Developing Report Navigation and Drilldown
Mark Robinson
August 2006
Applies to:
SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Summary: This article presents an excerpt from the book, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services for Dummies, by Mark Robinson. Learn how to produce interesting navigation and drill down reporting using the basic tools provided within SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. (17 printed pages)
Drilling from Summary to Detail
Drilling Down and Pivoting on Detail Lines
Providing Multiple Drill-down Options
Providing Navigation Links to Reports
Handling Multiple Drill Paths
Preparing a Report Menu Page
Remember the good ol' Black and Decker tools? I remember that the Black and Decker drill was an extremely popular market-leading drill allowing you to drill through any type of surface. Every Dad wanted one for Christmas.
In this chapter, I cover the drill-through aspects of reporting. Everyone needs to drill deeper into the details of a report to see what makes up its numbers. That's what I mean when I refer to drilling through report information. I survey the techniques available to you for drilling from one report into another from many different perspectives using Microsoft Reporting Services. I also review several scenarios in which you may want to consider drill-through reporting as an innovative way to navigate information that is logically connected but cannot be shown effectively in a single report.
In the previous chapter, I say that you can use dynamic visibility to hide detail until you want to see it in a single report. You also discovered how to use document maps to navigate quickly within a single report to get to more detailed information. This is really an interesting chapter on further interactive reports that you can develop easily. In this chapter, I cover how to drill down to other reports to get more detailed views of more summary information from a starting report. Armed with these valuable techniques, you will be able to amaze friends and impress even the most skeptical in every crowd. These reporting tricks are amazingly easy to set up and enable you to build more complex reporting.
Drilling from Summary to Detail
A drill-through report is a report that links itself to another report by passing parameter values to the destination report. You activate the drill-through by clicking a link within your report. Drill-through reports commonly contain details about an item that you see in an initial summary report (sometimes referred to as the source report of a drill-through). For example, you may have a sales summary report with a list of orders and sales totals. When a user clicks an order number in the summary list, another report opens containing details about the order. The drill-through report is the detail report containing details about the order.
A destination of a drill-through report is a parameter-based report, which receives its values from the summary report. To use the same example as the previous paragraph, the drill-through target report contains a parameter that takes an order ID as a value. The summary report includes a drill-through report link for each order number that opens the target detail report when clicked and passes the order ID to it. Any report that you create can be a drill-through report. You can add drill-through links only to textboxes and images.
It doesn't always need to be tabular data from which the drill-through report is linked. It may also be some graphical report. To create a drill-through from a summary report to a detail report, follow these steps:
Create a summary report and a detail report.
For this example, I have created a pie chart showing the mix of product category sales for a given year, called ChartCategorySales. This will serve as the summary report. Then I created a detail report that shows the product profitability for all products within a selected ProductCategory. This report is built with a parameter of product category. This detail report is named ProductProfit.
Open the Chart Properties dialog box in the summary report.
For this example, I started with the summary report ChartCategorySales. Right-click the chart control and select Properties. The Chart Properties dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 16-1.
Figure 16-1. The Chart Properties dialog box showing the properties of the ChartCategorySales pie chart
Edit the action of the Values of the chart by clicking Edit in the Chart Properties dialog box. The Edit Chart Value dialog box appears.
Click the Action tab.
Specify the hyperlink action to be a jump to another report. To do this, select the Jump To radio button on the Action tab and select the detail report ProductProfit from the drop-down list.
Note The list of report names includes all reports in the current report project. If the drill-through report is on the report server but is not in the report project, type the name of the report. The report name can contain a relative or absolute path to the report.
Specify the parameter you will pass to the next report by clicking the Parameter button in the Edit Chart Value dialog box.
The Parameters dialog box appears. For each parameter that you need to pass, select it from the drop-down list of parameters defined on the destination report within the Parameter Name column. Then select or enter the expression for the data value from the current report that will be passed when the chart is clicked.
In this example, you pass the category clicked on the pie chart to the ProductProfit report—so in the Parameter Value column you want to select the expression =Fields!Categoryvalue that corresponds to the dataset value that is charted in the ChartCategorySales report. This is shown in Figure 16-2.
Values can contain an expression that evaluates to a value to pass to the report parameter. The expressions in the value list include the field list for the current report.
Figure 16-2. Parameters dialog box for specifying the parameters passed from the summary report (ChartCategorySales) to the detail report (ProductProfit)
Preview your summary report. The preview of the ChartCategorySales report is shown in Figure 16-3. As you can see, it is a pie chart showing the distribution of Product Category sales for a calendar year.
Figure 16-3. Preview of the ChartCategorySales report
Test the drill-through capability. Click on the light green area corresponding to Components and, just as designed, the Components value is passed as a parameter to the ProductProfit report. The drill-through report is displayed.
