with a business object that is selected in the list pane of the Administration Console. The task is started from the task pane of the Administration Console.
Task Represents an action that can be performed from the task pane in the Administration Console.
TaskCollection Represents a collection of Task objects that are displayed in the task pane of the Administration Console.
TaskCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the Completed event.
TaskCondition Used to associate a task to a business object that has been selected in the list pane of the Administration Console.
TaskException Indicates that an error occurred while running a Task.
UrlTask Represents a task that starts a Web browser and accesses a specified URL. The task is started from the task pane of the Administration Console.
UrlTask Represents a task that starts a Web browser and accesses a specified URL. The task is associated with a business object that is selected in the list pane of the Administration Console. The task is started from the task pane of the Administration Console.


Delegate Description
AsyncAction Represents a method that is used to run an asynchronous task.
AsyncAction Represents a method that is used to run an asynchronous task that is associated with a business object. The associated business object is selected in the list pane of the Administration Console.
EqualityChecker Represents a method that checks the equality of two business objects.
Initializer Represents a method that is used to initialize an asynchronous task.
Initializer Represents a method that is used to initialize an asynchronous task that is associated with a selected item in the list pane of the Administration Console.
SyncAction Represents a method that is used to run a synchronous task.
SyncAction Represents a method that is used to run a synchronous task, which is associated to a business object that has been selected in the Administration Console.


Enumeration Description
ColumnSortOrder Indicates whether a column is sorted in ascending or descending order.
DataUpdatedReason Indicates why a DataUpdated event was raised.
ErrorLevel Indicates the severity level of the error.
LaunchBehavior Indicates how a process-based task is started.
SecurityStatus Indicates the overall security status of a monitored system or component.
TaskCondition Indicates the association of a task to a business object that has been selected in the Administration Console.
UiActivation Determines whether the Administration Console should activate the existing user interface of a Task that is already running.
WellknownSecurityCategory Indicates the security category in which the SecurityAdapter is a member.