Business Intelligence Wizard F1 Help
Use the Business Intelligence Wizard to define business intelligence features and set advanced options on cubes and dimensions. The wizard sets properties on existing objects, creates new objects, and generates Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) scripts to provide features such as dimension intelligence and currency conversion.
The Business Intelligence Wizard can guide you through some or all the following steps:
Define time intelligence for cubes.
Define account intelligence for cubes and dimensions.
Define dimension intelligence for cubes and dimensions.
Define unary operators for cubes.
Set custom member formulas for cubes and dimensions.
Specify attribute ordering for dimensions.
Enable dimension writeback for dimensions.
Define semi-additive behavior for cubes.
Define currency conversion for cubes.
After you enhance a cube or dimension by using the Business Intelligence Wizard, you can use Cube Designer, Dimension Designer, or Business Intelligence Wizard to edit its properties in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
In This Section
Define Account Intelligence (Dimension) (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Configure Dimension Attributes (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Set Dimension Intelligence Options (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Define Dimension Intelligence (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Specify a Unary Operator (Dimension) (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Create a Custom Member Formula (Dimension) (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Create a Custom Member Formula (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Specify Attribute Ordering (Dimension) (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Enable Dimension Writeback (Dimension) (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Set Currency Conversion Options (Business Intelligence Wizard)
Define Local Currency Reference (Business Intelligence Wizard)