Drilling Down and Pivoting on Detail Lines
Consider pivoting during a drill down. A pivot involves drilling down first on one variable and then at that drill-down level, drilling through on another variable. For example, start at the top ten customer list and then drill to a particular customer to see the products purchased by that customer. Then from that view, drill down to see the history of product purchases for that customer over the last two years. In that analysis, which begins with a view of customers, drill down on products and then pivot on time.
Drilling down usually refers to navigating a hierarchy of information. For example, if you begin with Product Category, you can drill down to view the Product Subcategories within the category and drill down further to see the products within the subcategory. All of this can be done on the same report (see Chapter 15 for an example). You would usually use the terms link or drill across or pivot to describe navigating to another report of the information along a different variable. For example, if I drill down the product hierarchy and then want to look at the regions in which the product is sold, this would amount to a link or drill across or pivot along the territory variable. This assumes that you have multiple variables along which you can analyze the data. Some people refer to this drilling and pivoting as slicing and dicing the data. Here the Vegematic analogy wins over the Black and Decker drill analogy.
To create a drill and pivot analysis, start from the Top 10 Customers report (TopTenCustomers), then drill through to the Product Profitability report (ProductProfitCustomer) filtered on the selected customer. Finally, from this report, for a selected product line, drill through to the Product Profile report (ProdProfileFilter). This destination report will be filtered on the selected profit product.
Follow these steps:
Modify the top-level report to allow drill-through on the detail line. In this example, I began with the Top Ten Customers report and set up the drill-through. First, right-click on the cell containing the report line description and click the Navigation tab. Then select the Jump to Report option and enter the report to which you want to drill through: the Product Profitability report or ProductProfitCustomer.
Set up the parameter to be passed to the drill-through report. Still at the Navigation tab of the Textbox Properties dialog box, click the Parameters button and specify the parameters required in the dialog box shown in Figure 16-2. For each parameter, specify the data value in the summary report that will be passed to the drill-through report.
I specified that the parameter reseller defined in ProductProfitCustomer be supplied with the following value from the current report:
Note The number of parameters that display here correspond to the number of parameters on the drill-through report.
Modify the color and text decoration properties of the detail line to make it appear as a hyperlink. To do this, select the cell with the detail line description in the table and bring up the Properties window. Set the Color property to SlateBlue and the TextDecoration property to Underline. You can see this effect behind the dialog box in Figure 16-6.
Modify the drill-through report to enable another drill through to the Product Profile report. To do this, right-click on the cell with the detail line description in the ProductProfitCustomer report and select Properties. The Textbox Properties dialog box appears. Click the Advanced button in the Textbox Properties dialog box, which displays the Advanced Textbox Properties dialog box. Click the Navigation tab, select the Jump to Report option, and enter the name of the report you want to drill through: the Product Profile report or ProdProfileFilter. See Figure 16-4.
Figure 16-4. The Advanced Textbox Properties dialog box showing the setting to drill through to the ProdProfileFilter report
Set up the parameter to be passed to the profile report. In the Advanced Textbox Properties dialog box, click the Parameters button to see the Parameters dialog box, and then select each parameter from the drop-down list in the Parameter Name column. Select the data value in the summary report that will be passed to the drill-through report. I specified that the parameter prod defined in ProdProfileFilter be supplied with the value
from the current report. This is shown in Figure 16-5.
Figure 16-5. The Parameters dialog box corresponding to the parameter for the Product Profile report, which is the result of the drill through from Product Profitability report
Remember The names in the parameter list must match the expected parameters in the target report exactly. If the names do not match, or if an expected parameter is not listed, the drill-through report fails.
Modify the color and text decoration properties of the detail line to make it appear as a hyperlink. Select the cell with the detail line description in the table and bring up the Properties window. Set the Color property to SlateBlue and the TextDecoration property to Underline. (See Figure 16-6.)
Preview your top-level report and test the drill-through capability you have defined. The starting report in this scenario is the Top Ten Customers report, very similar to Figure 16-8 later in this chapter. Note that each Reseller in the first column of the report appears highlighted as if it is a hyperlink on the Web. Click on any one of these resellers and you will drill down to the Product Profitability report for the clicked customer as shown in Figure 16-6.
Figure 16-6. Second report in the drill-through scenario—Product Profitability featuring the customer parameter-based filter and hyperlinks for each product detail line
You would then expand the product subcategory on this report (featuring the dynamic visibility described in Chapter 15). The product detail lines are then hyperlinked to the Product Profile report. Selecting any product detail line in the report will bring up the Product Profile report for the clicked product, as shown in Figure 16-7.
