Build a function in Project Siena
In Project Siena, you can use the operators and functions that this topic describes.
All references to data in the following examples are hypothetical. No data samples accompany this reference.
Project Siena supports these operators:
Symbol |
Operator type |
Syntax |
Description |
( ) |
Parentheses |
Filter(T, A < 10) (1 + 2) * 3 |
Precedence-order enforcement, and grouping of sub-expressions in a larger expression |
+ |
Arithmetic operators |
1 + 2 |
Addition |
- |
2 - 1 |
Subtraction and sign |
* |
2 * 3 |
Multiplication |
/ |
2 / 3 |
Division |
^ |
2 ^ 3 |
Exponentiation |
% |
20% |
Percentage (equivalent to "* 1/100") |
= |
Comparison operators |
Price = 100 |
Equal to |
> |
Price > 100 |
Greater than |
>= |
Price >= 100 |
Greater than or equal to |
< |
Price < 100 |
Less than |
<= |
Price <= 100 |
Less than or equal to |
<> |
Price <> 100 |
Not equal to |
& |
String concatenation operator |
"hello" & " " & "world" |
Concatenation |
&& |
Logical operators |
Price < 100 && slider!value = 20 |
Logical conjunction |
|| |
Price < 100 || slider!value = 20 |
Logical disjunction |
! |
!(Price < 100) |
Logical negation |
exactin |
Membership operators |
gallery!Selected exactin SavedItems |
Belonging to a collection or table |
exactin |
"Windows" exactin “To display windows in the Windows operating system...” |
Substring test (case-sensitive) |
in |
gallery!Selected in SavedItems |
Belonging to a collection or table |
in |
"The" in "The keyboard and the monitor..." |
Substring test (case-insensitive) |
@ |
Disambiguation operator |
MyTable[@fieldname] |
Field disambiguation |
[@MyTable] |
Global disambiguation |
; |
Expression chaining |
Collect(T, A); Navigate(S1, "") |
Separate invocations of functions in behavior properties |
in and exactin operators
You can use the in and exactin operators to find a string in a data source, such as a collection or an imported table. The in operator identifies matches regardless of case, and the exactin operator identifies matches only if they're capitalized the same way. Here's an example:
Create or import a collection named Inventory, and show it in a gallery, as Create your first app describes.
Set the Items property of the gallery to this function:
Filter(Inventory, "E" in ProductName)
The gallery shows all products except Callisto because the name of that product is the only one that doesn't contain the letter you specified.
Change the Items property of the gallery to this function:
Filter(Inventory, "E" exactin ProductName)
The gallery shows only Europa because only its name contains the letter you specified in the case that you specified.
ThisItem operator for galleries
You show data in a gallery by binding it to a table or a collection and then adding one or more types of controls to show different kinds of data. You use the ThisItem operator to specify the column of data that each control shows. For example, that operator in the product gallery for Create your first app specified that the image control showed the product design, the upper label showed the product name, and the lower label showed the number of units in stock.
For nested galleries, ThisItem refers to the innermost gallery's items. Assuming the row fields in the inner and outer galleries don't conflict, you can also use the unqualified field (column) names directly—this approach enables rules in an inner gallery to refer to an outer gallery's items.
Project Siena supports the following functions. If you use functions in Excel, you may recognize many of them.
In the syntax sections of this topic, italics indicate generic text that you replace with values that are specific for your app, and square brackets enclose optional arguments. If a comma appears before an optional argument, you must include the comma if you want to use the argument that it precedes.
Functions by category
Boolean -- And, If, IsBlank, IsEmpty, Not, Or
Collections -- Clear, Collect, LoadData, Remove, RemoveIf, SaveData
Date and Time -- Date, DateAdd, DateDiff, DateTimeValue, DateValue, Day, Hour, Minute, Month, Now, Second, Time, TimeValue, Today, Year
More examples of how to manage dates and times.
