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Publication Information, All Subscriptions (Snapshot Publication)

The All Subscriptions tab displays information on all subscriptions to the selected snapshot publication.


For more detailed information and tasks related to a subscription, right-click the row for that subscription, and then click an option on the shortcut menu. To change the way that the grid displays data, right-click the grid, and then click one of the following options:

  • Sort: Sort on one or more columns in the Sort Columns dialog box.

  • Choose Columns to Show: Select which columns to display and the order in which to display them in the Choose Columns dialog box.

  • Filter: Filter rows in the grid based on column values in the Filter Settings dialog box.

  • Clear Filter: Clear any filter settings for the grid.

Filter settings are specific to each grid. Column selection and sorting are applied to all grids of the same type, such as the publications grid for each Publisher.

  • Show
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later versions only. Select the subscription states to display for the selected subscription type. For example, you can select to display only those subscriptions that have an error.

  • Status
    The status of each subscription, which is determined by the status of the Snapshot Agent or the Distribution Agent (the higher priority status is displayed).

    By default, the grid containing subscription information is sorted by the Status column. The following list shows the possible status values and the sort order for the values (for example, errors are always shown at the top of the grid).

    • Error

    • Expiring soon/Expired (SQL Server 2005 and later versions only)

    • Uninitialized subscription (SQL Server 2005 and later versions only)

    • Retrying failed command

    • Synchronizing

    • Not synchronizing

    The sort order also determines which value is displayed if a given subscription is in more than one state. For example, if a subscription has an error and is expiring soon, the Status column displays Error.

    The status values Expiring soon/Expired and Uninitialized subscription are warnings. When a warning is displayed, the Status column also displays if an agent is running. For example, the status could be Running, Expiring soon/Expired.

    The status value Expiring soon/Expired is displayed only if a threshold is set. For information on setting thresholds, see Setting Thresholds and Warnings in Replication Monitor.

  • Subscription
    The name of each subscription, in the form: SubscriberName: SubscriptionDatabaseName.

  • Last Synchronization
    The time at which the Distribution Agent last ran. If synchronization is in progress, In progress is displayed.