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Configure the Windows SBS 2011 Standard internal website

Applies To: Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard

Problem   Incoming and outgoing email messages from Microsoft® SharePoint® Foundation 2010 cannot be configured.

Features affected   Incoming and outgoing email messages from SharePoint Foundation 2010 to Exchange Server 2010 are affected. This includes email alerts from document libraries and mail-enabled security groups that you want to archive in the SharePoint Foundation 2010 document libraries.

Solution   To resolve this issue, configure the internal Web site as follows:

  1. Set permissions to the internal Web site (https://CompanyWeb).

  2. Create “Fax” folders.

  3. Add a link to the Windows Small Business Server 2011 Client Computer Help document (optional).

  4. Add the “Welcome to your Internal Web site” announcement (optional).

  5. Add the “Install the security certificate for your server on your remote computer” announcement (optional).

  6. Create the “Pictures” library (optional).

  7. Upload the customized master page.

  8. Set the CompanyWeb registry key.

Pre-requisite task   Before you can configure the internal Web site; you must configure incoming and outgoing email for SharePoint Foundation 2010. For step-by-step instructions, see Incoming and outgoing email for Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010 cannot be configured.

To set permissions to the internal Web site

  1. Set Design permissions to the internal Web site (https://CompanyWeb)

    1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

    2. Click Site Actions, click Site Settings, and then, in the Users and Permissions section, click Site permissions.

    3. On the Permissions: CompanyWeb page, select the Companyweb Members check box, and then click Edit User Permissions.

    4. On the Edit Permissions page, select the Design – Can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize check box and clear all other check boxes.

    5. Click OK to save the setting.

  2. Verify group membership for network users

    • Open the Windows SBS Console.

    • On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

    • On the navigation bar, click Users and Groups, and then click the Groups tab.

    • Right-click Windows SBS SharePoint_OwnersGroup, and then, click Change group membership. In the Change Group Membership window, verify that all domain administrator accounts are members of this group. If a domain administrator account is not listed as a group member, select the account and then click Add.

    • Right-click Windows SBS SharePoint_MembersGroup, and then, click Change group membership. In the Change Group Membership window, verify that all domain user accounts are members of this group. If a domain user account is not listed as a group member, select the account and then click Add.

To create “Fax” folders

  1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

  2. On the home page, click Site Actions, and then click New Document Library.

  3. On the Companyweb: New page, do the following:

    • For Name, type Fax Center

    • For Description, type Document library for managing and sending faxes.

    • Click Create.

  4. In the quick launch pane, in Libraries, click Fax Center.

  5. On the Fax Center page, in Library Tools, click the Library tab. The Library tool bar appears. Click Create Column.

  6. On the Create Column page, enter the following column names and column types:

    • For column name, type Name of sender, and for type of information, select Single line of text.

    • For column name, type Caller ID, and for type of information, select Single line of text.

    • For column name, type Time received, and for type of information, select Date and Time.

    • For column name, type Pages, and for type of information, select Number.

  7. On the Library tool bar, click Library Settings.

  8. On the Fax Center: Document Library Settings page, in Columns, click Column ordering, and then change the field order as follows:

    • Name: 1

    • Title: 2

    • Name of sender: 3

    • Caller ID: 4

    • Time received: five

    • Pages: 6

  9. In the quick launch pane, click Fax Center, and in Library Tools, click Documents. The Documents tool bar appears.

  10. Click New Folder, and then create the following folders: Cover pages, Incoming faxes, Saved faxes, and Sent faxes.

  11. Click Start, in the Search box, type regedit, and then press ENTER.


    Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

  12. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  13. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer\InternalWebSite.


    If the InternalWebSite key does not exist, create it. To create the InternalWebSite key, right-click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer, click New, click Key, and name the key InternalWebSite.

  14. Right-click InternalWebSite, click New, click String value, and then set the following nine string values:

    • String name FaxCenterName, with value data Fax Center

    • String name FaxCenterSenderNameFieldName, with value data Name of sender

    • String name FaxCenterCallerIdFieldName, with value data Caller ID

    • String name FaxCenterTimeReceivedFieldName, with value data Time received

    • String name FaxCenterPagesFieldName, with value data Pages

    • String name FaxCenterCoverPagesFolderName, with value data Cover pages

    • String name FaxCenterIncomingFaxesFolderName, with value data Incoming faxes

    • String name FaxCenterSavedFaxesFolderName, with value data Saved faxes

    • String name FaxCenterSentFaxesFolderName, with value data Sent faxes

  15. Close Registry Editor.

  1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

  2. In the quick launch pane, click Lists, and then click Links.

  3. In the Links – All Links page, click Add new link.

  4. In the Links -New Item page, do the following:

    1. For Web address, type https://Sites/webhelp/webhelp.html

    2. For Description, type Windows Small Business Server 2011 Client Computer Help.

  5. Click Save to add the link.

To add the “Welcome to your Internal Web site” announcement (optional)

  1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

  2. On the home page, click the Announcements, and then click Add new announcement.

  3. In the Announcements - New Item page, for the title, type Welcome to your internal Web site, and then, for the body text, type Windows Small Business Server provides your organization with this internal Web site. You can use your internal Web site to share documents, pictures, and other information with co-workers. You can also use features that enable email and fax. For more information, click Windows Small Business Server 2011 Client Computer Help.