Math -- Abs, Average, Max, Min, Rand, Round, RoundDown, RoundUp, Sqrt, StdevP, Sum, VarP
Other -- ColorFade, ColorValue, Disable, Enable, Launch, Language, Navigate, Refresh, RGBA, UpdateContext
Strings -- Char, Concat, Concatenate, EncodeUrl, Find, HashTags, Len, Left, Lower, PlainText, Proper, Right, Substitute, Text, Trim, Upper, Value
Table -- AddColumns, Count, CountA, CountIf, CountRows, Distinct, DropColumns, Filter, First, FirstN, Last,LastN, LookUp, RenameColumns, Replace, Sort, Shuffle, ShowColumns, Table, Update, UpdateIf
Syntax |
Abs(Number) Abs(ColumnExpression) |
Description |
Returns the absolute value of a number—that is, the number without its sign.
Examples |
Abs(-55) returns 55. If a table contained a column named Trend, you could use Abs(Trend) in a Result column to return the absolute value of each number in the Trend column. ![]() |
Syntax |
AddColumns(Table, Column1, Expression1[, Column2, Expression2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns a table that has one or more added columns that contain results of the specified expressions evaluated over the rows in the original input table. |
Examples |
If you had a Sales table that contained a CostPerUnit column and a UnitsSold column, you could create a second table that contained both of those columns plus a third column, named TotalSales, that showed the results of multiplying the values in the first two columns. AddColumns(Sales, "TotalSales", CostPerUnit * UnitsSold) ![]() Note This function doesn't modify the original table. If you had an Employees table that contained a FirstName column and a LastName column, you could create a second table that contained both of those columns plus a third column, named FullName, that showed the results of concatenating the strings in the first two columns. AddColumns(Employees, "FullName", FirstName & " " & LastName) |
Syntax |
And(LogicalExpression1[, LogicalExpression2, ...]) |
Description |
Determines whether one or more Boolean values or sub-expressions are all true. (Accomplishes the same outcome as the inline && operator.) |
Examples |
This function determines whether a slider's value falls between 50 and 100: And(Slider1!Value > 50, Slider1!Value < 100) If a table contained a Dept column and a Salary column, you could use this function in a Result column to show true in all rows in which the value in the Dept column was HR and the value in the Salary column was larger than 200000. And(Dept = "HR", Salary > 200000) ![]() These functions use the && operator but return the same results as the previous examples: Slider1!Value > 50 && Slider1!Value < 100 Dept = HR && Salary > 200000 |
Syntax |
Average(Table, Expression) Average(Expression1[, Expression2, …]) |
Description |
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments. You can use this function in these contexts:
Examples |
If you had a Sales table that contained a CostPerUnit column and a UnitsSold column, this function would compute the average sales: Average(Sales, CostPerUnit * UnitsSold) If you had three sliders, this function would compute the average of their values: Average(Slider1!Value, Slider2!Value, Slider3!Value) |
Syntax |
Char(Number) |
Description |
Returns the appropriate ASCII character for your platform, based on the value that you supply. |
Example |
Char(65)returns: A Char(105) returns: i Char(35) returns: # |
Syntax |
Clear(Collection) |
Description |
Clears all of the items from a collection and returns an empty collection. Important This function modifies the underlying collection. |
Example |
To confirm that your collection is empty, press Alt-D, and then click Collections in the left navigation bar. |
Syntax |
Collect(CollectionName, Item1[, Item2,...]) |
Description |
Adds a table, a column within a table, or one or more individual items to a collection. If the specified collection doesn't exist, this function creates it and adds the item(s). Important This function modifies the underlying collection. |
Examples |
To create a collection that contains one column of values that you specify:
Add data from the user for more examples of how to use this function. |
Syntax |
ColorFade(Color, FadeDelta) |
Description |
Returns a faded version of a color based on a fade delta that ranges from -1 to 1, inclusive. |
Examples |
ColorFade(Color!AliceBlue, -1) ColorFade(Color!DarkBlue, 1) ColorFade(RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1), 1) |
Syntax |
ColorValue(ColorText) |
Description |
Returns the color value that corresponds to a CSS (cascading style sheet) color string. |
Examples |
ColorValue("Blue") ColorValue("Fuschia") |
Syntax |
Concat(CollectionName, Expression) |
Description |
Concatenates all strings in a column that you specify in a data source that you specify. You can concatenate data in a collection or imported from, for example, Excel or a SharePoint list. |
Examples |
