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CueBanner.SetCueBanner Method

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Sets the value of the CueBanner class.

This member is overloaded. For complete information about this member, including syntax, usage, and examples, click a name in the overload list.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public methodStatic member SetCueBanner(ComboBox, String) Defines a method that checks the ComboBox control to call the correct method.
Public methodStatic member SetCueBanner(TextBoxBase, String) Defines the cue banner text for the specified text box.
Public methodStatic member SetCueBanner(ToolStripComboBox, String) Defines the cue banner text for the specified ToolStripComboBox.
Public methodStatic member SetCueBanner(ToolStripTextBox, String) Defines the cue banner text for the specified ToolStripTextBox.
