sp_batch_params (Transact-SQL)
Returns a rowset that contains information about the parameters included in a Transact-SQL batch. sp_batch_params only parses the batch specified and returns information about embedded parameter values. It does not execute the batch or modify the execution environment.
sp_batch_params [ [ @tsqlbatch = ] 'tsqlbatch' ]
- [ @tsqlbatch =] 'tsqlbatch'
Is a Unicode string that contains a Transact-SQL statement or batch for which parameter information is that you want. tsqlbatch is nvarchar(max) or implicitly convertible to nvarchar(max).
Return Code Values
Result Sets
Column name |
Data type |
Description |
sysname |
Name of the parameter that SQL Server found in the batch. |
smallint |
This field always returns one of the following values: 0 = SQL_PARAM_TYPE_UNKNOWN 1 = SQL_PARAM_TYPE_INPUT 2 = SQL_PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT 3 = SQL_RESULT_COL 4 = SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT 5 = SQL_RETURN_VALUE In SQL Server 2005 and later, this column is always 0. |
smallint |
Data type of the parameter (Integer code for an ODBC data type). If this data type cannot be mapped to an ISO type, the value is NULL. The native data type name is returned in the TYPE_NAME column. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
sysname |
String representation of the data type as it is presented by the underlying DBMS. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL |
int |
Number of significant digits. The return value for the PRECISION column is in base 10. |
int |
Transfer size of the data. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
smallint |
Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
smallint |
Is the base for numeric types. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
smallint |
Specifies nullability: 1 = Parameter data type can be created allowing null values. 0 = Null values are not allowed. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
smallint |
Value of the SQL Server system data type as it appears in the TYPE field of the descriptor. This column is the same as the DATA_TYPE column, except for the datetime and ISO interval data types. This column always returns a value. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
smallint |
The datetime or ISO interval subcode if the value of SQL_DATA_TYPE is SQL_DATETIME or SQL_INTERVAL. For data types other than datetime and ISO interval, this column is NULL. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is NULL. |
int |
Maximum length in bytes of a character or binary data type parameter. For all other data types, this column returns a NULL. In SQL Server 2005 and later, this value is always NULL. |
int |
Ordinal position of the parameter in the batch. If the parameter name is repeated multiple times, this column contains the ordinal of the first occurrence. The first parameter has ordinal 1. This column always returns a value. |
Permission to execute sp_batch_params is granted to public.
The following example shows a query being passed to sp_batch_params. The result set enumerates the list of embedded parameter values.
DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(500);
/* Build the SQL string */
SET @SQLString =
N'SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE ManagerID = @ManagerID';
EXECUTE sp_batch_params @SQLString
See Also