Figure 16-7. Third report in the drill-through scenario—Product Profile featuring the product parameter-based filter
In the previous example, you can see two types of drill downs featured. The first is the drill-through report for which you change the font to look like a hyperlink to communicate to the user that a drill-down capability is available. The second form of drill-down is the dynamic visibility (described in Chapter 15), where you can expand the subcategory level in the Product Profitability report to see the underlying products purchased by the customer. Alternatively, a document map (see Chapter 15) could be added for yet another drill-down functionality in the Product Profitability report.
Providing Multiple Drill-down Options
Consider the case of the Top Ten Customers report in the previous section. You have allowed the user to drill down from any customer into the product purchase history and then pivot to the product profile. What if you wanted to begin at the Customer list and then go immediately to a Customer Profile report? The Customer Profile report would show a monthly history of product purchases for the last two years as well as the last two years' distribution of product sales across product categories.
In this situation, you need to enable the user to drill down to product detail history as I describe in the previous section. In addition, you need to provide a way to drill or link to the customer profile for any customer selected. One of the ways to enable this is to provide yet another link on each report detail line to allow a jump to the customer profile, passing the customer selected as a parameter.
In order to avoid cluttering the report detail too much, I have elected to put this second link in the last column of the Top Ten Customer report. I used the following steps to create the desired effect:
Add a column to the Report Detail line in the source report. I simply add a column to the right of the last column of the table control in the Top Ten Customers report.
Add an expression that will tell the user what the link will be. In the cell in the detail row in this column, I add the expression:
This indicates that the link will navigate to the Customer Profile report.
Format the link to make it appear as a hyperlink. To do this, select the cell with the detail line description in the table and bring up the Properties window. Set the Color property to SlateBlue and the TextDecoration property to Underline. If you preview this report, it should look like Figure 16-8.
Figure 16-8. Preview of the Top Ten Customers report showing hyperlinks to drill down by customer or pivot to a Customer Profile
Modify the source report to enable another drill-through to the profile report. To do this, right-click on the cell with the detail line description in the TopTenCustomer report and select Properties from the list that appears. This will display the Textbox Properties dialog box. Click the Advanced button in the Textbox Properties dialog box, which displays the Advanced Textbox Properties dialog box. Click the Navigation tab and click the Jump to Report option and enter the report to which you want to drill—the Customer Profile report or CustProfile.
Set up the parameter to be passed to the Customer Profile report. Still at the Advanced Textbox Properties dialog box, click the Parameters button to see the Parameters dialog box. Now select each parameter from the drop-down list in the Parameter Name column. Then select the data value in the summary report that will be passed to the drill-through report. I specified that the parameter cust defined in CustProfile be supplied with the following value from the current report:
Preview your top-level report and test the drill-through capability you have defined. The starting report in this scenario is the Top Ten Customers report shown in Figure 16-8. Note that the Profile hyperlink appears on each report detail line. Click on the Profile link for any customer and you will navigate to the Customer Profile report shown in Figure 6-9 for the selected customer.
16-9. Preview of the Customer Profile report after you click the Profile link
You can use other techniques to link to other reports. You can use images and textboxes as well as cells in a table or matrix because all of these controls support a Navigation tab that permits you to use these controls (or their cells) to navigate to other reports. Even a chart control enables you to define an action on each graphic element being rendered. For the chart control, you need to open its Property page and click on the Data tab and edit one of the values. This brings up the Edit Chart Value dialog box on which you can select the action tab, which presents the hyperlink actions such as jumping to reports, URLs, or bookmarks.
Providing Navigation Links to Reports
Suppose you want to design reports for instances when you start at one group of reports that represents the top of a pyramid of reports. As an example, you may have a set of top ten reports from which you can start an analysis. From any of these top ten reports, you want to be able to quickly navigate to the other one to determine how you may want to begin your drill-down analysis.
This situation is an example of monitoring information from several standard viewpoints with a need to move quickly between these unique viewpoints. When something in the report provokes further exploration, a drill-down analysis can begin with the drill-through links in each report.
You must accommodate multiple navigation links in each of the top ten reports. You can enable these links by using images to represent links to other reports. If you are not graphically adept (like me), you can use the low-tech approach of making a textbox resemble an image and setting the navigation properties of the textbox to do your work.
I use an example of leveraging Top Ten Customers, Top Ten Products, and Top Ten Salesmen as the high-level reports at the top of the pyramid. Each report will have three buttons (which will be produced with textboxes) to navigate to any of the other reports in this group. So I need three buttons: Customers, Products, and Salesman. I will show all three buttons when we view each of the reports. To make it interesting, I'll change the BackgroundColor of the textboxes to show one color when the link corresponds to the current report (so clicking it would not navigate anywhere else) and another color when the link will take you to another report.
Follow these steps to make it happen:
Place and format the navigation buttons on each report. Begin with the Top Ten Customers report. Figure 16-10 shows how I placed and formatted the textboxes and where I placed them on the report. I set the BackgroundColor of the textbox to LightCoral if the link is for the current report and to LightSalmon if the link can be taken to the other reports. I personally like pastel colors, but you can be as bold as you want.
