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Active Directory Domain Services Availability

To verify license compliance, Active Directory Domain Services must be available and functioning correctly.


Event ID Source Message


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Serializing License Store was unsuccessful due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Initialization did not occur due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

BindServers could not be completed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

DeSerialization could not be completed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

ValidateLicenseStore failed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

RecycleLicenses could not be completed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing has encountered an error. Licensing policies are not being enforced due to an error (code %1).%r%2%rPlease contact your customer service representative for assistance in correcting the issue.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

GetLicensedAndUnLicensedUsers failed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

The AD schema appears to be incorrect (code %1).%r%2Please contact your customer service representative for assistance in correcting the issue.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Unable to read License Store from the AD, because the License Store AD data type is %1 which is not octet string.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An internal error occurred. A write operation to the license store could not be completed due to an error (code %1).%r%2%rPlease contact your customer service representative for assistance in correcting the issue.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An internal error occurred. A read operation from the license store could not be completed due to an error (code %1).%r%2%rPlease contact your customer service representative for assistance in correcting the issue.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An internal error occurred. Querying the policy could not be completed due to an error (code %1).%r%2%rPlease contact your customer service representative for assistance in correcting the issue.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

The checksum for the license store data is not correct.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Active Directory could not be called. There was an authentication error: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An unexpected AD error %1 has occurred.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An access not allowed error %2 has occurred for user %1 in file %3.%r%4


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Licensing CAL Enforcement Failed.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Licensing CAL Enforcement Succeeded.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An internal error occurred. DeSerialization from file backup could not be completed due to an error (code %1).%r%2%rPlease contact your customer service representative for assistance in correcting the issue.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

The licensing store did not initialize due to error code: %1.%r%2%rThe schema extensions required by licensing store are not available.

Client Access

Windows EBS