1. Add a button, and set its OnSelect property to this function: Collect(Products, {String:"Violin", Wind:"Trombone", Percussion:"Bongos"}, {String:"Cello", Wind:"Trumpet", Percussion:"Tambourine"}) 2. Press F5, click the button, and then press Esc to return to the design workspace. 3. Add a label, and set its Text property to this function: Concat(Products, String & " ") The label shows Violin Cello. |
Syntax |
Concatenate(Text1[, Text2, ...]) Concatenate(ColumnExpression1[, ColumnExpression2, ...]) |
Description |
Joins several text strings into one string, or concatenates the output of several expressions that return text but appear in different columns in a table, and returns the concatenated text in its own column. |
Examples |
If you created an input-text control named AuthorName, the following function would prepend "By" to text that the user typed in that control: Concatenate("By ", AuthorName!Text) If you had an Employees table that contained a FirstName column and a LastName column, the following function would concatenate the data in each row of those columns. Concatenate(Employees!FirstName, " ", Employees!LastName) |
Syntax |
Count(Column) |
Description |
Counts the cells in a table column that contains only numbers. |
Example |
Syntax |
CountA(Column) |
Description |
Counts the cells that aren't empty in a table column. This function includes error values and empty text ("") in the count. |
Example |
Syntax |
CountIf(Table, Expression) |
Description |
Counts the rows in a table that satisfy the given condition. |
Example |
Syntax |
CountRows(Table) |
Description |
Counts the rows in a table. |
Example |
Syntax |
Date(Year, Month, Day) |
Description |
Returns the sequential serial number that represents the specified date. You can use the DateValue function to customize the date display.
Example |
If a user typed 1979 in an input-text control named HireYear, 3 in an input-text control named HireMonth, and 17 in an input-text control named HireDay, this function would return 3/17/1979: Date(Value(HireYear!Text), Value(HireMonth!Text), Value(HireDay!Text)) More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
DateAdd(Date, NumberOfUnits[, Units]) |
Description |
Returns a date that's a specified number of time units (days, quarters, months, or years) after a specified date. The first argument specifies the original date, and the second argument specifies the number of time units to add. By default, this function adds Days, but you can use a third optional argument to add Months, Quarters, or Years to the original date. |
Examples |
If today were 7/15/2013:
More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
DateDiff(StartDate, EndDate[, Units]) |
Description |
Returns the difference between two dates. By default, this function returns the result in Days, but you can specify a third optional argument to return the results in Years, Quarters, or Months. |
Examples |
If today were 7/15/2013: DateDiff(Now(), 1/1/2014) and DateDiff(Now(), 1/1/2014, Days) would both return 170 days. DateDiff(Now(), 1/1/2014, Months) would return 6 months. More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
DateTimeValue(DateTimeText) DateTimeValue (DateTimeText, "LanguageCode") |
Description |
Converts a text representation of a date and a time to a value on which you can perform a mathematical or Boolean operation, such as comparing two dates. You can also specify a language code to ensure that a date structured with slashes is interpreted appropriately as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY. |
Examples |
If you typed 10/11/2014 1:50:24.765 PM into an input-text control named Start and then set the Text property of a label to this function:
More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
DateValue(DateText) DateValue (DateText, "LanguageCode") |
Description |
Converts a text representation of a date to a value on which you can perform a mathematical or Boolean operation, such as comparing two dates. The source data must follow one of these patterns:
You can also specify a language code to ensure that a date structured with slashes is interpreted appropriately as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY. |
Examples |
If you typed 10/11/2014 into an input-text control named Startdate and then set the Text property of a label to this function:
If you did the same thing on October 20, 2014:
More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Day(DateTime) |
Description |
Returns the day from a DateValue function. The returned value can range from 1 to 31. |
Example |
If you added an input-text control named Text1, Day(DateValue(Text1!Text)) would return 15 if a user typed any of these strings into that control: 07/15/2013 15 July 2013 July 15, 2013 More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Disable(Signal) |
Description |
