fn_trace_gettable (Transact-SQL)
Returns the content of one or more trace files in tabular form.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
fn_trace_gettable ( filename , number_files )
- filename
Specifies the initial trace file to be read. filename is nvarchar(256), with no default.
- number_files
Specifies the number of rollover files to be read. This number includes the initial file specified in filename. number_files is an int.
If number_files is specified as default, fn_trace_gettable reads all rollover files until it reaches the end of the trace. fn_trace_gettable returns a table with all the columns valid for the specified trace. For more information, see sp_trace_setevent (Transact-SQL).
This function can read a trace that is still active on the instance on which it is executed.
Requires ALTER TRACE permission on the server.
A. Using fn_trace_gettable to import rows from a trace file
The following example calls fn_trace_gettable inside the FROM
clause of a SELECT...INTO
USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT * INTO temp_trc
FROM fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\my_trace.trc', default);
B. Using fn_trace_gettable to return a table with an IDENTITY column that can be loaded into a SQL Server table
The following example calls the function as part of a SELECT...INTO
statement and returns a table with an IDENTITY
column that can be loaded into the table temp_trc
USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS RowNumber, * INTO temp_trc
FROM fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\my_trace.trc', default);
See Also
sp_trace_generateevent (Transact-SQL)
sp_trace_setevent (Transact-SQL)
sp_trace_setfilter (Transact-SQL)
sp_trace_setstatus (Transact-SQL)