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GetChars Method

Copies a length of chars into the buffer, starting at a specified position in the specified field.

Namespace:  System.Data.SqlServerCe
Assembly:  System.Data.SqlServerCe (in System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll)


Public Function GetChars ( _
    ordinal As Integer, _
    dataIndex As Long, _
    buffer As Char(), _
    bufferIndex As Integer, _
    length As Integer _
) As Long
Dim instance As SqlCeUpdatableRecord
Dim ordinal As Integer
Dim dataIndex As Long
Dim buffer As Char()
Dim bufferIndex As Integer
Dim length As Integer
Dim returnValue As Long

returnValue = instance.GetChars(ordinal, _
    dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length)
public long GetChars(
    int ordinal,
    long dataIndex,
    char[] buffer,
    int bufferIndex,
    int length
virtual long long GetChars(
    int ordinal, 
    long long dataIndex, 
    array<wchar_t>^ buffer, 
    int bufferIndex, 
    int length
) sealed
abstract GetChars : 
        ordinal:int * 
        dataIndex:int64 * 
        buffer:char[] * 
        bufferIndex:int * 
        length:int -> int64 
override GetChars : 
        ordinal:int * 
        dataIndex:int64 * 
        buffer:char[] * 
        bufferIndex:int * 
        length:int -> int64 
public final function GetChars(
    ordinal : int, 
    dataIndex : long, 
    buffer : char[], 
    bufferIndex : int, 
    length : int
) : long


  • dataIndex
    Type: System. . :: . .Int64
    The offset (in chars) within the field from which to start copying.

Return Value

Type: System. . :: . .Int64


IDataRecord. . :: . .GetChars(Int32, Int64, array<Char> [] () [] [], Int32, Int32)

See Also


SqlCeUpdatableRecord Class

SqlCeUpdatableRecord Members

System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace