Getting Assistance (SQL Server 2008)
There are three principal sources of information from Microsoft about SQL Server:
The documentation, tutorials, and samples installed with SQL Server.
The SQL Server sites on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) and TechNet.
SQL Server information on other Microsoft Web sites.
You can also obtain help from others, either through the SQL Server community, or directly from Microsoft support.
In This Section
Getting SQL Server Assistance
Contains links to the primary sources of information about SQL Server 2008. The topic also contains links to support sites.How Do I (SQL Server)
Contains links to information about performing frequently-run SQL Server tasks.Tools and Utilities Documentation Map
Contains links to information about the tools and utilities included with SQL Server.Accessibility for People with Disabilities
Describes the products, features, and services that make SQL Server more accessible to people with disabilities.Getting Started with SQL Server Books Online
Describes how to install and use the SQL Server documentation set.