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Table.Checks Property

Represents a collection of Check objects. Each Check object represents a check constraint defined on the table.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<SfcObjectAttribute(SfcContainerRelationship.ChildContainer, SfcContainerCardinality.ZeroToAny,  _
    GetType(Check), SfcObjectFlags.Design)> _
Public ReadOnly Property Checks As CheckCollection
Dim instance As Table
Dim value As CheckCollection

value = instance.Checks
[SfcObjectAttribute(SfcContainerRelationship.ChildContainer, SfcContainerCardinality.ZeroToAny, 
    typeof(Check), SfcObjectFlags.Design)]
public CheckCollection Checks { get; }
[SfcObjectAttribute(SfcContainerRelationship::ChildContainer, SfcContainerCardinality::ZeroToAny, 
    typeof(Check), SfcObjectFlags::Design)]
property CheckCollection^ Checks {
    CheckCollection^ get ();
[<SfcObjectAttribute(SfcContainerRelationship.ChildContainer, SfcContainerCardinality.ZeroToAny, 
    typeof(Check), SfcObjectFlags.Design)>]
member Checks : CheckCollection
function get Checks () : CheckCollection

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.CheckCollection
A Check object that represents all the check constraints that are defined on the table.


The following code example shows how to display the names of each check constraint on each AdventureWorks2008R2 table.


Server srv = new Server("(local)");
Database db = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks2008R2"];

foreach (Table tb in db.Tables)
   foreach (Check ck in tb.Checks)
      Console.WriteLine("The " + tb.Name + " table has the " + ck.ToString() + " check.");


$srv = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
$db = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database
$db = $srv.Databases.Item("AdventureWorks2008R2")

Foreach ($tb in $db.Tables)
   Foreach ($ck in $tb.Checks)
      Write-Host "The" $tb.Name "table has the" $ck "check."