To add the “Install the server's security certificate on your remote computer” announcement (Optional)

  1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

  2. On the home page, click the Announcements, and then click Add new announcement.

  3. In the Announcements - New Item page, for the announcement title, type Install the server's security certificate on your remote computer. For the body text, type You can configure remote computers to trust the server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2011 by installing the security certificate for the server. This enables your Internet browser to connect to Remote Web Access without security warnings.To install the security certificate for the server on your remote computer, do the following:


    Add the following procedure steps to the body text of the announcement.

    1. From a computer that is in the Windows SBS network, open a Web browser, and then type the following address into the address bar: \\<ServerName>\public\downloads.

    2. Copy the file Install Certificate to portable storage media, such as a CD or a USB flash drive.

    3. Insert the CD or USB drive into the computer that is not joined to the Windows SBS domain and from which you want to access Remote Web Access.

    4. In Windows Explorer, browse to the location where you copied Install Certificate, right-click Install Certificate, and then click Extract All.

    5. In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog box, type a folder location to which you want to extract the files, and then click Extract.

    6. Open the folder where the extracted files are located, and then double-click InstallCertificate.

    7. Select Install the certificate on my computer, and then click Install.

    8. Browse to the Remote Web Access Web site.


    You should only download the certificate installer package from a computer that is directly connected to your organization's network. Do not download this package over the Internet.

To create the “Pictures” library (optional)

  1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

  2. In the quick launch pane, click Libraries, and then click Create.

  3. On the Companyweb - Create page, click Picture Library.

  4. On the New page, type the following information:

    1. Name: Pictures

    2. Description: Use this library to store photos of your organization and of your events.


      Keep the rest of the default settings.

    3. Click Create.

  5. On the Pictures page, click New, and then click New Folder.

  6. On the New Folder page, in Name, type Photos, and then click Save.

  7. On the Pictures page, click Photos, and then click Upload.

  8. On the Select Picture page, click Browse.

  9. Browse to C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data, click sbs_logo.png, and then click Open.

  10. Click OK to continue, and then click Save.

  11. Click Site Actions, click Site Settings, and then, in Look and Feel, click Quick launch.

  12. In the Pictures section, click the Edit icon next to Pictures, and then click Delete.

  13. In the warning message box, click OK.

  14. On the Quick Launch page, click New Navigation Link, on the New Navigation Link page, type the following information, and then click OK:

    • URL: https://companyweb/Pictures/Photos

    • Description: Photos

    • Heading: Select Pictures.

  15. Click Change Order.

  16. Set the order of the links as follows and then click OK.

    • 1:Libraries

      • 1:Site Pages

      • 2:Shared Documents

      • 3:Fax Center

    • 2:Lists

      • 1:Calendar

      • 2:Tasks

    • 3:Discussions

      • 1:Team Discussion
    • 4:Sites

      • 1:Archived Mails
    • 5:Pictures

      • 1:Photos
    • 6:People and Groups

  17. Click the Home tab, click Site Actions, and then click Edit Page.

  18. In the Image section, click Edit Web Part, and then, in the Image pane, do the following:

    • Set the Image Link to /Pictures/Photos/SBS_logo.png

    • Set the Alternative Text to the Windows Small Business Server logo.

    • Keep the remaining default settings and click OK.

    • Click Save & Close to save all of the changes.

To upload the customized master page

  1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to https://companyweb.

  2. Click Site Actions, click Site Settings, and then, in the Galleries section, click Master pages.

  3. On the Master Page Gallery page, in Library Tools, click the Documents tab, and then click Upload Document.

  4. On the Upload Master Page: Master Page Gallery page, click Browse.

  5. In the Choose File to Upload window, browse to C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data, click default.master, click Open, click OK, and then click Save.

To edit the CompanyWeb registry key

  1. Click Start, in the Search box type regedit, and then press ENTER.


    Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

  2. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.

  3. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer\Components, and then set the value of the CompanyWeb key to ** 1**.

  4. Close Registry Editor.