Disables a signal data source so that an app can't pull signals (data) from it. Location is the only signal data source that this release supports. |
Example |
Disable(Location) |
Syntax |
Distinct(Table, Expression) |
Description |
Evaluates an expression over one or more columns of a table and returns a one-column table that contains distinct values for the evaluated expression. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table that contained a Department column, this function would list each unique department name in that column, no matter how many times each name appeared in that column: Distinct(Employees, Department) |
Syntax |
DropColumns(Table, Column1[, Column2, …]) |
Description |
Returns a table that is based on the specified table but doesn't contain the specified columns. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table that contained a FirstName column, a LastName column, and an Address column, this function would return the same table except without those columns: DropColumns(Employees, "FirstName", "LastName", "Address") |
Syntax |
Enable(Signal) |
Description |
Enables a signal data source so that an app can pull data (signals) from it. Location is the only signal data source that this release supports. |
Example |
Enable(Location) |
Syntax |
EncodeUrl(Text) |
Description |
Encodes all instances of non-alphanumeric characters in a string that represents a URL. For example, you can use this function to help create a mail link by merging strings that contain From:, To:, Subject: and Body: fields. |
Example |
EncodeUrl("'http://example/page/url.aspx") returns: %27http%3A%2F%2Fexample%2Fpage%2Furl.aspx |
Syntax |
Filter(Table, Condition1[, Condition2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns the rows in the specified table that satisfy the given conditions. By default, if you specify more than one condition, And (that is, &&) joins are used. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table that contained a Salary column, this function would identify the employees whose salaries were greater than 100,000: Filter(Employees, Salary > 100000) For more information about how to use this function, see Show, sort and filter a data set in Project Siena. |
Syntax |
Find(FindText, WithinText[, StartNum]) |
Description |
Indicates where one string appears in another string for the first time. The first argument specifies the string that you want to search for in another string. The second argument specifies the string in which you want to search. You can also include a third optional argument to ignore any instances before a certain location in the string in which you're searching. This function is case-sensitive and returns nothing if the string that you're looking for doesn't appear in the string that you're searching. |
Example |
Find("me", "time") returns 3 because "me" appears in "time" starting with the third letter. Find("my", "time") returns nothing because "my" doesn't appear in "time" anywhere. Find("in", "Honorificabilitudinitatibus", 4) returns 18. Find("in", "Honorificabilitudinitatibus", 19) returns nothing because no match was found after the 18th letter. |
Syntax |
First(Table) |
Description |
Returns the first row from the specified table. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table, this function would return the first row from that table: First(Employees) |
Syntax |
FirstN(Table[, NumRows]) |
Description |
Returns the specified number of rows from the beginning of the specified table. The NumRows argument is optional; if it isn't specified, only the first row is returned. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table, this function would return the first 10 rows from that table: FirstN(Employees, 10) |
Syntax |
HashTags(Text) |
Description |
Creates a list of hashtags that start with a pound sign (#) and contain any combination of these kinds of characters:
Listed hashtags can't contain any other special characters. |
Example |
Syntax |
Hour(DateTime) |
Description |
Returns the hour of a given TimeValue as a number between 0 (12:00:00 A.M.) and 23 (11:00:00 P.M.), inclusive. |
Example |
If you typed 10:20:30 PM into an input-control named EventTime, a label would show 22 if its text property were set to Hour(TimeValue(EventTime!Text)). More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
If(Condition1, Result1[, Condition2, Result2, ConditionN, ResultN, DefaultResult]) |
Description |
Returns the result that corresponds to the first condition matched. If none of the conditions match, the Default result is returned. If you specify a string as a result, you must surround it with quotation marks. |
Examples |
Syntax |
IsBlank(Expression) |
Description |
Returns true if an expression evaluates to blank (no value); otherwise, returns false. For example, you could combine this function with the If function to notify users when they leave a required field blank. |
Example |
