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Client Access License Assignment

Client access licenses (CALs) for Windows EBS must be assigned to user accounts or networked devices for your users to log on to the Windows EBS network. If you assign a CAL to a user account, the user can log on to Windows EBS from any networked device.


Event ID Source Message


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

Manage License Tool was launched.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

License %1 was removed from %2 object %3 successfully.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

License %1 was not removed from %2 object %3 due to error code: %4.%r%5


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

License %1 was assigned to %2 object %3


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

License %1 was not assigned to %2 object %3 due to %4.%r%5


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

PopulateLicenseStoreFromScratch could not be completed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

GetLicensedDevices failed due to error code: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

A %1 CAL was assigned to %2 object %3. A temporary CAL was assigned because all installed CALs of that type are already assigned.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

A %1 CAL was assigned to %2 object %3. A temporary CAL was assigned because all installed CALs of that type are already assigned. You have exceeded the maximum number of CALs allowed by your license agreement. Contact Microsoft for licensing options.


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

An RPC error has occurred: %1.%r%2


Microsoft-Windows-Windows Server Solutions Client Access Licensing

The licensing service has not found a licensing store and will create a new one for client access license (CAL) assignments.

Client Access

Windows EBS