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SQLServer Object

This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.

The SQLServer object exposes the attributes of an instance of Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL-DMO object model that shows the current object


AnsiNulls Property

NetName Property

ApplicationName Property

NetPacketSize Property

AutoReConnect Property

NextDeviceNumber Property

BlockingTimeout Property

ODBCPrefix Property

CodePage Property

Password Property

CommandTerminator Property

ProcessID Property

ConnectionID Property

ProcessInputBuffer Property

EnableBcp Property

ProcessOutputBuffer Property

HostName Property

QueryTimeout Property

Isdbcreator Property

QuotedIdentifier Property

Isdiskadmin Property

RegionalSetting Property

Isprocessadmin Property

SaLogin Property

Issecurityadmin Property

Status Property (Services)

Isserveradmin Property

StatusInfoRefetchInterval Property

Issetupadmin Property

TranslateChar Property

Issysadmin Property

TrueLogin Property

Language Property

TrueName Property

Login Property

UserProfile Property

LoginSecure Property

VersionMajor Property

LoginTimeout Property

VersionMinor Property

MaxNumericPrecision Property

VersionString Property

Name Property



AddStartParameter Method

ExecuteWithResults Method

AttachDB Method

ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages Method

AttachDBWithSingleFile Method

IsLogin Method

BeginTransaction Method

IsNTGroupMember Method

Close Method

IsOS Method

CommandShellImmediate Method

IsPackage Method

CommandShellWithResults Method

KillDatabase Method

CommitTransaction Method

KillProcess Method

Connect Method

ListMembers Method (SQLServer)

Continue Method

ListStartupProcedures Method

DetachDB Method

Pause Method

DisConnect Method

PingSQLServerVersion Method

EnumAccountInfo Method

ReadBackupHeader Method (SQLServer)

EnumAvailableMedia Method

ReadErrorLog Method

EnumDirectories Method

ReConnect Method

EnumErrorLogs Method

RollbackTransaction Method

EnumLocks Method

SaveTransaction Method

EnumLoginMappings Method

Shutdown Method

EnumNTDomainGroups Method

Start Method (SQLServer)

EnumProcesses Method

Stop Method

EnumServerAttributes Method

UnloadODSDLL Method

EnumVersionInfo Method

VerifyConnection Method

ExecuteImmediate Method (Database, SQLServer)



CommandSent Event

RemoteLoginFailed Event

ConnectionBroken Event

ServerMessage Event

QueryTimeout Event



The SQLServer object contains the objects and collections that implement SQL Server administrative tasks for SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO). The object enables SQL-DMO applications to connect to an instance of SQL Server by name, establishing the context for administrative tasks.

With the SQLServer object, you can:

  • Connect to an instance of SQL Server.
  • Query an instance of SQL Server to determine its installed configuration and run-time parameters.
  • Add and remove SQL Server objects, such as backup devices, databases, and logins.
  • Execute Transact-SQL or operating system commands on the server.
  • Disable processes on an instance of SQL Server.
  • Trap SQL Server events and SQLServer object events, providing status information to SQL-DMO application users or debugging information to SQL-DMO application developers.


The SQLServer object is compatible with instances of SQL Server versions 7.0 and later. However, the SQLServer2 object extends the functionality of the SQLServer object for use with features that were introduced in SQL Server 2000.

See Also


SQLServer2 Object

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