If you created an input-text control named Quantity on an order form, a label with a Text property of If(IsBlank(Quantity!Text), "Please add a quantity.") would remind you if you forgot to specify a quantity in that form. |
Syntax |
IsEmpty(Source) |
Description |
Identifies whether a table or a collection contains any data. |
Example |
If a table named Employees contains data, IsEmpty(Employees) returns false; otherwise, the function returns true. |
Syntax |
Language() |
Description |
Returns the currently active language from the language preferences for an app that hasn't yet been published. If you change the language preference while Project Siena is open, you must restart Project Siena for the function to reflect the change. For a published app, this function returns the language with which the app was branded just before it was published. |
Example |
Language() could return en-US based on your configuration. |
Syntax |
Last(Table) |
Description |
Returns the last row from the specified table. |
Example |
If you had a table named Employees, this function would return the last row from that table: Last(Employees) |
Syntax |
LastN(Table[, NumRows]) |
Description |
Returns the specified number of rows from the end of the table. The NumRows argument is optional; if it isn't specified, this function returns only the last row. |
Example |
If you had a table named Employees, this function would return the last 15 rows from that table: LastN(Employees, 15) |
Syntax |
Launch(Hyperlink) |
Description |
Runs the app that's associated with the specified hyperlink and opens the hyperlink itself. |
Example |
Syntax |
Left(Text, NumChars) Left(ColumnExpression, NumericExpression) |
Description |
Returns the specified number of characters from the beginning of the given string. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Len(Text) Len(ColumnExpression) |
Description |
Examples |
If you typed "F@V0riteBandName" into a text-input control named Password, Len(Password!Text) would return 16. |
Syntax |
LoadData(Collection, Filename) |
Description |
Decrypts the data in the specified file and inserts it into the specified collection. Use this function together with the SaveData function to save and load application data to and from app local storage. LoadData is an asynchronous function and can't be used in predicates. We recommend that the result of LoadData be piped into a collection whose schema is known, because LoadData itself doesn't provide a schema. |
Example |
Create your first app for an example. |
Syntax |
LookUp(Table, Condition, Expression) |
Description |
This function takes three arguments: a table, a condition that evaluates to true or false for each row in the table, and an expression. For the first row for which the condition evaluates to true, the expression is evaluated, and the result is returned. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table that contained a FirstName column and a LastName column, this function would return the salary for the employee named "John Smith": LookUp(Employees, FirstName = "John" && LastName = "Smith", Salary) |
Syntax |
Lower(Text) Lower(ColumnExpression) |
Description |
Examples |
Syntax |
Max(Table, Expression) Max(Expression1[, Expression2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns the largest value among its arguments. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Mid(Text, StartPosition, NumChars) Mid(TextColumn, StartPositions, NumChars) |
Description |
Returns the characters from a string, given the position of the starting character and the number of characters to extract. You can run this function on a table of strings. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Min(Table, Expression) Min(Expression1[, Expression2, …]) |
Description |
Returns the smallest value among its arguments. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Minute(DateTime) |
Description |
Returns the minute from a given TimeValue as a number between 0 and 59 (inclusive). |
Example |
If you typed 10:20:30 PM into an input-control named EventTime, a label would show 20 if its text property were set to Minute(TimeValue(EventTime!Text)). More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Month(DateTime) |
Description |
Returns the month from a given DateValue as a number between 1 and 12 (inclusive). |
Example |
The function Month(DateValue("03/17/1979")) returns 3. More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Navigate(TargetScreen, Animation[, Context]) |
Description |
Changes the view to the specified target screen. These transition animations are supported: ScreenTransition!Cover, ScreenTransition!UnCover, and ScreenTransition!Fade. By specifying a Context argument, you can pass a state/context record to the target screen that it can then use to guide its computations. The target screen has unqualified access to the fields in the context record. Important If you pass a Context record to a target screen, its own context may be modified. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Not(BooleanExpression) |
