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Server Role (General Page)

Logins representing individuals or groups can be added to one or more server roles. Each role is described in the topics under the section Server-Level Roles. The server-level permission associated with each role is described in Permissions of Fixed Server Roles.


  • Server role name
    Displays the name of the role.

  • Server role membership
    Lists the members of the role.

  • Role Members
    Add logins to the role with the Role Members grid.

  • Add
    Open the Select Logins dialog box.

  • Remove
    Remove the selected login from the Role Members list.

Fixed server roles are server-wide in their scope. Each member of a fixed server role can add other logins to that same role.

The fixed server roles are:

  • bulkadmin

  • dbcreator

  • diskadmin

  • processadmin

  • securityadmin

  • serveradmin

  • setupadmin

  • sysadmin

For more information about each of these roles, see Server-Level Roles.