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SyncOrchestrator.SessionProgress Event

Occurs periodically during the synchronization session to report progress.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Synchronization
Assembly:  Microsoft.Synchronization (in Microsoft.Synchronization.dll)


Public Event SessionProgress As EventHandler(Of SyncStagedProgressEventArgs)
Dim instance As SyncOrchestrator
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of SyncStagedProgressEventArgs)

AddHandler instance.SessionProgress, handler
public event EventHandler<SyncStagedProgressEventArgs> SessionProgress
 event EventHandler<SyncStagedProgressEventArgs^>^ SessionProgress {
    void add (EventHandler<SyncStagedProgressEventArgs^>^ value);
    void remove (EventHandler<SyncStagedProgressEventArgs^>^ value);
member SessionProgress : IEvent<EventHandler<SyncStagedProgressEventArgs>,
JScript supports the use of events, but not the declaration of new ones.


The exact timing of this event and the data it sends depends on the type of providers that are being used. For more information, see Reporting Synchronization Progress.

See Also


SyncOrchestrator Class

Microsoft.Synchronization Namespace