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Displaying the Document Window

The document window can be configured to display either tabbed documents, or a multiple-document interface (MDI) environment. In tabbed document mode, which is the default, multiple documents show as tabs along the top of the document window.

Viewing the Document Layout

To view the default tabbed document layout

  1. On the main toolbar, click Database Engine Query. In the Connect to Database Engine dialog box, click Connect.

  2. In Object Explorer, right-click your server and then click New Query. In this case, the Query Editor uses the connection information of the Registered Server.

    Note how the windows appear as tabs on the document window.

Displaying the MDI Environment

To change to MDI environment mode

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.

  2. Expand Environment, and then click General.

  3. In the Environment Layout area, click MDI environment, and then click OK.

    Now the windows float separately inside the Microsoft document window.