Lesson 3: Dropping the Conversation Objects
New: 15 September 2007
In this lesson, you will learn to drop the objects that enabled a database to support a conversation in the database.
Switch to the AdventureWorks database
Copy and paste the following code into a Query Editor window. Then, run it to switch context to the AdventureWorks database.
USE AdventureWorks; GO
Drop the conversation objects
Copy and paste the following code into a Query Editor window. Then, run it to drop the objects that were used to support the conversation.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.services WHERE name = N'//AWDB/1DBSample/TargetService') DROP SERVICE [//AWDB/1DBSample/TargetService]; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'TargetQueue1DB') DROP QUEUE TargetQueue1DB; -- Drop the intitator queue and service if they already exist. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.services WHERE name = N'//AWDB/1DBSample/InitiatorService') DROP SERVICE [//AWDB/1DBSample/InitiatorService]; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'InitiatorQueue1DB') DROP QUEUE InitiatorQueue1DB; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_contracts WHERE name = N'//AWDB/1DBSample/SampleContract') DROP CONTRACT [//AWDB/1DBSample/SampleContract]; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = N'//AWDB/1DBSample/RequestMessage') DROP MESSAGE TYPE [//AWDB/1DBSample/RequestMessage]; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = N'//AWDB/1DBSample/ReplyMessage') DROP MESSAGE TYPE [//AWDB/1DBSample/ReplyMessage]; GO
Next Steps
This concludes the tutorial. Tutorials are brief overviews and do not describe all available options. Tutorials have simplified logic and error handling to better focus on fundamental operations. To create efficient, reliable, and robust conversations, you need more complex code than the example in this tutorial.
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