Note Because you cannot use fields in report headers or footers, buttons used for linking need to be placed in the body of the report.
Figure 16-10. Layout view of the Top Ten Customers report showing the new navigation buttons
Set the navigation properties for each of the buttons on each report. To navigate to the Top Ten Products report, set the navigation properties for the Product button. Right-click the textbox and select Properties to bring up the Textbox Properties dialog box. On the Navigation tab, you specify that you want to jump to a report called ProdProfit10 and then select the parameter you need to pass. For all the top ten reports, we are using CalendarYear as a parameter to filter the report for the current year only.
Tip For the sake of review, in order to filter effectively to construct the top ten list style of report, all you need to do beyond constructing the basic report table (or matrix or list) is add the following filter to the detail line group:
Operator --> 'Top N'
Value --> '=10'
For the grand finale, the report flow from this example reporting scenario is illustrated in the following figures. I begin with a logical starting point of the Top Ten Customers (see Figure 16-11).
Figure 16-11. Preview of the Top Ten Customers report showing the navigation hyperlinks and buttons
Click the Products button to navigate to the Top Ten Products report. Note that the Products button has a different background color than the others because this is the current focus of the navigation options.
Then click the Salesman button to navigate to the Top Ten Salesman report.
By clicking the Profile hyperlink on any of the previous reports, you can navigate to the Product Profile report passing the parameter of the current year. This is shown in Figure 16-12. This is merely an illustration of what you can set up for navigating between reports and the parameter passing you would like to implement.
Figure 16-12. Preview of the Product Profile report with the year parameter passed from any of the top ten reports
Handling Multiple Drill Paths
Consider another interesting case of drilling through to other reports. Suppose you want to design for the case that you have many different drill paths for investigating information more deeply. For example, starting at the Top Ten Products report, you may want to drill down to see a different report perspective where you see a selected product sales by customer or a selected product sales by region. You would like to make this decision while you are viewing the Top Ten Products report and click a hyperlink to quickly see the desired perspective.
This is where your creativity comes into play. You know how Reporting Services helps you create drill-through reports. You also know how to present navigation links as hyperlinks to the user. You now need to consider how to fit these options into the screen real estate of a report to provide some dynamic analyses at the click of a mouse.
Here's one way to do this. Consider that the image control also permits you to set up navigation to another report while passing the necessary parameters. Images take up less real estate than textboxes (unless the textboxes have a very small font). Pictures speak a thousand words, so you can indicate options with a picture that you teach your users to use. Using images, however, requires some graphics skills—unless you can borrow from some clip art and have common pictures tell your navigation option story to your users.
Now the question of where to place the images. I am going to be so bold as to suggest that you place the navigation options to the left of the detail report line descriptions. I want to place them in the detail if I am passing the detail description (in this case, product) to the drill-through report. If I am only interested in doing this analysis at a subtotal level, I can provide these options only at the subtotal line. So in the table control, you need to insert a column to the left of the Product heading column and then place an image control in the corresponding detail cell, as shown in Figure 16-13. Here I have added two options: one for the Drill Down by Customer option represented by the little headlike icon, and the other for the Drill Down by Area option represented by the textbox caption Area with an 8-point Arial font.
Figure 16-13. Layout of the Top Ten Products report with two additional drill-by options to the left of the Product column heading
The preview of this revised Top Ten Products list is shown in Figure 16-14. Note that I have seven different navigation options on this single report. I have the three navigation options at the top ten level represented by the navigation buttons above the report and then four types of navigation from any product of interest in the report body. This has now become an interesting reporting scenario for the user.
Figure 16-14. Preview of the Top Ten Products report with the seven navigation options
Preparing a Report Menu Page
Most business users like to see a set of options to select from in determining where to begin their investigation or what report they would like to see. This main menu approach can also serve as a way to organize the collection of reports available to you.
You have a lot of flexibility through the use of textboxes, images, lines, rectangles, and other controls of the types of reports you can build. You don't even need a dataset to source from if you don't need it. Some designers develop a table of reports available to a given user. You can create a dataset to query that table and present it to the user as a list or table of reports. If you had the URL of the report you would like to render stored in this table, that could be a field in your dataset you can reference in the Jump to URL navigation option. But that requires some planning and perhaps a DBA to set up and maintain the tables.
The low-tech way to set up a report menu as a report is to add textboxes in a report that requires no dataset and set the navigation properties and parameters values (if any) for each textbox. Adding other images and a company logo can spice up the report menu page. I put in a graphic at the base of the report to give it a more polished look.
When I preview this report, I see what is shown in Figure 16-15—a respectable starting point for my key reports.
Figure 16-15. Preview of the report menu with links to my key reports