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SqlSmoObject.ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet Method

Gets the interface reference to the set of properties of this object. Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Private Function GetPropertySet As ISfcPropertySet
    Implements ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet
Dim instance As SqlSmoObject
Dim returnValue As ISfcPropertySet

returnValue = CType(instance, ISfcPropertyProvider).GetPropertySet()
ISfcPropertySet ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet()
virtual ISfcPropertySet^ GetPropertySet() sealed = ISfcPropertyProvider::GetPropertySet
private abstract GetPropertySet : unit -> ISfcPropertySet 
private override GetPropertySet : unit -> ISfcPropertySet 
JScript supports the use of explicit interface implementations, but not the declarations of new ones.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.ISfcPropertySet
An ISfcPropertySet object that can be used to access the set of properties of this object.