Description |
Computes the logical negation of a Boolean expression. |
Example |
This function makes sure a radio button isn't selected: Not(RadioButton1!Selected) |
Syntax |
Now() |
Description |
Returns the current date and time in the device's locale-specific format. To format it, use the Text function. |
Example |
If today were October 11, 2014, at exactly 3:25 PM and you set the text property of a label to Text(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff"), the label would show 10/11/2014 3:25:00:000 PM if your computer were set to the en language code. The label would show 11/10/2014 3:25:00:000 PM if your computer were set to the fr language code. As an alternative, you can specify hh:mm:ss.f or hh:mm:ss.ff to round the time to the nearest tenth or hundredth of a second. If fractions of seconds don't matter in your app, you can use the DateTimeFormat parameter to specify the date, time, or both in any of several built-in formats. For example, you can replace the function in this example with Text(Now(), DateTimeFormat!ShortDateTime) to get the same results but without the milliseconds. To display a list of options for this parameter, type it, immediately followed by an exclamation mark, in the function box. More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Or(LogicalExpression1[, LogicalExpression2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns true if any specified expression is true; otherwise, returns false. In contrast, the And function returns true only if all specified expressions are true. The Or function accomplishes the same outcome as using the inline || operator. |
Examples |
You can use this function to determine whether a slider's value falls outside the 50 to 100 range: Or(Slider1!Value < 50, Slider1!Value> 100) If a table contained a Dept column and a Salary column, you could use this function in a Result column to show true in all rows in which the value in the Dept column was HR or the value in the Salary column was larger than 200000: Or(Dept = HR, Salary >= 200000) As an alternative, you can use the || operator to get the same results as what the previous functions return: Slider1!Value < 50 || Slider1!Value> 100 Dept = "HR" || Salary > 200000 |
Syntax |
PlainText(TextWithTags) |
Description |
Strips HTML and XML tags from text or converts the tags to an appropriate symbol. |
Examples |
If you bind a text gallery to an RSS feed and then set the Text property (in the Data category) of a label in that gallery to ThisItem!description, the label might show raw HTML or XML code as in this example: <p>We have done an unusually "deep" globalization and localization.<p> If you set the Text property of the label to PlainText(ThisItem!description), the text appears as in this example: We have done an unusually "deep" globalization and localization. |
Syntax |
Proper(Text) Proper(ColumnExpression) |
Description |
Converts words in a text string to proper case; that is, the first letter in every word is uppercase, and the other letters are lowercase.
Examples |
Syntax |
Rand() |
Description |
Returns a pseudo-random number that's greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1. |
Example |
Rand() could return 0.85116235, 0.76728732, 0.27591115, or any other number greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1. |
Syntax |
Refresh(ServiceDataSource) |
Description |
Refreshes the data from the specified data source so that the app has the most recent state. Important You can't use this function to refresh data from Excel tables. For an example of how to work with Excel data, see Show Excel data in a Project Siena app |
Example |
If you added an RSS feed named rss_1, Refresh(rss_1) would refresh that feed. |
Syntax |
Remove(Collection, Record1[, Record2, ..., All]) Remove(Collection, Table[, All]) |
Description |
Removes one or more rows from a collection. Because a collection can have duplicate records, this function also accepts an optional argument All that removes duplicates. Important This function modifies the underlying collection. |
Example |
Syntax |
RemoveIf(Collection, Condition1[, Condition2 ...]) |
Description |
Removes from a collection all rows that satisfy the specified conditions and returns the modified collection. |
Example |
If you had a collection named ShoppingCart that contained a field named Price, this function would remove from the collection any item for which the price was more than 200. RemoveIf(Cart, Price > 200) |
Syntax |
RenameColumns(CollectionName, "OldName", "NewName") |
Description |
