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CollectionSet Members

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The CollectionSet class is derived from SFC::SfcInstanceBase and implements SFC::ICreatable, SFC::IDropable, and SFC::IAlterable.

The CollectionSet type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CollectionSet() Instantiates a collection set object.
Public method CollectionSet(CollectorConfigStore, String) Initialize an instance of a CollectionSet given a CollectorConfigStore object as a parent and a collection set name.



  Name Description
Public method Alter() Alter collection set information in the configuration store.
Protected method AlterImpl() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method CheckObjectCreated() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method CheckObjectState() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Create() Creates a collection set.
Protected method CreateIdentityKey() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method CreateImpl() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Discover(ISfcDependencyDiscoveryObjectSink) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Drop() Drops a collection set.
Protected method DropImpl() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method EnumCollectionSetExecutionHistory() An enumerator that gets the history records for specific collection set.
Public method EnumCollectionSetExecutionHistory(Int64)
Public method EnumCollectionSetExecutionHistoryDetail(Int64)
Public method Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetChildCollection(String) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method GetDomain() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method GetHashCode() (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLastUploadTime() Gets the last time that collection set data was uploaded.
Public methodStatic member GetObjectFactory() Gets the object factory constructor for the [CollectorConfigStore] object.
Public method GetPropertySet() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method GetType() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetTypeMetadataImpl() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method InitializeUIPropertyState() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method MarkForDropImpl(Boolean) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method MarkRootAsConnected() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MoveImpl(SfcInstance) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method OnPropertyMetadataChanges(SfcPropertyMetadataChangedEventArgs) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method OnPropertyValueChanges(PropertyChangedEventArgs) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method PostAlter(Object) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method PostCreate(Object) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method PostDrop(Object) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method PostMove(Object) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method PostRename(Object) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Refresh() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Rename(String) Renames a collection set.
Protected method RenameImpl(SfcKey) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method ResetKey() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method RunOnce()
Public method ScriptAlter()
Public method Serialize(XmlWriter) (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Start() Starts a colllection set.
Public method Stop() Stops a collection set.
Public method ToString() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method UpdateUIPropertyState() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Upload() Uploads a collection set on demand.
Protected method Validate() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)



  Name Description
Protected property AbstractIdentityKey() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property CollectionItems Gets the collection items in a collection set.
Public property CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode for the collection set.
Public property DaysUntilExpiration Gets or sets the number of days that the collected data is saved in the management data warehouse.
Public property Description Gets or sets the description of the collection set.
Public property Id Gets the local ID for the collection set.
Public property IdentityKey Gets the identity key for the collection set.
Public property IsRunning Gets the Boolean property value that indicates whether or not the collection set is running.
Public property IsSystem Gets the Boolean property value that indicates whether or the collection set is a system collection set.
Public property LoggingLevel Gets or sets the logging level for the collection set.
Public property Metadata() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the collection set.
Public property Parent Gets or sets the parent store that this collection set belongs to.
Public property Properties() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected property PropertyStorageProvider() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property ProxyName Gets or sets the name of the SQL Server Agent proxy account under which the collection set executes.
Public property ScheduleName Gets or sets the name of the SQL Server Agent schedule that is associated to the collection set.
Public property State Gets the state of the collection set.
Public property TargetName Gets or sets the name of the target that the collection set will collect data from.
Public property UId Gets or sets the globally unique ID for the collection set.
Public property Urn() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)



  Name Description
Protected event propertyChanged() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public event PropertyChanged() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected event propertyMetadataChanged() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public event PropertyMetadataChanged() (Inherited from SfcInstance.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDiscoverObjectDiscover(ISfcDependencyDiscoveryObjectSink) This method is for internal use only.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcRenamableRename(SfcKey) This method is for internal use only.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcCreatableScriptCreate() This method is for internal use only.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDroppableScriptDrop() This method is for internal use only.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcRenamableScriptRename(SfcKey) This method is for internal use only.
