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Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager Editor (General Page)

Use the General page of the Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager Editor dialog box to select a group of files that have the same data format, and to specify their data format. A multiple flat files connection enables a package to connect to a group of text files that have the same format.

To learn more about the Multiple Flat Files connection manager, see Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager.


Connection manager name
Provide a unique name for the Multiple Flat Files connection in the workflow. The name provided will be displayed within SSIS Designer.

Describe the connection. As a best practice, describe the connection in terms of its purpose, to make packages self-documenting and easier to maintain.

File names
Type the path and file names to use in the Multiple Flat Files connection. You can specify multiple files by using wildcard characters, as in the example "C:\*.txt", or by using the vertical pipe character (|) to separate multiple file names. All files must have the same data format.

Browse the file names to use in the Multiple Flat Files connection. You can select multiple files. All files must have the same data format.

Specify the location to provide information for ordering and for date and time conversion.

Indicate whether to use Unicode. Using Unicode precludes specifying a code page.

Code page
Specify the code page for non-Unicode text.

Indicate whether to use delimited, fixed width, or ragged right formatting. All files must have the same data format.

Value Description
Delimited Columns are separated by delimiters, specified on the Columns page.
Fixed width Columns have a fixed width, specified by dragging marker lines on the Columns page.
Ragged right Ragged right files are files in which every column has a fixed width, except for the last column, which is delimited by the row delimiter, specified on the Columns page.

Text qualifier
Specify the text qualifier to use. For example, you can specify to enclose text with quotation marks.

Header row delimiter
Select from the list of delimiters for header rows, or enter the delimiter text.

Value Description
{CR}{LF} The header row is delimited by a carriage return-line feed combination.
{CR} The header row is delimited by a carriage return.
{LF} The header row is delimited by a line feed.
Semicolon {;} The header row is delimited by a semicolon.
Colon {:} The header row is delimited by a colon.
Comma {,} The header row is delimited by a comma.
Tab {t} The header row is delimited by a tab.
Vertical bar {|} The header row is delimited by a vertical bar.

Header rows to skip
Specify the number of header rows to skip, if any.

Column names in the first data row
Indicate whether to expect or provide column names in the first data row.

See Also

Integration Services Error and Message Reference
Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager Editor (Columns Page)
Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager Editor (Advanced Page)
Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager Editor (Preview Page)