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Specify Target SQL Server (Package Installation Wizard)

Use the Specify Target SQL Server page to specify options for deploying the package to an instance of SQL Server.


  • Server name
    Specify the name of the server to deploy the packages to.

  • Use Windows Authentication
    Specify whether to use Windows Authentication to log on to the server. Windows Authentication is recommended for better security.

  • Use SQL Server Authentication
    Specify whether the package should use SQL Server Authentication to log on to the server. If you use SQL Server Authentication, you must provide a user name and password.

  • User name
    Specify a user name.

  • Password
    Specify a password.

  • Package path
    Specify the name of the logical folder, or enter "/" for the default folder.

    To select the folder in the SSIS Package dialog box, click browse (...). However, the dialog box does not provide a means to select the default folder. If you want to use the default folder, you have to enter "/" in the text box.


    If you do not enter a valid package path, the following error message appears: "One or more arguments are invalid."

  • Rely on server storage for encryption
    Select to use security features of the Database Engine to help secure the packages.

  • Next
    Go to the next page in the wizard.

  • Finish
    Skip to the Finish the Package Installation Wizard page. Use this option if you have backtracked through the wizard pages to revise your choices and have specified all of the required options.