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HoldoutMaxCases Element

Specifies the maximum number of cases in the data source to be used for the holdout partition that contains the test set of a MiningStructure element. The remaining cases in the data set are used for training. A value of 0 indicates that there is no limit to the number of cases that can be held out as the test set.



Element Characteristics



Data type and length

Integer greater than 0.

Default value



0-1: Optional element that can occur one time and one time only.

Element Relationships



Parent element


Child elements



If you specify values for both HoldoutMaxPercent and HoldoutMaxCases, the algorithm limits the test set to the smaller of the two values.

If HoldoutMaxCases is set to the default of 0, and a value has not been set for HoldoutMaxPercent, the algorithm uses the entire data set for training.

The new properties HoldoutMaxCases, HoldoutMaxPercent, HoldoutSeed, or HoldoutActualSize are available only in SQL Server 2008. Therefore, you must prefix these properties with the new namespace as shown in the syntax description, or Analysis Services will return an error.


In SQL Server 2005, Analysis Services did not support the use of holdout partitions on a mining structure. Therefore, Analysis Services Scripting Language (ASSL) statements that contain one of the holdout parameters, HoldoutMaxCases, HoldoutMaxPercent, HoldoutSeed, or HoldoutActualSize, cannot be used in SQL Server 2005. If you use one of these holdout parameters in an ASSL statement in SQL Server 2005, Analysis Services will return an error.

The element that corresponds to the parent of HoldoutMaxCases in the Analysis Management Objects (AMO) object model is MiningStructure.