Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Active Directory Service
The Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Provider allows ADO to connect to heterogeneous directory services through ADSI. This gives ADO applications read-only access to the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Microsoft Windows 2000 directory services, in addition to any LDAP-compliant directory service and Novell Directory Services. ADSI itself is based on a provider model, so that if there is a new provider giving access to another directory, the ADO application will be able to access it seamlessly. The ADSI provider is free-threaded and Unicode enabled.
To connect to this provider, set the Provider argument of the ConnectionString property to the following:
Reading the Provider property will return this string as well.
A typical connection string for this provider is as follows:
"Provider=ADSDSOObject;User ID=MyUserID;Password=<password>;"
The string consists of the following keywords.
Keyword | Description |
Provider | Specifies the OLE DB Provider for Active Directory Service. |
User ID | Specifies the user name. If this keyword is omitted, the current logon is used. |
Password | Specifies the user password. If this keyword is omitted. Then the current logon is used. |
If you are connecting to a data source provider that supports Windows authentication, you should specify Trusted_Connection=yes or Integrated Security = SSPI instead of user ID and password information in the connection string.
A four-part command text string is recognized by the provider in the following syntax:
"Root; Filter; Attributes[; Scope]"
Value | Description |
Root | Indicates the ADsPath object from which to start the search (that is, the root of the search). |
Filter | Indicates the search filter in the RFC 1960 format. |
Attributes | Indicates a comma-delimited list of attributes to be returned. |
Scope | Optional. A String that specifies the scope of the search. Can be one of the following: - Base - Search only the base object (root of the search). - OneLevel - Search only one level. - Subtree - Search the whole subtree. |
For example:
"<LDAP://DC=ArcadiaBay,DC=COM>;(objectClass=*);sn, givenName; subtree"
The provider also supports SQL SELECT for command text. For example:
"SELECT title, telephoneNumber From 'LDAP://DC=Microsoft, DC=COM' WHERE
objectClass='user' AND objectCategory='Person'"
The provider does not accept stored procedure calls or simple table names (for example, the CommandType property will always be adCmdText). See the Active Directory Service Interfaces documentation for a more thorough description of the command text elements.
The following tables list the features available on a Recordset object opened by using this provider. Only the static cursor type (adOpenStatic) is available.
For more information about Recordset behavior for your provider configuration, run the Supports method and enumerate the Properties collection of the Recordset to determine whether provider-specific dynamic properties are present.
Availability of standard ADO Recordset properties:
Property | Availability |
AbsolutePage | read/write |
AbsolutePosition | read/write |
ActiveConnection | read-only |
BOF | read-only |
Bookmark | read/write |
CacheSize | read/write |
CursorLocation | always adUseServer |
CursorType | always adOpenStatic |
EditMode | always adEditNone |
EOF | read-only |
Filter | read/write |
LockType | read/write |
MarshalOptions | not available |
MaxRecords | read/write |
PageCount | read-only |
PageSize | read/write |
RecordCount | read-only |
Source | read/write |
State | read-only |
Status | read-only |
Availability of standard ADO Recordset methods:
Method | Available? |
AddNew | No |
Cancel | No |
CancelBatch | No |
CancelUpdate | No |
Clone | Yes |
Close | Yes |
Delete | No |
GetRows | Yes |
Move | Yes |
MoveFirst | Yes |
MoveLast | Yes |
MoveNext | Yes |
MovePrevious | Yes |
NextRecordset | Yes |
Open | Yes |
Requery | Yes |
Resync | Yes |
Supports | Yes |
Update | No |
UpdateBatch | No |
For more information about ADSI and the specifics of the provider, refer to the Active Directory Service Interfaces documentation or visit the ADSI Web page.
CommandType Property (ADO)
ConnectionString Property (ADO)
Properties Collection (ADO)
Provider Property (ADO)
Recordset Object (ADO)
Supports Method