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Gets a change batch that contains item metadata for items that are not contained in the specified knowledge from the destination provider.


HRESULT GetChangeBatch(
  DWORD dwBatchSize,
  ISyncKnowledge * pSyncKnowledge,
  ISyncChangeBatch ** ppSyncChangeBatch,
  IUnknown ** ppUnkDataRetriever);


  • dwBatchSize
    [in] The requested number of changes to include in the change batch.

  • pSyncKnowledge
    [in] The knowledge from the destination provider. This knowledge must be mapped by calling ISyncKnowledge::MapRemoteToLocal on the source knowledge before it can be used for change enumeration.

  • ppSyncChangeBatch
    [out] Returns a change batch that contains item metadata for items that are not contained in pSyncKnowledge.

  • ppUnkDataRetriever
    [out] Returns an object that can be used to retrieve change data. It can be an ISynchronousDataRetriever object or a provider-specific object.

Return Value

  • S_OK

  • Provider-determined error codes


Be aware that dwBatchSize is a requested number only. A smaller or larger batch can be returned.

Notes for Implementers

If there are no more changes to send after this batch, ISyncChangeBatchBase::SetLastBatch must be called on the returned change batch. Otherwise, Sync Framework calls GetChangeBatch again to retrieve another batch of changes.


The following examples are an implementation of GetChangeBatch. The first example shows how to get a batch of changes from a custom metadata store object and a data retriever interface from a custom item store object. The second example implements the m_pMetadataMgr->GetChangeBatch method that is called in the first example. This method enumerates all items in the metadata store and adds an item to the returned change batch if the item is not contained in the destination knowledge.

STDMETHODIMP CXMLProvider::GetChangeBatch(
    DWORD dwBatchSize,
    ISyncKnowledge * pSyncKnowledge,
    ISyncChangeBatch ** ppSyncChangeBatch,
    IUnknown ** ppUnkDataRetriever)

    if (NULL == pSyncKnowledge || NULL == ppSyncChangeBatch || NULL == ppUnkDataRetriever)
        hr = E_POINTER;
        _ASSERT(NULL != m_pMetadataMgr);
        hr = m_pMetadataMgr->GetChangeBatch(dwBatchSize, pSyncKnowledge, ppSyncChangeBatch);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = m_pItemStore->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)ppUnkDataRetriever);

    return hr;
STDMETHODIMP CMetadataMgr::GetChangeBatch(
    DWORD dwBatchSize,
    ISyncKnowledge *pSyncKnowledge,
    ISyncChangeBatch ** ppSyncChangeBatch)

    ISyncChangeBatch* pChangeBatch = NULL;
    ISyncKnowledge* pMappedDestKnowledge = NULL;
    ISyncKnowledge* pSourceKnowledge = NULL;

    if (NULL == pSyncKnowledge || NULL == ppSyncChangeBatch)
        hr = E_POINTER;
        // Get our (source) knowledge object, map the remote (destination) knowledge for local use, 
        // and get our replica ID.
        GUID guidReplicaID;
        hr = GetKnowledge(&pSourceKnowledge);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pSourceKnowledge->MapRemoteToLocal(pSyncKnowledge, &pMappedDestKnowledge);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                ULONG cbID = sizeof(guidReplicaID);
                hr = GetReplicaId((BYTE*)&guidReplicaID, &cbID);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Create a new change batch object.  We'll fill this object with changes to send.
            IProviderSyncServices* pProvSvc = NULL;
            // This helper function creates and initializes the IProviderSyncServices interface.
            hr = GetProviderSyncServices(&c_idParams, &pProvSvc);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                hr = pProvSvc->CreateChangeBatch(pSyncKnowledge, NULL, &pChangeBatch);            

                pProvSvc = NULL;

        // Enumerate the items in our store and add new changes to the change batch.
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Begin an unordered group in our change batch. All change items will be added to this group.
            hr = pChangeBatch->BeginUnorderedGroup();
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                ULONG cFetched = 1;
                IItemMetadata* pItemMeta = NULL;
                SYNC_GID gidItem;
                ULONG cbgid = sizeof(gidItem);
                SYNC_VERSION verCur;
                SYNC_VERSION verCreate;
                hr = Reset();
                while (S_OK == hr)
                    hr = Next(1, &pItemMeta, &cFetched);
                    if (S_OK == hr)
                        hr = pItemMeta->GetGlobalId((BYTE*)&gidItem, &cbgid);
                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                            hr = pItemMeta->GetChangeVersion(&verCur);
                            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                // Find out whether the destination already knows about this change.
                                hr = pMappedDestKnowledge->ContainsChange((BYTE*)&guidReplicaID,
                                    (BYTE*)&gidItem, &verCur);
                                if (S_FALSE == hr)
                                    // S_FALSE means the destination does not know about the 
                                    // change, so add it to the change batch.
                                    DWORD dwFlags = 0;
                                    BOOL fTomb = 0;
                                    hr = pItemMeta->GetIsDeleted(&fTomb);
                                    if (fTomb)
                                        dwFlags = SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DELETED;                            

                                    hr = pItemMeta->GetCreationVersion(&verCreate);
                                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                        hr = pChangeBatch->AddItemMetadataToGroup((BYTE*)&guidReplicaID, 
                                            (BYTE*)&gidItem, &verCur, &verCreate, dwFlags, 0, NULL);


            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // We always send the entire set of changes, so every batch is the last batch. 
                // If this flag is not set Sync Framework will call GetChangeBatch again.
                hr = pChangeBatch->SetLastBatch();

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Close the change batch group that contains our changes.
                hr = pChangeBatch->EndUnorderedGroup(pSourceKnowledge, TRUE);

        if (NULL != pChangeBatch)
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Return the change batch we've constructed.  This will be sent to the 
                // destination provider.
                *ppSyncChangeBatch = pChangeBatch;

        if (NULL != pMappedDestKnowledge)
        if (NULL != pSourceKnowledge)

    return hr;

See Also


IKnowledgeSyncProvider Interface