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SqlCeParameter Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public method SqlCeParameter() () () () Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class.
Public method SqlCeParameter(String, SqlDbType) Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class with the parameter name and data type.
Public method SqlCeParameter(String, Object) Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class with the parameter name and the value of the new SqlCeParameter.
Public method SqlCeParameter(String, SqlDbType, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class with the parameter name, data type, and length.
Public method SqlCeParameter(String, SqlDbType, Int32, String) Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class with the parameter name, data type, length, and source column name.
Public method SqlCeParameter(String, SqlDbType, Int32, Boolean, Byte, Byte, String, DataRowVersion, Object) Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class with the parameter name, data type, length, and other properties. supports only input parameters.
Public method SqlCeParameter(String, SqlDbType, Int32, ParameterDirection, Boolean, Byte, Byte, String, DataRowVersion, Object) Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeParameter class with the parameter name, data type, length, parameter direction, and other properties. only supports input parameters.


See Also


SqlCeParameter Class

SqlCeParameter Members

System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace