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SkipReason Enumeration

Represents the reason why a file was skipped during change detection or change application.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Synchronization.Files
Assembly:  Microsoft.Synchronization.Files (in Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.dll)


Public Enumeration SkipReason
Dim instance As SkipReason
public enum SkipReason
public enum class SkipReason
type SkipReason
public enum SkipReason


Member name Description
UnknownError The skip reason is not known.
ApplicationRequest The application requested the skip. This occurs when the application sets the SkipChange property to true in its ApplyingChange event handler.
SourceModified The source file has changed since the change was detected.
DestinationModified The destination file has changed since the change was detected.
ReadError The file could not be read.
WriteError The file could not be written.
UnsupportedFileType The file type is not supported.
ConflictLoserWriteError The conflict loser file could not be written.


The SkipReason enumeration is used by the SkippedChange and SkippedFileDetect events.

See Also


Microsoft.Synchronization.Files Namespace