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Lock Partitioning

For large computer systems, locks on frequently referenced objects can become a performance bottleneck as acquiring and releasing locks place contention on internal locking resources. Lock partitioning enhances locking performance by splitting a single lock resource into multiple lock resources. This feature is only available for systems with 16 or more CPUs, and is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled. Only object locks can be partitioned.


Object locks that have a subtype are not partitioned. For more information, see sys.dm_tran_locks (Transact-SQL).

Understanding Lock Partitioning

Locking tasks access several shared resources, two of which are optimized by lock partitioning:

  • Spinlock. This controls access to a lock resource, such as a row or a table.

    Without lock partitioning, one spinlock manages all lock requests for a single lock resource. On systems that experience a large volume of activity, contention can occur as lock requests wait for the spinlock to become available. Under this situation, acquiring locks can become a bottleneck and can negatively impact performance.

    To reduce contention on a single lock resource, lock partitioning splits a single lock resource into multiple lock resources to distribute the load across multiple spinlocks.

  • Memory. This is used to store the lock resource structures.

    Once the spinlock is acquired, lock structures are stored in memory and then accessed and possibly modified. Distributing lock access across multiple resources helps to eliminate the need to transfer memory blocks between CPUs, which will help to improve performance.

Implementing and Monitoring Lock Partitioning

Lock partitioning is turned on by default for systems with 16 or more CPUs. When lock partitioning is enabled, an informational message is recorded in the SQL Server error log.

When acquiring locks on a partitioned resource:

  • Only NL, SCH-S, IS, IU, and IX lock modes are acquired on a single partition.

  • Shared (S), exclusive (X), and other locks in modes other than NL, SCH-S, IS, IU, and IX must be acquired on all partitions starting with partition ID 0 and following in partition ID order. These locks on a partitioned resource will use more memory than locks in the same mode on a non-partitioned resource since each partition is effectively a separate lock. The memory increase is determined by the number of partitions. The SQL Server lock counters in the Windows Performance Monitor will display information about memory used by partitioned and non-partitioned locks.

A transaction is assigned to a partition when the transaction starts. For the transaction, all lock requests that can be partitioned use the partition assigned to that transaction. By this method, access to lock resources of the same object by different transactions is distributed across different partitions.

The resource_lock_partition column in the sys.dm_tran_locks Dynamic Management View provides the lock partition ID for a lock partitioned resource. For more information, see sys.dm_tran_locks (Transact-SQL).

Under the Locks event in SQL Server Profiler, the BigintData1 column provides the lock partition ID for a lock partitioned resource.

Working with Lock Partitioning

The following code examples illustrate lock partitioning. In the examples, two transactions are executed in two different sessions in order to show lock partitioning behavior on a computer system with 16 CPUs.

These Transact-SQL statements create test objects that are used in the examples that follow.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;

-- Create a test table.
    (col1        int);

-- Create a clustered index on the table.
    ON TestTable (col1);

-- Populate the table.

Example A

Session 1:

A SELECT statement is executed under a transaction. Because of the HOLDLOCK lock hint, this statement will acquire and retain an Intent shared (IS) lock on the table (for this illustration, row and page locks are ignored). The IS lock will be acquired only on the partition assigned to the transaction. For this example, it is assumed that the IS lock is acquired on partition ID 7.

-- Start a transaction.
    -- This SELECT statement will acquire an IS lock on the table.
    SELECT col1
        FROM TestTable
        WITH (HOLDLOCK);

Session 2:

A transaction is started, and the SELECT statement running under this transaction will acquire and retain a shared (S) lock on the table. The S lock will be acquired on all partitions which results in multiple table locks, one for each partition. For example, on a 16-cpu system, 16 S locks will be issued across lock partition IDs 0-15. Because the S lock is compatible with the IS lock being held on partition ID 7 by the transaction in session 1, there is no blocking between transactions.

    SELECT col1
        FROM TestTable

Session 1:

The following SELECT statement is executed under the transaction that is still active under session 1. Because of the exclusive (X) table lock hint, the transaction will attempt to acquire an X lock on the table. However, the S lock that is being held by the transaction in session 2 will block the X lock at partition ID 0.

    SELECT col1
        FROM TestTable
        WITH (TABLOCKX);

Example B

Session 1:

A SELECT statement is executed under a transaction. Because of the HOLDLOCK lock hint, this statement will acquire and retain an Intent shared (IS) lock on the table (for this illustration, row and page locks are ignored). The IS lock will be acquired only on the partition assigned to the transaction. For this example, it is assumed that the IS lock is acquired on partition ID 6.

-- Start a transaction.
    -- This SELECT statement will acquire an IS lock on the table.
    SELECT col1
        FROM TestTable
        WITH (HOLDLOCK);

Session 2:

A SELECT statement is executed under a transaction. Because of the TABLOCKX lock hint, the transaction tries to acquire an exclusive (X) lock on the table. Remember that the X lock must be acquired on all partitions starting with partition ID 0. The X lock will be acquired on all partitions IDs 0-5 but will be blocked by the IS lock that is acquired on partition ID 6.

On partition IDs 7-15 that the X lock has not yet reached, other transactions can continue to acquire locks.

    SELECT col1
        FROM TestTable