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ClrAssembly Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a Microsoft .NET Framework assembly associated with a Database or Server element


      <!-- The following elements extend Assembly -->

Data Type Characteristics

Characteristic Description

Base data types


Derived data types


Data Type Relationships

Relationship Element

Parent elements

None (abstract type)

Child elements

Files, PermissionSet

Derived elements

See Assembly (Assemblies collection of Database or Server)


The ClrAssembly element contains the files needed to recreate a .NET Framework assembly, associated either with an instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) or with a specific database on an instance of SSAS, as well as the permissions needed to execute the assembly.

The corresponding element in the Analysis Management Objects (AMO) object model is ClrAssembly.

See Also


File Element (ASSL)
ClrAssemblyFile Data Type (ASSL)
Data Element (ASSL)
DataBlock Data Type (ASSL)
Blocks Element (ASSL)
Block Element (ASSL)
ComAssembly Data Type (ASSL)
Analysis Services Scripting Language XML Data Types (ASSL)

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