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BackgroundImage Members

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Represents a background image in the report definition.

The BackgroundImage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BackgroundImage() Creates a new instance of the BackgroundImage class.
Public method BackgroundImage(IPropertyStore) Creates a new instance of the BackgroundImage class.



  Name Description
Public method DeepClone() Returns a deep clone of this ReportObject instance. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Public method Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize() (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAncestor<T>() The ancestor of this report object. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Public method GetContainingDataScopes() The containing data scopes. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Protected method GetDataScopesForDefaultImpl(IContainedObject) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Public method GetHashCode() (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType() (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Initialize() Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Protected method InitializeForDesigner() Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnChildPropertyChanged(Int32, Object, Object) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Protected method OnPropertyChanged(Int32, Object, Object) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Protected method SavePropertyValue<T>(String, T, ReportObject.SwapValue<T>) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Public method ToString() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method WrapPropertyStore(IPropertyStore) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)



  Name Description
Public property BackgroundRepeat Indicates how the background image should fill the available space.
Public property MIMEType The MIMEType for the image.
Public property Parent The parent of this report object. (Inherited from ReportObjectBase.)
Public property Position Indicates where a background image with BackgroundRepeat = Clip should be drawn.
Public property PropertyStore The property store. (Inherited from ReportObjectBase.)
Public property Site Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Public property Source Identifies the source of the image.
Public property TransparentColor Defines a color to treat as transparent in the background image.
Public property Value Gets the image data.


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IDisposable.Dispose() (Inherited from ReportObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate event IComponent.Disposed (Inherited from ReportObject.)