Creates a temporary table that contains the same data as a data source except that one column has a different name. You can rename columns in a collection or in data imported from, for example, Excel or a SharePoint list. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Replace(Text, StartIndex, Count, NewText) Replace(Column, StartIndex, Count, NewText) |
Description |
Replaces part of a text string with a different text string, given the position of the starting character and the number of characters to replace. You can run this function on a table of strings. |
Examples |
Syntax |
RGBA(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) |
Description |
Returns a color value that has the specified red, green, blue, and alpha components. |
Example |
Add a label, and set its Color property to this function: RGBA(112, 48, 160, 1) The text of the label becomes purple. |
Syntax |
Right(Text, NumChars) Right(ColumnExpression, NumericExpression) |
Description |
Returns the specified number of characters from the end of the given string. |
Example |
Syntax |
Round(Number, DecimalPlaces) Round(Column, DecimalPlaces) |
Description |
Rounds the given number to the specified number of decimal places. You can run this function on a table of numbers. |
Examples |
To use this function with data that you provide manually:
Syntax |
RoundDown(Number, DecimalPlaces) RoundDown(Column, DecimalPlaces) |
Description |
Rounds down the given number to the specified number of decimal places. |
Example |
RoundDown(23.54, 0) returns 23. |
Syntax |
RoundUp(Number, DecimalPlaces) RoundUp(Column, DecimalPlaces) |
Description |
Rounds up the given number to the specified number of decimal places. |
Example |
RoundUp(23.44, 1) returns 23.5. |
Syntax |
SaveData(Collection, FileName) |
Description |
Encrypts the data in the specified collection and saves it to the specified file. This file is located in the app's own protected space. Use this function together with the LoadData function to save and load application data to and from app local storage. SaveData is an asynchronous function and can't be used in predicates such as predicates of Filter and CountIf. |
Example |
Create your first app for an example. |
Syntax |
Second(DateTime) |
Description |
Returns the second from a given TimeValue as a number between 0 and 59 (inclusive). |
Example |
If you typed 10:20:30 PM into an input-control named EventTime, a label would show 30 if its text property were set to Second(TimeValue(EventTime!Text)). More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
ShowColumns(CollectionName, "Column1", "Column2"...) |
Description |
Creates a temporary table that contains only the columns that you specify from a data source that you specify. You can specify columns from a collection or data imported from, for example, Excel or a SharePoint list. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Shuffle(Collection) |
Description |
Returns a copy of the given collection, in which rows in the table are randomly reordered. |
Example |
If you stored details about playing cards in a collection named Deck, this function would shuffle that collection: Shuffle(Deck) |
Syntax |
Sort(Table, Expression[, SortOrder!Descending]) |
Description |
Returns a copy of a collection, in which the rows in the given table are sorted based on the result of the specified expression evaluated to one of the supported expression types—number and its subtypes, string and its subtypes, and Boolean types. The function doesn't support sorting on aggregate values such as table and rows. The function also accepts an optional argument that indicates that the table should be sorted in descending order. |
Example |
If you had an Employees table that contained a Salary column, this function would list the employees with higher salaries above those with lower ones: Sort(Employees, Salary, SortOrder!Descending) |
Syntax |
Sqrt(Number) Sqrt(ColumnExpression1) |
Description |
Returns the square root of a positive number. You can run this function on a table of numbers. |
Examples |
Syntax |
StdevP(Table,Expression) StdevP(Expression1[,Expression2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns the standard deviation of its arguments. |
Examples |
If you had a Sales table that not only contained a CostPerUnit column and a UnitsSold column but also listed each region on a different row, this function would compute standard deviation of sales by region: StdevP(Sales, CostPerUnit * UnitsSold) To compute the standard deviation of the values set for sliders 1 through 7: StdevP(Slider1!Value, Slider2!Value, Slider3!Value, Slider4!Value, Slider5!Value, Slider6!Value, Slider7!Value) |
Syntax |
Substitute(Text, OldText, NewText[,InstanceNum]) Substitute(TextColumn, OldTextColumn, NewTextColumn[, InstanceNumColumn]) |
Description |
Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. If the optional fourth argument is used, it specifies the instance to match and replace, starting with 1, which means the first instance. |
Example |
