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SqlGeometry Properties

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The SqlGeometry type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property HasM Returns true if at least one point in a spatial object contains value M; otherwise returns false. This property is read-only.
Public property HasZ Returns true if at least one point in a spatial object contains value Z; otherwise returns false. This property is read-only.
Public property IsNull Gets a value that indicates whether the SqlGeometry object is null.
Public property M Gets the M (measure) value of the SqlGeometry instance. The semantics of the measure value are user-defined.
Public propertyStatic member Null Gets a read-only property providing a null instance of the SqlGeometry type.
Public property STSrid Gets or sets an integer that represents the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) of the instance.
Public property STX Gets the X-coordinate property of a Point instance.
Public property STY Gets the Y-coordinate property of a Point instance.
Public property Z Gets the Z (elevation) value of the instance. The semantics of the elevation value are user-defined.


See Also


SqlGeometry Class

Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Namespace