How to: Use FILESTREAM in a Firewall-Protected Environment
To use FILESTREAM in a firewall-protected environment, both the client and server must be able to resolve DNS names to the server that contains the FILESTREAM files. FILESTREAM requires the Windows file-sharing ports 139 and 445 be open.
To open the Windows file-sharing ports on a computer that is running Windows Vista
In Control Panel, double-click Windows Firewall, and then click Allow a program through Windows Firewall.
In the Windows Firewall Settings dialog box, click the Exceptions tab, and then click the Add Port button.
In the Add a Port dialog box, enter TCPport139 in the Name text box; enter 139 in the Port Number text box; select TCP; and then click OK.
To add port 445, repeat step 3.
To close the Windows Firewall Setting dialog box, click OK.
To open the Windows file-sharing ports on a computer that is running Windows XP
In Control Panel, double-click Windows Firewall.
Click the Exceptions tab, and then double-click File and Printer Sharing.
Select TCP 139 and TCP 445, and the click OK.
To close the Windows Firewall dialog box, click OK.