This function replaces " & " with " and ": Substitute(Text1!Text, " & ", " and ") |
Syntax |
Sum(Table, Expression) Sum(Expression1[, Expression2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns the sum of the arguments, for the specified range. |
Examples |
If you had a table named Sales that contained a CostPerUnit column and a UnitsSold column, this function would compute total sales: Sum(Sales, CostPerUnit * UnitsSold) To compute the sum of the values set for sliders 1, 2, and 3: Sum(Slider1!Value, Slider2!Value, Slider3!Value) |
Syntax |
Table({Column1:Row1, Column2:Row1...}, {Column1:Row2, Column2:Row2...}) |
Description |
Creates a temporary table that contains the data that you specify. You don't have to specify data in every column for every row. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Text(Value, Format) |
Description |
Converts a value to a formatted text output. |
Examples |
Syntax |
Time(Hour, Minute, Second) |
Description |
Converts the specified hours, minutes, and seconds into a decimal. |
Example |
If a user typed 14 in an input-text control named BirthHour, 50 in an input-text control named BirthMinute, and 24 in an input-text control named BirthSecond, this function would return 02:50:24 p. Text(Time(Value(BirthHour!Text), Value(BirthMinute!Text), Value(BirthSecond!Text)), "hh:mm:ss a/p") More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
TimeValue(TimeText) TimeValue(TimeText, "LanguageCode") |
Description |
Converts a time value stored as text to a value on which you can perform a mathematical or Boolean operation, such as comparing two times. For consistency, all times are converted from the local time zone to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). As a result, a user in the Pacific time zone might specify 1:50:24 PM, a user in the Eastern time zone might specify 4:50:24 PM, and both values would appear as 5:50:24 AM. You can also specify a language code to ensure that a time value is interpreted and formatted appropriately. |
Example |
Name an input-text control FinishedAt, and set the Text property of a label to this function: If(TimeValue(FinishedAt!Text)<TimeValue("5:00:00.000 PM"), "You made it!", "Too late!")
More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Today() |
Description |
Returns the current date, in the device's locale-specific format. |
Example |
If today were October 11, 2014, and you set the Text property of a label tothis function:
More examples of how to manage dates and times. |
Syntax |
Trim(Text) Trim(ColumnExpression) |
Description |
Removes all spaces from a text string except for single spaces between words. |
Examples |
If you typed "We are the best!" into an input-text control named Slogan, a label with a text property of Trim(Slogan!Text) would return "We are the best!" |
Syntax |
Update(Collection, Record1, Record2[, "All"]) |
Description |
In a specified collection, replaces the matching record with the specified record and returns the resulting collection. To update all matches, specify the optional argument "All". Important This function modifies the underlying collection. |
Example |
Syntax |
UpdateContext({Name1: Expression1, Name2: Expression2, …}) |
Description |
Updates the context of the current screen and binds the specified variables to the results from the evaluation of the specified expressions. Important This function modifies the underlying screen context. |
Example |
UpdateContext({page: 5, displayItem: "Tablets"}) |
Syntax |
UpdateIf(Collection, Condition1, {Column1: Expression1, …}[, Condition2, {Column1: Expression2, …} …]) |
Description |
Updates the specified columns by using the results of the corresponding expressions for the rows that satisfy the specified conditions, and returns the modified collection. Important This function modifies the underlying collection. |
Example |
Create your first app for an example. |
Syntax |
Upper(Text) Upper(ColumnExpression) |
Description |
Examples |
Syntax |
Value(Text) |
Description |
Converts a text string that represents a number to a number. |
Example |
Store data from the user for an example. |
Syntax |
VarP(Table, Expression) VarP(Expression1[, Expression2, ...]) |
Description |
Returns the variance of its arguments. |
Examples |
If you had a Sales table that not only contained a CostPerUnit column and a UnitsSold column but also listed each region in a different row, this function would compute variance of sales by region: VarP(Sales, CostPerUnit * UnitsSold) To compute the standard deviation of the values set for sliders 1 through 7: VarP(Slider1!Value, Slider2!Value, Slider3!Value, Slider4!Value, Slider5!Value, Slider6!Value, Slider7!Value) |
Syntax |
Year(DateTime) |
Description |
Returns the year of a given date as a number between 1900 and 9999 (inclusive). |
Example |
Year(DateValue("03/17/1979")) returns 1979. More examples of how to manage dates and times. |